- Учителю
- План-конспект урока по английскому языку ВЫБОР ПРОФЕССИИ в 11 классе (в рамках подготовки к обязательному выпускному экзамену за курс средней школы)
План-конспект урока по английскому языку ВЫБОР ПРОФЕССИИ в 11 классе (в рамках подготовки к обязательному выпускному экзамену за курс средней школы)
План-конспект урока английского языка в 11 классе.
Тема урока: «Выбор профессии»
Цель: совершенствовать навыки чтения, развивать способности аргументированного высказывания, воспитывать уважительное отношение ко всем профессиям в профориентационном пространстве.
Тип урока: изучение нового материала.
Оснащение: ИКТ, дидактические карточки, наглядность.
Ход урока
Организационный момент. Речевая зарядка. Целеполагание.
- Good morning dear pupils. Glad to see you. Let's begin our lesson. Look at the blackboard. Here's a saying: «There's always a job one is good at». Do you understand it? Well. I am a teacher.
- Do you think I am a good teacher? P1…P6.Why do you think so? P1...P6.Thank you. And what is your greatest strength? P1...P6.Now I'd like to know what professional traits of character I possess? P1...P6. OK! Do you think I'm successful in my work? P1…P6. What jobs do you think you will be successfull in? P1…P6.So our topic is …. (учащиеся отвечают сами). Today I want you to be acquainted with the wonderful world of professions. We'll try to understand whether it is difficult or not to choose a profession and what we must do to make a right choice.
Фонетическая зарядка.
- Listen to the poem, please, and say what it is about (Приложение 1) What professions have you heard? Now let's read it with the right sounds. Mind the sound [w]. Recommend the boy to choose a job out of those mentioned in the poem. Give your reasons.
Актуализация знаний. Введение нового материала.
- What other professions do you know? P1...P6
- Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs
Работа в парах по карточкам. (Приложение 2)
Активизация употребления лексических единиц. Разноуровневая групповая работа. (Приложение 3)
And now I've prepared for you some newspaper advertisements about vacant jobs. Your task is to read and analyse them and then to answer the following questions.
Who is required?
What organisations have given the applications?
What are the demands of the employers?
What professional qualities must the person possess?
Закрепление употребления лексических единиц «Советы психолога при трудоустройстве».
- Here's a list of pieces of advice that psychologists give school-leavers if they want to create a favorable impression either at a job interview or at an important exam. Read it and say which, in your opinion, are the three most important pieces of advice. (The unknown words: сhew - жевать, toss - вскидывать, beforehand - заранее).
Don't chew your nails or fingers or toss your hair all the time. It only shows that you are too nervous and not well-prepared.
Don't wear evening or too frivolous clothes. Dress smartly according to the formal occasion. It shows that you are well - brought up and responsible.
Wear a shirt and a tie if the interview demands it.
Enter the room with a bright and friendly smile.
Don't sit down if not asked to.
Look at the person you are talking to
Don't use your mobile phone. Switch it off beforehand.
Релакспауза. Игра «Guess a profession».
- There are 10 cards with certain professions. Take any card and try to represent and the rest of the pupils must guess what profession it is. (Приложение 4)
Работа с текстом.
Чтение с извлечением нужной информации.
- Now I am giving you the text «Choice». (Приложение 5)
- Your task is:
Read the text and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.
Alan is not old enough to leave school. Read aloud the extract which says that nevertheless choosing the right job is important to him.
What jobs are required in every society?
What advice does Alan give to school-leavers?
Unknown words:
skill - навык
require - требоваться
choose - выбирать
satisfaction - удовлетворение
Контрольно-коррекционная беседа.
Do you agree with Alan's advice? Why? P1 - P5
Is it difficult for you to choose a profession?
What must we do to make a right choice?
What could you do to become a qualified specialist in the job you like?
Подведение итогов урока. Знаниевая рефлексия (выходной тест), обратная связь (Приложение 6)
Выставление отметок. Объяснение домашнего задания.
Домашнее задание: упр. 3b, стр. 35
The lesson is over. Thank you. Good-bye.
Приложение 1
When I think of what I will be,
It is something that puzzles me.
When I am a grown man,
Shall I drive a lorry or a van?
Shall I be an electrician,
And fix everybody's television?
When I think of what I'll be,
It is something that puzzles me.
Приложение 2
A vet
A cook
A pilot
A militiaman
A driver
A nurse
A waiter
A postman
A banker
A builder
makes food
cures sick animals
looks after sick people
serves people food
keeps a bank
catches criminals
drives buses or cars
brings newspapers
builds houses
flies aeroplanes
Приложение 3
Advertising Trainee
We are looking for a young person for training in the advertising department of a national company. This is an opportunity for a person with a strong interest in the commercial world.
Write to:
Managing Director
P.O. Box 2567, Westport
Administration Trainee
We have a vacancy for a trainee in our head office. Main duties will be office work with some reception and telephone work. Training will be given in the use of a computer. The successful applicant will have college level education in business-related subjects and will be able to work with a minimum of supervision. Typing skills essential. Age range preferably 17-21. Good working conditions. Please apply in writing, stating age, qualifications and other relevant information to:
Administration Manager,
Junior Reporter
We are looking for a young person to get to work on our well-known monthly Mountain Magazine. You must be enthusiastic about climbing and interested in learning about journalism.
Age and qualifications are unimportant. The salary we offer is modest, but the job is exciting and rewarding.
Please write or telephone:
Teresa Mason (071-876-5432),
Mountain Magazine, 22, High Street,
Norwich, Norfolk 6HC 1NN
Приложение 4
Карточки с названиями профессий:a cook, a pilot, a militiaman, a teacher, a postman, a doctor, a driver, a waiter, a builder, a vet.
Приложение 5
Getting a job in today's competitive world is not easy. Most jobs require qualification. They need university education or practical skills.
Many children study at school well because they want to get a good education and find a good job. Some people, of course, have obvious abilities and since childhood they know that they are going to be musicians, painters, actors or ballet-dancers. Most young people have to go into more common but not less necessary jobs which are always required in different spheres of life. No society can do without teachers, doctors, drives, builders, farmers, engineers, scientists, factory workers, cleaners and many other important jobs required in any society.
I am not old enough to leave school, but soon time will come when I'll have to find a job. Choosing the right job is important because I want to enjoy my work and get satisfaction from it and I also want to make a successful career. So it's better to think about your future job while you are still at school. You should use your final year or two at school to get more information about different jobs and maybe get the qualifications you need for the job you want. Or perhaps you should do better at school and go to university or college to study more so that you could become a qualified specialist in the job you like.
Приложение 6
1. Write your positive traits of character which you need in your future work.
2. 1) Begin the sentence:
… cures sick animals.
2) Сontinue the sentence
A cook …
3. Answer the questions:
1) What are the main duties of the administration trainee?
2) What demands are required to the junior reporter?
4. Write the most important psychologists' piece of advice (in your opinion)
5. Answer the questions:
1) What professions are mentioned in the text «Choice»?
2) Why is choosing the right job very important for Alan?