• Учителю
  • Контрольные задания в тестовой форме по английскому языку. 4 класс. Unit 7 School is fun. Section 1-2. УМК Enjoy English, Биболетова М.З.

Контрольные задания в тестовой форме по английскому языку. 4 класс. Unit 7 School is fun. Section 1-2. УМК Enjoy English, Биболетова М.З.

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предварительный просмотр материала


4 класс

Unit 7. School is fun.

(Section 1-2)

  1. Прочитай диалог и вставь пропущенные слова:

eyes, put on, think, present, puppy, nine, want, clothes.

Mother: good morning! Nancy, you are (1) _____________ today! Happy birthday to you, my dear!

Nancy: Thank you, Mummy. I'm so happy.

Mother: Here is a (2) ______________ for you from me! And here is a present from your father!

Nancy: Beautiful flowers! Red roses! What is that in the box, Mummy?

Mother: It is a (3) ________________ . Don't you (4) ____________ to have a puppy?

Nancy: I do, I do. But is he OK?

Mother: yes, he is fine. He is sleeping! Puppies like to sleep very much.

Nancy: Will he open his (5) ______________ when my friends come? Well, Mummy, can you help me?

Mother: Yes, my dear.

Nancy: I don't know what to (6) ________________ in the evening. What are the best (7) ____________ for a birthday party?

Mother: I (8) _____________ they are the most beautiful clothes you have. Let's have a look!

  1. Составьте словосочетания и запишите их.

переводить новые слова. - ______________________________________

читать тексты. - _______________________________________________

делать домашнюю работу. - _____________________________________

отвечать на вопросы. - _________________________________________

говорить по-английски. - _______________________________________

учить наизусть. - ______________________________________________

петь песни. - _________________________________________________

приходить в школу. - __________________________________________

  1. Вставь пропущенные слова.

  1. Tom ___________________ (встал) early in the morning.

  2. You ___________________ (нарисовал) a nice picture.

  3. My father ___________________ (играл на) the piano at 3 o'clock.

  4. His brother __________________ (убирал) his house in the afternoon.

  5. My grandfather _________________ (смотрел) TV in the evening.

  6. I ______________________ (читал) English books at 7 o'clock.

  7. John _________________ (получил) many presents on his birthday.

  8. I __________________ (ходил) in the park yesterday.

  1. Подбери к вопросам (1-8) соответствующие ответы (a-h)

Пары вписать (приписать букву подходящего ответа) 1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -


5 -

6 -

7 -

8 -

  1. Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.

  1. My sister is the __________________ (good) pupil in her class.

  2. It is a very ________________ (funny) English book.

  3. This baby is the _________________ (smart) baby in the world.

  4. Mary is a __________________ (nice) girl. I like her.

  5. My bike is __________________ (small) than your bike.

  6. I think giraffes are the ______________________ (beautiful) animals.

  7. The dog is a ______________ (clever) pet.

  8. Tigers are _______________ (big) than dogs.

  1. Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски.

  1. I like to swim in the _____________________________ .

  1. We like to play hockey in _____________________ when it is cold.

  1. Bananas are _____________________ .

  1. I usually wear a ____________________ when it is warm.

  1. I _________________ to school tomorrow. I am ill.

  1. __________________ year I will go to the mountains.

  1. What girl has got _____________ eyes?

  1. Did they ______________ a wale in the Zoo?


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