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- Конспект урока по теме Music in my life
Конспект урока по теме Music in my life
План-конспект урока по теме «Music in my life»
Тема урока: «Music in my life.»
Класс: 8
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цели и задачи урока:
Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся на основе навыков владения новым лексическим материалом по теме.
Проконтролировать знания лексического материала (виды музыки; эмоции, которые она вызывает; прилагательные, характеризующие те или иные виды музыки).
Сформировать навыки употребления новых лексических единиц в самостоятельных монологических и диалогических высказываниях.
Для решения задач эстетического воспитания включить в урок музыкальные фрагменты из различных произведений, объяснение важной роли музыки в формировании личности.
Для воспитания таких нравственных качеств, как товарищество, взаимопомощь включить в урок работу в группах.
Толерантное отношение к высказываниям участников группы, формирование гуманных отношений на уроке, подготовка своего рабочего места, дисциплинированность и собранность, уважительное отношение к учителю и одноклассникам.
Развитие речи: обогащение и усложнение ее словарного запаса, усиление коммуникативных свойств речи.
Развитие навыков аудирования.
Развитие мыслительных процессов личности: научить выделять главное, научить обобщать и систематизировать.
Для положительного эмоционального настроя учащихся включить в урок задание на извлечения информации из эстрадной песни на английском языке и фрагменты музыкальных произведений различных видов.
Оборудование: классная доска, тетради и учебные пособия учащихся, магнитофон, интерактивная доска.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент и приветствие. Ознакомление с целями и задачами урока.
T. Hello, children. I am glad to see you.
Р: Hello! We are glad to see you, too!
T : Sit down, please!
Today we are having an unusual lesson because the students have prepared some projects and we are going to listen to them. But first of all I want you to guess one word. Look at the board. You can see a list of words. There is one missing letter in each word. Please write down each missing letter. Open your copybooks, write down the date.
Sentimental (чувствительный)
Spiritual (духовный)
Sensational (потрясающий)
Enthusiastic (восторженный)
Fascinating (пленительный)
(учащиеся по очереди вписывают пропущенные буквы и называют получившееся слово)
T: Repeat after me new words.
So, you see the word MUSIC, and the theme of our lesson is "Music in my life". Today we shall speak about different styles in music.
On the board you can see the Sun, without rays. The task is to call the styles in music as many as possible and I'll draw them.
classical rock
country blues
T: Good of you!
T. But what role does music play in your life?
P2. Music helps us to live and learn.
T. What does music reflect?
P3. It reflects our mood, our state of soul, our style of life.
T. Where can we hear music?
P4. We can hear music everywhere: in concert halls, shops, on TV, over the radio, in the parks, at homes, in transport and even in the street.
T. What do you think about when you listen to music?
P5. When I listen to music I forget about everything.
P6. When I listen to music I want to sing and dance.
P7. When I listen to music it makes me think of happy and dark days.
P8. When I listen to music I dream about my future life.
P9. When I listen to music I see green forests, high mountains, deep sees and rivers.
T. And I fully agree with you. When I listen to music I can think about nothing but music. As far as you know music may be different. I see you like music and now it is high time to listen to your projects. Be very attentive because you will have a small test.
(каждая группа представляет свои музыкальные проекты)
1 группа
P1. Let me introduce my group. I am fond of jazz. Jazz was created in the United States by black Americans. It is a mixture of many different kinds of music. It is a combination of the music of West America, the work songs the slaves sang, and religious music. Jazz bands were formed in the late 1800-s. Improvisation is an important part of jazz.
Jazz became more and more popular. People who like jazz always remember American jazzman Louis Armstrong. And now let's listen to jazz.
(звучит фрагмент)
2 группа
P3. We want to tell you about classical music. As for me I have found classical music the closest to my soul. I find classical music relaxing. This music has been living for centuries. It is heard in every corner of our land. Some people simply don't understand classical music, but it creates a special spiritual world for the listener that enriches his inner life and makes him happy.
