• Учителю
  • Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме: 'HOW TO BE HEALTHY'

Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме: 'HOW TO BE HEALTHY'

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предварительный просмотр материала

Урок английского языка по теме

"How to be healthy".

Цели урока:

  • Практическая - активизировать в речи учащихся употребление новых лексических единиц по теме «Еда»;

  • Учебная - формирование лексических навыков, совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком в ходе индивидуальной и групповой работы при аудировании, говорении и чтении;

  • Воспитательная - воспитание ответственного отношения к своему здоровью, воспитание уважения к мнению других, умения слушать;

  • Развивающая - развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление учащихся; развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать и анализировать материал;

Материал: презентация Power Point с новыми и ранее изученными ЛЕ (), пословица, карточки со словами, картинки с продуктами, текст для аудирования «Healthy kids», тест, заготовки для проекта.


I. Начальный этап урока

1) Приветствие:

Т: Good morning, boys and girls!

CH: Good morning, teacher!

T: I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please.

2) Введение в тему урока

Т: Let's begin our lesson. Look at the screen please. You see a proverb. Read it and guess what the topic of our lesson is. (Proverb: «A healthy mind in a healthy body»)


Т: Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is health. And the title of our lesson is «How to be healthy».

3) Изложение целей и задач:

Т: If you look at the blackboard, you'll see what we should do at our lesson:

We will:

  • repeat the words we've already learnt (First of all....)

  • learn new words (Then we....)

  • play with new words

  • listen to the text

  • make up dialogues

  • make mini-projects (And at last...)

4) Фонетическая зарядка:

T: But before doing these tasks, let's warm up our tongues. The sound "f", put your teeth on the lower lip and say "f":

Fresh fried fish,
Fish fresh fried,
Fried fish fresh,
Fish fried fresh.

Т: Thank you very much, now we are ready for starting our work. Children tell me please: "What should we do to be healthy"?

(Учитель представляет вниманию учеников большой проект на листе ватмана, где надпись «To be healthy we should…» и наклеены картинки-подсказки о здоровом образе жизни. В проекте есть пустые места, которые ученики заполнят своими мини-проектами в конце урока).

CH: We should have good habits.
- We should do sports.
- We should eat healthy food.
- …

T: You are right and today we are going to talk about healthy food. Tell me please, "What is healthy food?"

CH: It is the food which is full of vitamins and minerals.

T: Yes, you are right. And unhealthy food has no vitamins and minerals. It's empty food.

II. Основной этап урока

1) Повторение ранее изученных лексических единиц.=

Т: Boys and girls, now let's remember the words we have already learnt. I will show you the picture of the fridge, you should write out as much words as possible and divide them into two groups: healthy and unhealthy food.

List of the words:

  • apple

  • cheese

  • tomato

  • hamburger

  • milk

  • egg

  • chicken

  • cola

  • popcorn

  • banana

  • crisps

  • fish

T: Tell me, please, "is your food healthy or not?"

2) Ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами.

T: Look, please, at the screen, please. Now I will show you new words. Your task is to guess the meaning of these words and write down them in your dictionaries. Please, open your dictionaries, look at the screen, the first word is... (Учитель показывает слайд, читает слово, ученики догадываются о значении слова, учитель еще раз произносит слово, дети повторяют за ним).

List of the words:

  • onion

  • garlic

  • nut

  • cake

  • bread

  • meat

  • carrot

  • chewing gum

  • sweet

  • cabbage

3) Закрепление новых лексических единиц в упражнениях.

T: Now I will read all words again and you'll repeat after me. (На последнем слайде все слова, учитель и дети еще раз читают их). Thank you, let's begin with Karina and we will read these words in chain, one by one (чтение слов по цепочке).

T: Do you want to play? Ok.


  1. I have words in these envelops. But each word divided into two pieces (parts), you should gather (make up) them. (см. Приложение)

  2. And the next game. We will go to the shop for buying different products. At the blackboard you see different departments of this shop:

(Fruit and vegetables)
(Milk counter)
(Meat counter)
(Bread and cake counter)

You should go here one by one, take the cards, read the word on it and put the card to the proper shop department. ()

3. Yesterday I received a letter from a doctor. He wrote us about what food should we eat to be healthy. But the problem is that there are some pictures instead of words. Help me, please, and rewrite the letter without pictures. ()

T: Thank you, let's have a rest.

