- Учителю
- План-конспект урока английского языка по теме «Изобретения».
План-конспект урока английского языка по теме «Изобретения».
Урока английского языка по теме «Изобретения».
Класс: 11
Цель урока: Расширить кругозор учащихся по теме «Изобретения» средствами английского языка.
Активизировать лексические единицы по данной тематике.
Развивать навыки устной речи.
Обучать чтению текстов с извлечением детальной информации.
Развивать умение анализировать, обобщать, выделять главное в процессе учебной деятельности.
Презентации учащихся на тему «Изобретения»;
Видео-ролик Спенсера Брауна на тему «The world a greatest inventions of all time»;
Тексты на темы: а) «How did Eli Whitney and the cotton gin change the world»
б) «How did Louis Pasteur and Pasteurization change the world?»
в) «How did Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone change the world?»
г) «How did Steve Wozniak and the personal computer change the world?»
Ход урока:
Приветствие. Задачи урока.
Good afternoon, girls and boys. We are glad to see you. Today we have an unusual lesson. I want you to look at the board and say what we are going to talk about.
Read the statement.
« There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home».
(Ken Olson.)
-Do you agree with this statement?
-How do you understand it?
-What does the phrase « to have a computer at home» mean?
2. Phonetic drills.
Look at the black blackboard. Read the words:
Inventions изобретения
electricity распределение
distribution электричество
phenomenal образованный
literate феноменальный
implications цифровой
digital вовлечение
hydrogen сохранять
preserve водородный
cans замечательный
Remarkable банка
Match the words with translation and transcription.
Make up word-combinations.
(the distribution of electricity, to preserve energy, digital cameras, literate, person phenomenal inventions, etc.)
3.Речевая зарядка.
Answer the questions:
-Can we imagine our life without inventions?
-Will they change the world?
-What modern inventions do you know?
-How often do you use them?
- What are the world greatest inventions for you?
-Do inventions make our life easier?
4. Развитие навыков аудирования.
Listen to the opinion of Spencer Brown, inventor and founder.
(смотрят видео - ролик об изобретениях всех времен)
Spencer Brown (inventor And Founder) gives expert video advice on:
What is the world`s greatest invention?;
What are the top inventions of all time?;
How often does an invention change the world? And more…
What is the world`s greatest invention?
The number one invention in the world is electricity, because without it, we stop. Everything is running on electricity. Look at our gadgets, look at our homes, look at light. Without it, we don`t have incubation for premature babies. Without it, we don`t have toast in the morning. How about Starbucks without electricity? Come on, you have to have electricity. That, to me, is the single most unique invention and the distribution of electricity I think is pretty phenomenal.
What are the top inventions of all the time?
For me the top ten best inventions of all time is no particular order are: electricity the creation and distribution of it. Penicillin- without is half of us would be dead. The printing press, Guttenberg not only has enabled people to be literate, but he has really had global implications in terms of how we our communicate information. The telephone I think is a phenomenal invention. Aeroplanes and computing, the sonogram, which I know a lot of people don`t realize, but the sonogram helps us to locate fish, oil and helps us monitor foetus development. That`s a `biggle` ; people don`t realize that, that`s the `sneaker`. Cameras, digital in particular, I think are a phenomenal invention. Hydrogen cell fuel is phenomenal and glasses for people to read. And the last one is IPod. Now there is one other invention that was done in 1810 that was done by Peter Durand, and it was the metal can. And I know people say Campbell Soup- «hello!?» Up to that point it was impossible to preserve foods. But one guy figured out a way to can and preserve food. And when that happened you can see a direct correlation for supermarkets developing. And people not getting as sick. And food distribution became a very huge industry. Without cans we do not have supermarkets.
How often does an invention change the world?
In my experience, you see what I call amazing inventions come out about every two or three years; something that changes the marketplace. The Internet has not only changed the way that the world does business, but that was an invention. And now programmers that actually invent different ways in harnessing the part of the Internet are servicing every month. I mean, if you take a look at Videojug, how phenomenal this side is, if you take a look at Yelp, if you take a look at Flicker: all of these websites, they have a patent on them. That's an invention, it's a program. So, that's changing all the time. In terms of a real product, where you can touch it, see it outside of the Internet space, every couple of years there's a product that comes around that's just absolutely, remarkable, phenomenal.
Answer the questions.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, пользуясь спец. словами.
I believe..
Im sure...
I suppose...
I agree...