P4. When I listen to the light classical music as to "Sleeping Beauty" by Tchaikovsky, I enjoy this wonderful music. It helps me feel much better. Of course, it's difficult to find the way into serious classical music. I think, we must be taught not only to listen but to understand, which is more important. And now I want you to listen to a peace of classical music.
(звучит фрагмент)
3 группа
P5. We are going to tell you about rock. It is my music! As for me I prefer rock because it can express all kinds of my mood. I can find a firm support in rock. Rock music, or, rock-n-roll, appeared in the 1950-s. The first rock music is connected with the names of Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and some others.
P6. The70-s were the time of revolution in rock music. Lead Deep Purple told the world about the beginning of new era of hard rock. I'd say that, of course, tastes differ and everybody is fond of particular genre of music. But I am mad about rock. And now let's listen to rock music.
(звучит фрагмент)
4 группа
P7. We are going to tell you about folk music. This music lives on for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles .The British are very fond of their folk music. They held special Folk Festivals, where the young can learn about their national culture and folk music.
P8. But I know that there are some groups now. The members of these groups sing Russian folk songs. I like to listen to these songs because it is interesting to learn about the past. We know Nadezhda Babkina and Nadezhda Kadysheva. In Russian culture there is also a special form called "chastushka". Russian people like them. Now I want you to listen to a peace of folk music.
(звучит фрагмент народной мелодии)
5 группа
P9. I love pop music. It's unusual and exciting and it's the way of sharing all our hopes and fears. I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers I like.
P10. As for me I like new rhythms, I prefer pop music. It is probably the result of changing times and influence of mass media. Pop music unites the teenagers all over the world and makes us feel a part of global family. We can hear this music every day and everywhere. I think music is really, first of all, the background of our life, it helps us to live, and it makes our mood. Now let's listen to my favorite singer Michael Jackson
(звучит фрагмент песни)
T. Thank you very much for your interesting information. As you know music may be different. Listen to some brief information and try to guess what type of music it is.
Music Symphony Folk Pop Rock Jazz Rap Opera
№ 1 4 7 3 4 5 2
T. 1. Some people say it is difficult to understand this music. But try to listen to it. It is played by big orchestras. If you listen to this music often enough and attentively, you will enjoy Mozart and Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich.
2. One can hear this music at theatres, on TV and over the radio. This music was composed by such great composers as Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich. Performers usually sing or dance to this music.
3. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is performed by modern electronic instruments. There are hard and heavy-metal styles.
4. This music lives for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles.
5. It is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.
6. It is an American style of music. It was created by black Americans. The constant elements are improvisation.
7. You can hear this music every day and everywhere. There are a lot of musical groups who perform this kind of music.
T. You know that English is an international language of business and communication. A lot of people speak English. I want to say that songs can be an effective tool in language teaching and learning. Songs are a powerful medium for acquiring new knowledge. One famous person said: "Learn English through songs". And now I want you to look at the board. There are some words there. Repeat them just after me.
T. All these words are from the song "Radio ga ga". You should fill in these word. Let's listen to the song.
Radio Ga Ga
Radio - radio
I'd sit alone and watch your light
My only … (friend) through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my … (radio)
You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars
You made me … ( laugh) - you made me … (cry)
You made us feel like we could fly
So don't become some background noise
A backdrop for the … (girls) and … (boys)
Who just don't know or just don't care
And just complain when you're not there
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio - radio
All we hear is radio ga ga
radio goo goo
radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
radio blah blah
Radio what's new ?
Radio, someone still loves you
We watch the … (shows) - we watch the stars
On … (videos) for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How … (music) changes through the years
Let's hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around 'cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time - you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio - radio
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new ?
Someone still loves you
Итоги урока
T. So my dear friends, today you have had a good opportunity to express your attitude to music. You were creative at the lesson. I liked your music projects and I am going to put you good and excellent marks. You really did your best and I am extremely pleased to have such good pupils. Maybe you have some questions. We can speak and tell much else but it is time to finish. And your task for the next lesson is to do literary translation of a song "Radio ga ga". Our lesson is over. Good luck! And good-bye!