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  • План-конспект урока в 8 классе по теме Спорт и игры

План-конспект урока в 8 классе по теме Спорт и игры

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Урок английского языка в 8классе по теме

«Sport and Games»Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 8

Тема урока: «Sport and Games »


Данный урок разработан на основе изученного лексического материала. Форма выбрана из учета возрастных и личностных особенностей 8 класса. При этом ставится задача контроля языковых знаний, умений и навыков по данной теме. На уроке используются фронтальная, групповая, парная и индивидуальная формы работы. Чередование различных видов деятельности помогают активизировать деятельность учащихся.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Методы обучения:

  • словесные (рассказ, беседа)

  • практические (упражнения, работа с книгой)

  • репродуктивные (информационные, рецептивные, репродуктивные)

Цель: расширение общего и филологического кругозора учащихся о видах спорта Британии


-познавательные: автоматизация лексических навыков, активизация грамматических навыков;

-развивающие: развитие языковой догадки, логического мышления;

-воспитательные: создание условий для формирования у учащихся умений монологической спонтанной речи, умений обучающего чтения.

Продолжительность: 1 урок.

Речевой материал:

1.Английский язык: Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.

2. Предтекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения к тексту.

3.Лексика по теме.

Дидактические средства:

Английский язык: Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.

 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2001.

 Раздаточный материал. Доска.

План урока.

Организационный момент


Фонетическая зарядка. III. Речевая зарядка


Аудирование текста


Развитие умений говорения


Автоматизация лексических единиц


Проверка домашнего задания


Расширение знаний о видах спорта Британии



Подведение итогов урока. Объяснение домашнего задания. Заключение

Ход урока:I.


Good morning, boys and girls!


Good morning, teacher!


Today we have an unusual lesson. Our guests would like to listen to your way of discussing of one important problem. One English proverb says:''If we are healthy we are wealthy. What is it about? When we are healthy?

Фонетическая зарядка

Look at the blackboard and repeat after me: Early to bed, early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise.

(повторяют за учителем, затем самостоятельно)


Речевая зарядка









We are healthy when we go in for one kind of sport or another.

Is it important to go in for one kind of sport or another?

Yes it is. It is important to go in for one kind of sport to be healthy and strong.

What kinds of sport do you know?

There are different kinds of sport: track-and -field athletics, weight lifting, combat sports, calisthenics, aquatics ,ball games, winter sports.

Well, we'll talk about sports and answer the question-is it important to go in for sport-at the tnd of the lesson.V.

Аудирование текста«Sport in Great Britain»

T: -Lets imagine that you are the representatives of 2 countries :Russia and America. I think that TV Bridge will help us to discuss the problem of sport.You know that some of the representatives are members of our School English-speaking Club. One of the guests is Lena Osipova.She was in England last year and she would like to tell you about popular rind of sports in England.

-Look at the blackboard. There are some unknown words : fox-hunting, shooting, especially. (Аудирование текста)

Questions: 1.What kind of sports are popular in England? 2.What season is the bestfor cricket? 3. What uniforms are the cricket players dressed? 4.Why is it important to take sandwiches when you go to watch cricket games? 5. Where is cricket played?

V Телемост: Россия-Америка

Проверим домашнее задание.

It goes without saying that sport is of great help to keep fit. The main task for young men is to be healthy and strong.It is high time to tajk about popular kinds of sport nowdays.I wold like to ask Maya and Nick to help me. Lets start our TV Bridge.

Maya: All Right.Lets start. Well Nick, can you hear me?

Nick:Yes, everything all right. I try to guess your question. Ithink you want to know about other kind of sport.

Maya: You are right.

Nick:There are many kinds of sport They include baseball,softball, basketball, football, soccer.

Maya: It is interesting to know: are there any differences between football and soccer?

P: Yes there are some. Football is a field game between two teams,playing with an oval-shaped ball. The quarterback starts by passing the ball to the recever.The receiver tries to run with it toward the goal.

Nick: Thank you for your story. Now,Sasha, tell us about soccer.

P2: Soccer is a field game betwwn two teams, played with a white round ball.

The goalkeeper is the only one who can touch the ball with his hands. The other players are only allowed to kick the ball or bump it with their heads.

Nick : As you see, soccer differs from football.

Maya: And what about other kind of sports?

I think baseball in another popular game in your country.

P3: Baseboll is a game played with a wooden bat and a hard ball by two teams of 9 players each. One team is at bat and the other one is in the field alternately.

The object of a game is to score more "runs" than the other team.

J: Are there any questions to Nick?

Maya: I think it is impossible to tell about all hemol of sports. But still, is will be interesting to know about your favourite sports.

P4: Americans, are very fonol of sport. As for me, I'm fonf of basketball. I'm not very good at it yet. I can't throw the ball into the basket every time. It is a pity but I think the more I play the better I become. Practice makes perfect.

Nick: All right. Who would like to add anything?

P6: In our schools we have a nice - gym-hall. Sports and games are very popular among the children of the short.

Boys and girls take part in running, jumping, gymnastics - in many games. A lot of boys and girls train at special sport schools.

Nick: Thank you. Now, Maya, I think it is high to tell us about your popular sports.

Are you ready?

Maya: I quite agree with you. As you know sport is very popular in Russia. Sport helps people to become stronger, makes them organized in their daily work.

P7: In our country the most popular summer sports and games are football, volley-ball… The most popular winter sports and games are hockey , skating, skling.

P8: Many boys in our country enjoy football. Some boys and girls fond of playing volley-ball, basketball, tennis.

As for me, my favourite sport is swimming. I can go swimming all the year round.

J: Where do you mean?

P1: In summer I swim outdoor and in winter I go swimming in the pool. Swimming is popular with grown up and children. Swimming makes people healthy and strong.

J: Do you enjoy watching swimming competitions?

P8: Yes, I do. They are usually exciting. I like to watch figure-skating competitions too.

P9: I'd like to add,that most of the people in our country do morning exercises, jog in parks.

One of the favourite lessons is Physical training. One of the most popular sports in our country is volley-ball, baseboll, ice-hockey, boxing, figure-skating, swimming,

Maya: Well, hiking is the most popular sport in our region.

I think we have much common in sport and everyday's life.

J: I have an interesting letter from England. Betty wrote us a letter about her opinion to football.

Please, read it then let's discuss it.


  1. What does Betty say about football?

  2. Are you a football fan?

  3. Do you think football crowds are dangerous?

  4. Why do people watch football?

All right. It is high time to answer the main question of our lesson - Why is it important to go in for one kind of sport or another?



Well, now Ilya, tell us what we have done today.


Today we have discussed kinds of sport, revised the words and found out games and sport traditions of America.


Thank you. And your home assignment will be to write letters to your American friend about sport in Russia.


That is all for today. Your marks are… Good-bye!


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