I also think so...
In afraid, I cant agree with you...
thats a good idea...
What are the top inventions of all time?
(The number one invention is electricity. It is the single most unique invention)
What are the phenomenal inventions?
What are the top inventions of all time?
(Учащиеся перечисляют :
-penicillin without it people would be dead
-printing press
-the telephones
-glasses for people to read
-metal cans
(it was impossible to preserve food)
How often does an inventions change the world?
(every two or three years)
5. Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением информации.
Devide into 4 groups.
Read the text and give the main idea of the text.
(Учащиеся читают тексты и стараются понять смысл.)
How did Eli Whitney and the cotton gin change the world?
What was unique at the time was, cotton was a very unique product and they were just learning how to spool it but when you look at the cotton manufacture, cotton harvesting process it was laborious bacuse you have to take out these cotton seeds so he invented a very unique machine at the time with very little resources that enabled him to process acres of cotton in hours versus weeks and that gave rise to the garment textile industry and enabled cotton farmers to provide cotton for everything that we wear today. So wtihout Eli we wouldn't be wearing these cool clothes and it would be, and if we did it would be very expensive so he was able to find out, find a process to produce more efficiencies in the marketplace with mechanized machinery versus labor.
How did Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone change the world?
Without telephones, we would be in the stone age. Telephones in the beginning, were a very unique way of communicating. People still, to this day, accept it as part of our life. It was actually invented less than a hundred years ago, when it was brought to market. Now I can take a cell phone and call anywhere in the world, crystal clear. Alexander Graham Bell was the father of communication, and with communication you have a better exchange of ideas in addition to better information.
How did Louis Pasteur and Pasteurization change the world?
A lot of people don't realize that up until Louis Pasteur and his science work, we didn't know why we were getting sick, because there's basically problems with food. Bacteria. And he was able to determine that a lot of our food groups and food products needed to be refrigerated, and he also came up with a number of different medicines and ideas to help us live a healthier life. So without Louis Pasteur, we would still be eating tainted foods and tainted milk and having tremendous sickness from that.
How did Steve Wozniak and the personal computer change the world?
What makes Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak so unique, definitely they have two spots in the hall of inventors, is that computer up until Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak developed Apple was very difficult to process. What they invented was an easier way or humanistic way of computing. Instead of having a trash code to delete a file they graphically created a trash can so you take the file drag it to the can open it and throw it away. Just like what are you doing at home. They humanized the computer and that's what they are so unique about. Another unique aspect about Steve Jobs and Wozniak is that right from the beginning they understood that music was critical to their audience. Their consumers loved music and loved design. The first beginning when you have the Commodore 64 and that developed again to the Apple 30 i and SE and Quadra, Performa, all of this developments, you have the infancy and the first five years but every five years they have a major shift, major transformation. Twenty-five years into making computers they have harnessed the most powerful electronic gadget and the harnessed the most interesting topic of music. They control distribution music more efficiently, cheaper, and faster with more style than anyone could imagine. They've done it in less than four years. The iPod has singularly changed the way music has been distributed and listened to.
Учитель задает вопросы и учащиеся отвечают на них:
How did Eli Whitney change the world?
(Cotton was a very unique product and gave rise to the textile industry and provide cotton for everything we wear today and
Without cotton and Eli Whitney we would not be wearing these cool clothes)
(cotton gin -хлопкоочистительная машина)
How did Louis Pasteur and Pasterization change the world?
(He was able to determine that a lot of our food and food products needed to be refrigerated.
Without Louis Pasteur we would still be eating tained foods and tained milk and having tremendous sickness.)
How did Steve Mozniak and the personal computer change the world?
(They invented an easier way of humanistic way of computing
They created a trash can.
They humanized the computer.)
How did Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone change the world?
(Alexander Graham Bell was the father of communication, and with communication you have a better exchange of ideas in addition to better information.)
6. Presentations.
Учащиеся показывают свои презентации на тему «Изобретения».
Now you may have a rest.
(Учащиеся получают фломастеры, листы бумаги, рисуют ребусы, строят рифмы, загадки)
1)Try to make rhymes, riddles, rebuses about inventions.
2)Make up your inventions.
Our lesson has come to the end.
What did you learn today?
What were the most important inventions?
What new information have you got?
What are the positive and negative sides of the lesson?
Express your attitude on these cards.
Name positive and negative sides of it.
Good-bye. Thank you for your lesson. The lesson is over. See you soon.