- Учителю
- Урок - соревнование по английскому языку на тему Школа (5 класс)
Урок - соревнование по английскому языку на тему Школа (5 класс)
A team competition in English
on the topic "School"
Цель: развитие интереса к изучению английского языка через игру.
Команды проходят различные станции (конкурсы) по теме «Школа».
После каждого конкурса команда, одержавшая победу в конкурсе, получает жетон. После проведения всех конкурсов команды подсчитывают количество жетонов и выявляют команду - победительницу.
Teacher: Good - morning, children. How are you?
I'm glad to see you. I hope you are all fine today.
So, today we are having a competition in English on the topic "School" between 2 teams from different groups. We are going to have interesting tasks passing the stations.
And the winners will get prizes, of course.
Station "Greeting".
Учащиеся представляют название, девиз и капитана своей команды.
Hello! My name is … . I'm a captain of our team. Our team is … . Our motto is… .
Station "Words"
" A word chain"
Name the nouns on the topic "School". You must say words one by one. Don't repeat the words. Don't make a pause. You can help only 2 children from your team if they don't know a word.
Which team will be the first to start? Let's count:
One, one, one,
Little dogs run,
Two, two, two,
Cats see you,
Three, three, three,
Birds in the tree!
Члены команды называют по одному слову до первой запинки или остановки. Выигрывает команда, назвавшая слово последней.
2) Take envelopes, don't open them now. Let's make up the words.
Ready, steady, go!
Учащиеся собирают слова из частей слов, написанных на карточках. Команда, справившаяся с заданием быстрее, получает жетон.
sub ject uni form
fore ign br eak
tea cher class room
com puter ques tion
Station "Riddles". Guess the riddles.
I don't know the ABC. But I like to write as you can see. ( a pen)
We are black and red, and blue, and many other colours too. We draw pictures for you. ( pencils)
I'm long and thin. I draw lines. What am I? ( a ruler)
What teaches you, but doesn't speak? ( a book)
At this lesson children like to play, jump and run. What lesson is it?
At this lesson children draw and paint pictures. What lesson is it?
At this lesson children sing songs. What lesson is it?
At this lesson children learn how to use computers. What lesson is it?
Station "Word combinations"
What do children do at school? Make up word combinations from the words on the slide.
Make up word combinations.
По слайду из данных слов составляют словосочетания. Команда, составившая большее количество словосочетаний, выигрывает в данном конкурсе.
Get bad (good) marks
Give flowers\ nicknames
Discuss problems\questions
Answer \ ask questions
Read stories\books\ texts
Learn poems\words by heart
5. Station "Music"
We are at the station "Music". Let's sing a song.
6.Station "Spies".
Well, children, I've got a letter but the beginning of the letter is not clear. Work as spies. Try to help me understand the letter. Who will be the best spy? Команды расшифровывают письмо.
Hello! I'm Betty. I'm twelve. I'm from England. I like studying. At school I study two foreign languages. They are French and German.
7. Station "Art"
Betty wrote about her school uniform and sent a picture of it. But she didn't colour the uniform.
Listen to the story and colour Betty's uniform with your pencils.
Most British students wear school uniforms. I wear a uniform at school too. I think it's very beautiful. I wear a white shirt, a blue jacket and a black skirt. Boys have a uniform, too. But they wear trousers, of course. I have red shoes on and when it is cold I wear a nice hat. It's grey.
Учащиеся раскрашивают школьную форму Бетти.
Do you want to see Betty?
Look at the picture. This is Betty. Whose picture is right?
8. Station "The crossword puzzle"
Do you want to know what Betty likes doing at school? Guess the word on the horizontal line. Do the crossword puzzle.
3 T
4 H
6 S
5 P
7 L
1 D
British children sing, dance and act out short plays at this lesson.
Children study events in the past at this lesson.
Students can see the subjects they have in their … .
Some children don't like school because they don't like to do their … .
He is a …, he is in the 5th form.
Students do experiments at this lesson.
English is a foreign … for Russian students.
9. Station "British school".
I think you know a lot about British schools. Take cards and be ready to answer the questions, please. 2 minutes for you.
When does the school year start in Britain?
At what age do students go to a secondary school?
What are the favourite colours for school uniform in Britain?
What foreign languages do British students learn?
What is the first foreign language in British schools?
What school holidays do British students have?
How long does a lesson last in British schools?
What subjects do children learn at school in Britain?
10. Station "P.E"
Учитель называет словесный ряд по теме «Школа», учащиеся хлопают, если слышат слово по теме и топают ногой, если слово не соответствует теме.
Teacher : Let' have a rest from our competition and play the game "Clap and stamp". If you hear the words on the topic "School" - clap.
Teacher, elephant, desk, felt-tip-pen, mouse, house, blackboard, textbook, dictionary, arm-chair, cinema, pupil, student, country, sharpener, jeans, lesson, uniform, exercise-book.
11. Station "A school of our dream"
Домашнее задание. Рассказать об идеальной школе, школе - мечте.
Tell us about your Dream school (An Ideal School).
Команды представляют свои проекты - стенгазету и рассказ о школе своей мечты.
12. Station "Maths"
Let's play Bingo at Maths. Write down any numbers from 11 till 20 in four free spaces, squares. The first team who crosses out the numbers will win. Who will be lucky?
11 1+10 12 - 1
11+2 10+ 3
15 20 - 5 14 +1
19 15 +4 20 - 1
14 12 +2 11 +3
18 7 + 11 19 -1
20 21 - 1 25 - 5
16 13 +3 12 +4
17 19 - 2 15 +2
12 15 - 3 13 -1
(Let's give one more chance)
13. Station "Drama"
Act out a situation:
You have a new student in your form. Introduce him\her to your classmates.
14. Station "Captains' contest"
Конкурс капитанов.
Tell us about your favourite subject. Why do you like it? What do you do at the lesson? 1 minute for you to prepare.
Капитаны готовят монолог о своем любимом предмете по схеме.
- We learn … at school.
- But my favourite lesson\ subject is … because I like to … .
- Our …. teacher is … .
- She\he is … .
- We usually … at the lessons.
- I always … my homework for ... lessons.
- And I often get … marks in … .
В это время команды выполняют задания на станции "Must or Mustn't?" - по очереди называют предложения.
And we are at the next station. Say what you must or mustn't do at school. Make up sentences. One by one, please. Who will not have mistakes are the winners.
Дополнительные задания.
15. Station " Fill in the blanks"
Read and complete the sentences in the text about a student from our school:
Kristina learns at school Number 19 in Novocheboksarsk.
She is in the sixth … .
She usually has 5-6 … every day.
She … Maths, Russian, History, Art, Music, P.E., English and the Chuvash language at school.
She tries to do her … every day and works hard at the lessons.
She always gets good … at school.
16. Station "Matching"
Match. