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  • План урока по английскому языку Необходимо ли высшее образование ,чтобы стать успешным?

План урока по английскому языку Необходимо ли высшее образование ,чтобы стать успешным?

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Тема урока: «Is higher education necessary to be successful?»( Необходимо ли высшее образование, чтобы быть успешным ?)


Цель урока: совершенствование устно-речевых навыков, развитие речемыслительной деятельности, развитие критического мышления ,совершенствование навыков написания эссе по заданной теме на основе обсужденных аргументов. Практическое владение английским языком.

Основные задачи: совершенствование навыков аудирования, грамматики, письма, обучение анализированию; развитие догадки о значении новых слов по контексту.

Воспитательные задачи: повышение мотивации к учёбе, к получению высшего образования, повышение интеллектуального уровня учащихся, воспитание уважения мнений других людей.

План урока:

I. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.(1 min)

II. Речевая зарядка.(5min)

III. Просмотр видео.(5 min)

IV. Контроль понимания просмотренного.(2 min)

V. Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков.(12 min)

VI. Презентация проектных работ( контроль выполнения домашних заданий).(10min)

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Объяснение домашнего задания.(5min)

VIII.Заключительный этап урока.(5min)

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.(1 min)

Т.:Good morning, students! Are you happy today?Today we are going to discuss the issues of the higher education. We will watch a short video,then we will discuss the importance of the higher education in different groups, from different points of view, we will watch your presentations about different famous people and at the end of the lesson we will discuss the plan of the essay about the importance of the higher education.

II. Речевая зарядка.(5min)

T:-Aristotel said: "Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity."

(Aristotle)-(Образование является украшением в прцветании и прибежищем в несчастье)

What do you mean by higher education?

S-s:University, the Unified state examination, free of charge, fee-paying, a degree, the bachelor`s degree, the master`s degree, a specialist diploma, a professional, awell-paid job, job satisfaction, brain power.

Т.: Explain your answers,please

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

-I must pass my state exam t o enter the university.

-It is not enough for me to get only the bachelor`s degree.

-A higher education is a necessity for those who wish to work in an economy that is becoming dependent on brain power.

-Nowadays it is important to have a specialist diploma to get a well-paid job.

-I am concerned the higher education mustbe free of charge for all talented students.

III. Просмотр видео.(5 min)

T.: Let`s watch a short video about the higher education in Australia. Why according to the opinion of the professor it is necessary to get a higher education?(Просмотр отрывка видеоролика)

IV. Контроль понимания просмотренного.

You have watched a video. I would like to you offer a small test to check up your audio-visual skills.(На слай де предлагается тест)

Why is it important to get a higher education from his point of view?

Is it necessary to be awarded a degree to be successful?

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся (2min)

V. Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков.(12 min)

Т.:-Now, let`s discuss in groups the following issue "It is necessary for everyone to seek for higher education"

The 1st group will discuss this problem from the point of view of STUDENTS.

The 2nd - from the point of view of PARENTS.

The 3rd - from the point of view of the GOVERNMENT

You will have 5 minutes for discussion.


-I would like my child to have a better future than me. That`s why I will try to encourage him to get a higher education.

-Nowadays the quality of the higher education is getting lower because there are a lot of unknown branches of the institutes with no experience of teaching and may be with a staff,that has no qualification. Also, it is very expensive to study at the university and I would prefer my children to go to the professional college and then they can start working and get a distant education.

- One of the most important things in the life of people is higher education. I am concerned that children must get it in top-rank universities of the country, of a particular region or even abroad.


-From our point of view the majority of professions, connected with brain power require a university degree. It is necessary to succeed in the job. Moreover, some specialists like as doctors or university teachers don`t have the right to work without having a higher education.

-It is cool to study at the university. I think young people have much more opportunities at the universities to get real knowledge to be trained at research.

-Well, from our point of view, higher education is the goal, which should be achieved by every student, no matter he continues his profession or not. We agree with Aristotel "Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity."


-Higher education is provided by state and non-state higher education institutions. Approximately half of the students pay for their studies . Another half is paid by the government. The government spends too much money on providing a higher education.

