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  • Урок английского языка на тему 'At the airport'

Урок английского языка на тему 'At the airport'

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Краткое описание: Урок английского языка для учащихся 5 класса, занимающихся по учебникам издательства Macmillan "Way Ahead -4", Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis. Учащиеся изучают английский язык со второго класса три раза в неделю. Урок английского языка "At the airport" является уроком-обобщения по данной теме. До начала у
предварительный просмотр материала


к открытому уроку английского языка в 5 «Б» классе

по теме «At the airport»

Учителя английского языка: Саенко Елены Михайловны

В 5 «Б» классе 30 учащихся, в группе 15 учеников, из которых 14 занимаются на «4» и «5», и % качества составляет 93%. Группа сильная, активная, в основном дети заинтересованы в изучении английского языка и с удовольствием ходят на уроки английского языка и легко справляются с любыми заданиями. Однако есть несколько учеников, которые не проявляют большого интереса к процессу изучения английского языка и соответственно не так активна на уроках.

5 «Б» класс является гимназическим классом, занимающийся по экспериментальной программе «Раннее изучение английского языка со 2-го класса». Данный класс изучает английский язык четвертый год по учебникам издательства «Макмиллан».

В данном 2014-2015 учебном году учащиеся 5 «Б» класса занимаются по учебнику «Way Ahead-4», авторы учебника: Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis.

Subject: English


Form: 5 Б


At the airport.


Teacher's book resources, video, active board, pictures on the theme 'At the airport', cards with dialogues, air tickets, safety cards

Aim of the lesson

Know new vocabulary of the lesson. Know defining relative clauses (who, that). Practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Use when + Past Simple.


Use active vocabulary of the lesson. Can use when + Past Simple and defining relative clauses (who, that). Can describe pictures with the theme 'At the airport'. Can work in groups.


Teacher's activity

Student's activity

Warm up

(Slide 1)

Greeting the students.

Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Vlad (a pilot):

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I'm very glad to see on the board of our liner Astana-London. I'm a pilot of our plane. My name is Vlad. Pleasant flight!


1. Teacher tells the S-s about the assessment on the lesson:

I'd like to say that you should get coins for each right answer. At the end of the lesson/flight we'll count your coins. And if you'll have 5 or more, I'll give you "5"; 4 coins -"4"; 3 coins -"3".

(Slide 2)

(Switching the video of safety rules on the active board)

(Slide 3)

2.Ask S-s to answer the questions according to listened information:

1. What must you use before the plane goes up into the air?

2. What should you read in the plane?

3. What mustn't you use before the plane goes up into the air?

Vlad (a pilot):

Let's listen to the safety rules. Try to remember them.

(The children listen to the safety rules)

2. S-s answer the questions according to listened information, looking at the questions on the active board:

1. You must use your seat belt before the plane goes up into the air.

2. You should read a safety card in the plane.

3.You mustn't phones, notebooks before the plane goes up into the air.

Revision of the active vocabulary

1.Ask S-s to answer the question:

Do you know people who work at the airport?

I'll check it up.

(Slide 4)

2. Ask S-s to look at the board and try to understand of forming of defining relative clauses (who, that).

3Ask S-s to play a game 'Describe the people':

Let's play a game. I have some cards with the name of jobs. Go to the board, take one of the cards, read it, show the children. All the children have to describe this person, using defining relative clauses who/that.

(Cards: Banker, pilot, air hostess, mechanic).

1.S-s answer the teacher's question:

Yes, I/we do.

2. S-s look at the board and match each sentence with the picture, explaining the rule of defining relative clauses (who, that).

3.S -s play a game, describing this person, using defining relative clauses who/that.

Presenting new vocabulary

(Slide 5)

1.Look at the active board and write down new words:

queue [kju:]-очередь,

trolley [trɔli] - тележка (разносчика),

cart [kɑ:t]- телега, повозка,

to wave [weiv]- размахивать, махать,

to point to [pɔint]- указывать, показывать,

seat[si:t]- сиденье, место

2.Ask S-s to read, pronounce and remember the words:

Will you repeat the words after me?

1.S-s look at the active board and write down new words.

2.S-s read, pronounce and try to remember the words.


1.Ask S-s to read the text in ex.2 p.60.

Read the task before the text and translate it.

Then read the text yourselves and translate it, circle the right word in each sentence.

2.Ask S-s to read the text aloud and to check the right word which they've chosen.

Whole class

1. S-s read the task before the text and translate it, then read the text by themselves.

2. S-s read the text aloud and check their words.


Ask S-s to look at the active board, try to remember the main information of the text and to complete the sentences from the text:

(Slide 6)

(on the active board)

1. When they arrived at the airport, they …

2. When they got on the plane …

3.When they looked out of the window …

Whole class

S-s look at the active board, try to remember the main information and complete the sentences from the text:

1. When they arrived at the airport, they put their suitcases on a trolley and went into the airport.

2. When they got on the plane, an air hostess said hello to them and pointed to their seats.

3.When they looked out of the window, everything below them was very small.


1.Ask S-s to remember all the words on the theme 'At the airport' and write them on the cards, looking on the active board, where there are the photos of the people who work at the airport:

(Slide 7)

I think you know the spelling of the words-jobs on the theme 'At the airport'. You should write the names of the jobs correctly on the cards, looking at the photos of the people on the active board.

2. Ask S-s to exchange their cards with their partners and check them.

(Slide 8)

There is a scale of marks and right answers on the active board:

5 + = "5"; 4 + = "4"; 3+ = "3"

  1. Air hostess

  2. Mechanic

  3. Plane

  4. Pilot

  5. Passenger

3. Ask the pilot (Vlad) and the air hostess (Adiya) check this quiz and give the children coins only for "5".

1. S-s write the words on the cards, looking on the active board, where there are the photos of the people who work at the airport.

2.S-s exchange their cards with their partners, check them and put a mark, looking at the scale of marks.

3. The pilot (Vlad) - the first row, the air hostess (Adiya) - the second row go along the rows and give coins only for "5".


1.Ask S-s to make up the dialogues 'At the airport' in groups.

Let's make up the dialogues 'At the airport' in groups. The first row is the first group, the second row is the second group. Now, listen to the task. I'll give you a sheet of paper with the name of the people and the strips of the dialogue. Make up the dialogue in right order. Then you should dramatize it before the class as well as you can.

2.Ask S-s to check the right order of their dialogue, looking at the active board:

(Slide 9, 10)

Which group has right dialogue I'll give a coin each student.

Pair work

1.S-s make up the dialogues 'At the airport' in groups.

2. S-s check the right order of their dialogue, looking at the active board.


Ask S-s to count coins and put marks in their diaries:

Open your diaries and put a mark yourselves, counting your coins.

(Slide 11)

***** or more - "5"

**** - "4"

*** - "3"

S-s count coins and put marks in their diaries.


(Slide 12)

While the S-s are drawing their smiles, the video with a song is being shown on the screen.

The pilot (Vlad) the air hostess (Adiya) go to the board.

The pilot (Vlad) says:

Do you like our flight? Please draw smiles if you like it, don't like or don't know.

The pilot and the air hostess go along the rows and give cards to the rest of the students.

S-s take cards and draw smiles and stick them on the board.

Home task

WB p.65


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