III. Физкультминутка

Stand still! Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap,
Two little hands go thump, thump, thump.
Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.
One little body goes round and round.
One little child sits quietly down.

IV. Использование лексических единиц в различных видах речевой деятельности

1) Аудирование

T: Now we'll listen to the beginning of a TV show and answer the questions:

  • What is the name of the TV Show?

  • What is the TV program about?

(Ученики слушают начало передачи и отвечают на вопросы)

T: Before listening to the second part of the show, look at the screen. You see a table; you should complete it during listening to the text with the words from the blackboard.

T: Let's check your tables:

  • What products should we eat to keep us healthy?

  • What products give you energy?

  • What helps you to grow and makes you strong?

  • What is empty food for us?

T: Now we'll listen to the text for the second time; you should read the statements and say true it or false.

2) Чтение и говорение

T: Do you want to know how healthy your friend and you are? OK, let's do the test. You will work in pairs. You should ask each other these questions and answer them (put a tick). At the end you should count "yes" answers and read the interpretation of the test. After it you should give the advice to your friend if he or she does not eat healthy food. (см. Приложение)

T: Let's check your answers. Lisa, are you and your friend healthy?

3) Мини-проект

T: Now we will work in groups and make some supermarket flyers advertising food products that help us to stay healthy. I'll give you the envelopes with different pictures, you should chose the product (you will advertise), think of the slogan for this product and make your own flyer.

T: The first group is ready, everybody listen to their advertising.

После того как каждая из трех групп представила свой мини-проект о полезном продукте, который вклеивается на пустое место большого проекта, учитель тоже заполняет пустующее место большого проекта улыбающимся личиком (можно смайлик) со словами: «A joke a day keeps a doctor away» и подводит итог выполненной работе.

V. Заключительный этап урока

1) Подведение итогов урока

T: Boys and girls, thank you for the lesson, we've done a lot of work. But have we done everything we planed? Let's return to our objectives.

  • Have we repeated the words we've already learnt?

  • Have we learnt new words? ....

(Учитель переворачивает те задачи, которые были выполнены и появляется слово THANKS)

2) Запись домашнего задания

T: Open your record books and write down your home task. Your home task will be to learn the words at page 92.

3) Оценивание деятельности учащихся

- That was real pleasure to work with you today. Grisha, Genya, Lisa, Andrey, Olga and Nikita, you've got a five. Karina, Anya, Anya, Artem and Misha you've got a four, next time, please, mind your grammar and word's pronunciation.

repeat the words

we've already


learn new words

play with new words

listen to the text

make up dialogues

make mini-projects





cereals carrot

meat carrot

chewing gum sweet


(Fruit and vegetables)


(Milk counter)


(Meat counter)


(Bread and cake counter)

apple meat

cheese carrot

tomato hamburge

milk cake

chicken nut

bread garlic

banana onion


Do you ...?



1. eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day

2. eat cakes and sweets three times a day

3. drink cola many times a week

4. eat meat every day

5. drink milk and juice every day

6. eat popcorn and crisps many times a week

Score your answers.

Score for:





















5-6 points - you eat a lot of products which help you to keep fit and be a very healthy person. Congratulations!!!

Less than 3 points - you have bad habits in food. You like to eat empty food without minerals and vitamins.

True or false:

  1. All foods are good for you.

  2. Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy.

  3. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat.

  4. Sweets, crisps and cola keep you healthy.

  5. You should eat a variety of foods to grow big and strong.

Keep you healthy

Give you energy

Help you to grow and make you strong

Empty food

1. …………



7. …………

2. …………

3. …………

5. …………



6. …………

8. …………

4. …………


5, Amurskaya Street 21




6 April

Dear boys and girls,

I am happy to hear that you want to change your bad habits. There are a lot of things you can do to keep fit and healthy.

Firstly, you should eat a lot of fruit such as: , , and . Vegetables are also full of vitamins: , and . Do not eat many and .

In the morning you should drink a glass of or . They will give you a good start to the day. Do not drink , it is full of sugar.

I hope my advice will help you. Good luck.


Doctor Brown.


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