- It is regretful that some students do not find a proper job after graduating. They have to work as shop assistants or taxi drivers. So, why was it necessary for them to get a higher education?

-Nevertheless ,the country needs top-professionals. We can`t compare the diploma of the Moscow state University and the diploma of the unknown university in a provincial town.In our opinion, higher education is not for everybody, but only for very talented and ambitious students.

- Consequently, the number of higher education institutions should be cut down.

T.: We have listened to each group. Let`s make conclusions! Has the government convinced parents and students?

VI. Презентация проектных работ( контроль выполнения домашних заданий).(10min)

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Объяснение домашнего задания.

T.:We have discussed some problems , connected with necessity of the higher education. Considering the arguments and some facts, you will have to write an essay on topic "It is necessary to get a higher education to be successful in modern society."

You will have to follow the plan:

"It is necessary to get a higher education to be successful in modern society."

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan:

-make an introduction(state the problem)

-express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

-express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

-Explain why you don`t agree with the opposing opinion

  • Make a conclusion restating your opinion

T.: You may ask questions if you have.

VIII.Заключительный этап урока.(5min)(Giving feedback)

T.: You were very active during the lesson and your ideas and arguments were useful and made a great contribution to the lesson that is why you get excellent marks.But you made some grammar mistakes and I would recommend you to revise the use of the Present Perfect and Past Simple. Thank you for participating in the lesson . I hope your essays will also be successful.

P1.: I would like to thank my classmates for their very useful arguments. I suppose I am more motivated now to get a higher education

Приложение 1(План эссе)

You will have to follow the plan:

"It is necessary to get a higher education to be successful in modern society."

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan:

-make an introduction(state the problem)

-express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

-express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

-Explain why you don`t agree with the opposing opinion

  • Make a conclusion restating your opinion

Приложение 2 TEST

Decide if the statements are TRUE/FALSE or there is no information about it (NOT STATED)

1.Fred d Agostino visited 25-30 schools every year for the last 10 years.1.TRUE



2.If you go to the university you get a better job and have higher life-time earning.1.TRUE



3.Christopher Pyne is the President of Australia.1.TRUE



4.If many more Australians could participate in higher education, Australian economy would prosper.1.TRUE



5.You can exercise complex judgements without a higher education.1.TRUE



6.Higher education allows people to be a participant and not just a spectator of the democratic society.1.TRUE



These people seem to be so different but they definitely have one thing in common - absence of post-secondary education. At the same time this list contains the richest people in the world. Education</<font face="Times New Roman, serif"> is very important nowadays and you shouldn't follow their examples!!! Nevertheless each of them had good reasons to leave it. But nobody left the idea to make their dreams come true.

1) Bill Gates

The richest man in the world has no higher education. Bill left studying in Harvard University because it took time which he wanted to spend for development of his own company. Bill Gates founded Microsoft after he left university. However Harvard University gave him honorary doctorate 30 years later.

2) Steve Jobs

The genius had no diploma too. During his speech to Stanford students Jobs said he left university because didn't see sense in studying. Some name one more reason - financial difficulties. Anyways, we see that the time Jobs didn't spend on university was not wasted.

3) Mark Zuckerberg

Like Bill Gates Zuckerberg left Harvard because studying didn't provide an opportunity to devote himself to the business of his life - social network Facebook.

4) Frank Lloyd Wright

He was one of the most famous architects of 20-th century. He aimed to combine stone constructions and nature. He became rich because the biggest American companies wanted to locate their businesses inside such offices designed by Frank. He left studying in the University of Wisconsin because he wanted to design but not to study theory about design.

5) Buckminster Fuller

This is one more American architect in the list. He studied in Harvard University and two times was expelled from the University. The idea that brought him success was ecological house. He wrote 28 books on architecture; all of them are in the list of recommended books for those who study architecture in Harvard.

6) James Cameron

He wanted to be psychologist but felt in love. James left the university, married and started to travel with wife in their trailer. After watching "Star Wars" he decided to become a film producer and this idea changed his life dramatically. Of course, after that he didn't want to return to study psychology.

7) Tom Hanks

Tom studied at university in California. The owner of 2 Oscars claims that studying in university gives only boring theory. That's why Tom decided to learn acting in practice at the local theater and left the university.





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