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  • Ход урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему 'Страны и континенты' (5 класс)

Ход урока и презентация по английскому языку на тему 'Страны и континенты' (5 класс)

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Краткое описание: Как я понимаю урок в рамках ФГОС?Урок – это система, звенья которой логично выстроены. Главное в уроке видеть и знать его основные законы. Зная основные законы урока можно «обрастать» новыми приёмами и методами. Основная цель современного учителя – выбрать те методы и пр
предварительный просмотр материала
  1. Инициирование или мотивация

Greeting. Hello, guys. Nice to see you today. Look, how many people have come to our lesson. I have some entrance tickets with the special words. Please, take your seats according to the category of your words. ( на карточках написаны слова, обозначающие названия городов, стран, географических объектов)Will you read the word on your ticket to check your category? That's correct. There are three teams and I am ready to start the English lesson.

Yesterday, when I was browsing the net, I found a nice poem. I'd like to recite it for you. You have to listen to it and try to guess the theme of the lesson today.(1 min)

Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful World,

With the wonderful water round you curled.

And the wonderful grass upon your breast -

World, you are beautifully dressed.

Ребята делают предположения о названии урока: Shall we talk about nature, cities, countries?

  1. Актуализация имеющихся знаний (Разогрев). Вызов.

Warm up. Do you like it? What are we going to speak about? You are right. The theme of the lesson is "the World". Brain storming: What comes to your mind when you hear the word "World"? Chose a student who is good at writing and make a list of your own words (1min) Read your words. Who is the winner?

The quote for today is "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page". Do you like to travel? Where have you been? What countries would you like to be in? Today you have a chance to travel around the World for half an hour.

Different countries are associated with different things. What countries are associated with these words?

  1. Выявление места и причины затруднений The scientists argue how many continents are in the world. I suggest you watching the video about the continents and answering some questions. If you like the song, sing it.

Видео: песенка о континентах. Вопросы: What is the difference between continent and country? (Countries are made by people, continents are naturally made.) What continent is the biggest? What is the smallest? (2min)(They are seven)

The seven-continent model is usually taught in China, India, the Philippines, parts of Western Europe and most English-speaking countries

The six-continent combined-Eurasia model is mostly used in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Japan.

  1. Исследование. Организация понимания. Снятие трудностей.

Предтекстовое упражнение. Today we are going to read the text with proper names which are difficult to pronounce. The reference material helps us to do the next task divide the words into 3 categories.(3min) The City group, your task is underline all words on category capitals. The Country group, the words on category countries, the Geographical features on category continents and oceans. And now look at the right answers and practise in pronunciation.

1. The names of the oceans and continents

2. The names of countries

3. The names of the capitals

Europe, Moscow, the Pacific Ocean ,China, Peru, Rome, Canberra, Asia, the Indian Ocean, Italy, Germany, Washington D.C. Delhi, America, Egypt, Paris, India, the Atlantic Ocean, the Russian Federation, Madrid, Canada, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, Argentina, Berlin, Delhi, Africa, Cairo, the Arctic Ocean, Australia, London, Spain, South America, Ottawa, the USA, Japan, North America, Brazil, France, Peking, Hanoi

  1. Обсуждение. Осмысление. Закрепление понимания

Read the text to get some new information about the world around us. Which continent isn't mentioned in the text? Why is there no country in it? (3min)

Be ready to answer the questions: "Thin"questions - Short answers

Do we live on the planet Earth?

Are there 6 oceans on our planet?

Are there 5 continents on our planet?

Do oceans separate continents from each other?

Is Great Britain a big island?

Is Australia the smallest continent?

Is Russia situated in Europe?

Are there many countries on each continent?

"Thick"questions - Full answers

How many oceans are there on the Earth? What are they?

How many continents are there on the Earth? What are they?

What continent is the biggest?

What continent is the smallest?(2min)

  1. Итог: «Свое Прочтение Имени». Явление Личностного Смысла. Генерирование идей и создание собственного продукта.

Рефлексия учебной деятельности. Ролевая игра. You are at an international Peace conference. Say what your name is and present your country. (5 min) Choose the badge with the popular name of the country and make your own clusters. (4min). On the screen there is an example how to make a cluster (гроздь). Reference material in your books helps you.

  1. Подходим к нравственной составляющей темы урока Song. The world is enormous. So many countries, so many people. All people need to live in peace. The whole world is in our hands. God created the world and we should care about it.(2 min)

We've got the whole globe in our hands,

We've got the whole globe in our hands,

We've got the whole globe in our hands.

We've got Europe, Asia, Africa in our hands,

North and South America in our hands,

We've got Australia and Antarctica in our hands.

We've got the whole globe in our hands.

  1. Оценка и самооценка. Reflection. Now think about your work at the lesson

What tasks today were difficult for you? Have you learned anything new? Complete the sentences with your own ideas (3min)

  • Today I have known….

  • It was interesting to …

  • It was difficult to…

  • I could…

  • I was surprised that…

  • I was good at…

  • Now I can…

  • I would like to…

Your marks are…

  1. Организация домашней самостоятельной работы. Имеют выбор домашнего задания: написать названия стран или столиц в алфавитном порядке.

  2. Прощание.


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