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Аудирование. ( Listening) 6 баллов
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А-G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
Perfume can't be a good present for many reasons.
Best presents are presents that create shared memories.
Practical presents are not good presents.
This sort of present can be good for everybody.
Good perfume is the best present that is always easy to get.
This present is a good way out, but not always perfect.
Think of a person's lifestyle while choosing a present.
Чтение. ( Reading) 6 баллов
Установите соответствие тем A-G текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
Poor communication
Helpful Method
Past Hobby
Body language
Enjoyable games
Health problems
More imaginations
In just a few years mobile phones have become a common sight everywhere. Walk past any café and you will see people chatting on their phones or sending text messages. However, some people are concerned that the signals these phones send out may be bad for our health. They worry that holding a mobile close to your head might have an effect on your brain. So, it may be a good idea to use your ordinary phone when you can.
We learn a lot by reading, but what if you can't see the words on the page? Many blind people can read braille. Braille is a system of writing using raised dots on the page that you can feel with your fingers. A Frenchman called Louis Braille invented it in 1821, when he was just 12 years old. His system makes life easier for many thousands of blind people all over the world.
When we talk to someone, only a small part of our meaning is in what we say. Some people say that as little as 7% of our message is contained in our words. We use our hands to express ourselves and we use our faces to show that we are listening or to show how we feel. Our faces and our hands can also show things that we might want to hide, like the fact that we are lying, for example.
People can now use the Internet and e-mail to communicate with each other cheaply and quickly. Twenty years ago, however, this wasn't possible. In those days in Britain, some people used amateur radio to contact people all over the country, and even around the world. They had special radios in their houses that sent out radio signals. They contacted each other to exchange news about their lives and about the weather, or even to play games such as chess.
One of the most interesting types of the radio programme is radio drama. Although some radio stations only broadcast music, some also produce plays for their listeners. Many people prefer listening to a play on the radio to watching it on TV because they can be more creative. On TV, the programme-makers decide exactly what a place or a person looks like. On radio, though, you can imagine it any way you like.
Before the invention of radio, it was almost impossible to communicate over large distances. The only way to communicate with people far away was to send a message or a letter with a person. People lit fires on hills as a signal to each other, but it wasn't a very good way of communicating. It was very difficult to find out what was happening in distant places and news often took weeks or even month to travel around the world.
№ текста
Лексика и грамматика (Use of English) 8 баллов
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами B4-B11 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами.
The Platypus
In the rivers of south-eastern Australia, you can find an animal called a platypus.
The platypus is one of the___ B4 STRANGE ______animals in the world.
It ___ B5 EXIST- only in Australia and belongs to a group of animals called monotremes.
When Europeans first saw an example of the animal in the 1700s, they _B6 THINK___
it was a joke.
They _B7 NEVER SEE_ anything like it before and they refused to believe that it was a real animal.
A _B8 TWO_ example arrived from Australia, and then more, and the scientists realized that this unusual creature was real.
Today, the platypus _B9 LIVE_ in the waters around south-east Australia.
It is not rare, but some people worry that water pollution could be a problem as the water around Sydney gets __B10 DIRTY____.
We still _B11 NOT KNOW____much about this mysterious animal and we have a lot to learn.
Социокультурная компетенция (Socio-cultural competence) 5 баллов
Дайте ответы на вопросы
What cat did Alice speak to in Wonderland?
What British newspapers do you know?
What city is the capital of Northern Ireland?
What is Daniel Defoe famous for?
Name the highest mountain in Britain.
5. Понимание видео (Top 10 Travel Attractions of London, England) 6 баллов
Вы посмотрите видео о главных достопримечательностях Лондона 2 раза. Выберите правильные варианты в тесте на его понимание. Правильный только 1 вариант ответа из четырех
1. What's the host's name?
a) Namy
b) Naomi
c) No name
d) Nanny
2. Where's the Nelson Square situated?
a) Trafalgar Square
b) Nelson Square
c) St Paul's Cathedral
d) Covent Garden
3. What's the London icon?
a) fountains
b) double decker
c) London eye
d) the Queen
4. Where are attractions visible from?
a) London eye
b) the Tower
c) the cruise
d) double decker
5. When was London Bridge constructed?
a) 1794
b) 1885
c) 1984
d) 1894
6. What was build for millennium celebration?
a) London Eye
b) Tower of London
c) Westminster Palace
d) Buckingham Palace