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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку 'What the Native land begins from' 11 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку 'What the Native land begins from' 11 класс

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Конспект урока на тему: «What the Native land begins from? »

Класс: 10

Дата: 15.10.2014

Количество учащихся: 18

Продолжительность урока: 45 минут



  1. Формирование духовно-нравственной личности в процессе урока иностранного языка;

  2. Создание условий для становления нравственной позиции и гражданской компетенции;

  3. Воспитание чувств любви и гордости за большую и малую Родину;


  1. Развитие таких мыслительных операций, как: синтез и анализ;

  2. Развитие логических форм мышления: суждения и умозаключения;

  3. Создание условий для глубокой познавательной деятельности учащихся;


  1. Совершенствование умения устной речи;

  2. Совершенствование умения письменной речи;

  3. Активизация лексических и произносительных навыков;

  4. Отработка навыка ознакомительного чтения.


  1. Использовать ознакомительное чтение для понимания основного содержания художественной литературы (стихотворения);

  2. Отработать умение монологической речи в виде самостоятельного высказывания;

  3. Уметь высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения;

  4. Отработать умение письменной речи (написание личного письма с употреблением формул речевого этикета, рассказом об отдельных событиях своей жизни, с выражением своих суждения и чувств).

  5. Совершенствовать умение диалогической речи на примере диалога-обмена мнениями;

  6. Научить выражать свое отношение к высказыванию партнера.

Языковой материал:


активный: Native land, love for the country, patriotism, a patriot, true love, Homeland, native town, a sense of responsibility, a duty, to miss, unbearable, anguish, to oppress, to devote, a devotion, habitual;

пассивный: an execution, a birch, a starling, a wagon, an oath, to reward, countrymen, selflessly.

грамматический: Present Simple, Past Simple, Possessive case, Subjunctive mood.

Оборудование: экран, проектор, ноутбук, плакаты, презентации, видео, раздаточный материал (домашнее задание - письмо Куприна).

Ход урока на тему «What the Native land begins from?»

(Appendix 1. The translation of the lesson)


Действия учителя

Действия учащихся


I.Organization time

-Is everybody here?

-In that case, let's start!

-Look at the screen and read the poem that helps you to guess the topic of our lesson.

-Did you recognize the poem?

-And you're absolutely right!

-What do you think the author wanted to tell us through his poem?

-Great! That's right.

-After reading the poem I think you're ready to name the topic of our lesson, aren't you?

-You're getting warm! But the topic of our lesson and the title of the poem are the same.

-That's it! Well done!

-Yes, we are all.

(at the screen)

(poem - Appendix 2)

-Yes, we did! It's a famous poem «С чего начинается Родина».

-The author wanted to tell us about love for the country and what this love means.

-Yes, we are.

(Suggested children's answers)

-The topic of our lesson is patriotism.

-Today we will discuss what it means to be a patriot.

-It means that the topic of our lesson is "What the Native land begins from?"

5 min.

II.Homework checking

-I see posters on your desk. What are they for?

-I hope they are beautiful and informative! Can you present your posters to us?

-Your works were worthy. You've done a great job! I liked it!

-Have you got any other advertisements?

-Fantastic! I'm sure your works are interesting and perfect! Let's present them.

-I think all of you satisfied by your works! Did you like your classmates' advertisements? How can you evaluate these works?

-Can you choose the best work?

-Discussing is over. Whose work is the best one?

-Why do you think so?

-I'm completely agree with you. According to your votes I reward Maslenkova Svetlana with diploma for true love to the Homeland.

-Our home task for today was to do ex.8, p. 25. So these posters are advertisements about our native place.

-Yes, we can. (Pupils are coming up to the blackboard and presenting their advertisements. (Appendix 3)

-Yes, we've got presentations MS PowerPoint and videos.

(Pupil's presentations MS PowerPoint and videos on the disk. Appendix 4 )

-Yes, we did. They works were marvelous and creative!

-These works were worthy and interesting!

-It was pleased to feel pride for our town!

-We will try to do it. (They are discussing and voting)

-Sveta's advertisement is the best!

-Because she has a really good video.

- It was a surprise to see her in Turkey and in Sovetsk at the same time!

10 min.

III. Writing a personal letter.

-What did you feel when you create and present the advertisement?

-What would you feel if you were separated from the Homeland?

-It's only your imagination. But a century ago people who devoted heart and soul to Russia were forced to leave their Homeland.

-Watch an episode from the film "The Russians without Russia" by N. Mihalkov. You'll see how Russian people suffered without Russia and wanted to return home.

-You saw how our countrymen were homesick. Imagine that you love Russia selflessly too but you were forced to leave it. Your task is to write a letter to your friend, who stayed in Russia. In this letter you should describe your feelings and thoughts about the separation from your country.

-I felt proud for my native town.

-I felt love for the place where I live.

-I had sense of responsibility when I did my home task because it was my duty to my country to do it well.

-I'd miss my country and my town.

-Unbearable anguish would oppress my heart.

(Pupils are watching the video. The video on the disk)

(Pupils are writing the letters and then reading out them who wants)

15 min.

IV. Making up a dialogue (exchange of opinions)

-Remind me the topic of our lesson.

-Oh, yes, you're absolutely right! So, tell me what the Native land begins from?

-All your answers are true because Homeland for each person means something special.

-Exchange your opinions and make up a dialogue beginning from the phrase "What the Native land begins from?"

-The topic of our lesson is "What the Native land begins from?"

-It begins from the family.

-Native land begins from such feelings as: love, proud, devotion for your country.

-From my favorite school and teachers.

-From the habitual things.

(Pupils are making up the dialogues and role playing them)

10 min.

V. Summing up

-Our lesson is over. Look at the screen. (Appendix 5)

-You see the letter written by famous Russian writer A.I. Kuprin. Your hometask will be to translate this letter.

-The task is clear?

-What do you think about our lesson? What did you like most?

I liked your work in this lesson. You were interested in the topic. All of you show yourself as creative and active people.

-Maslenkova Svetlana, Novikova Aleksandra, Koroleva Karina, Berezhnoy Andrey, Petrova Victoria, Serzhantov Andrey worked especially productively and I give them excellent marks!

- Karpuhina Victoria, Mazharov Nikolay had some mistakes in their speeches and they get good marks.

-On the whole your work was brilliant today. Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye.

-Yes, it is.

-I like the classmates' advertisements most of all!

-The film struck me!

-Exchange opinions in the dialogues were great!

-Thank you too! Goodbye.

5 min.



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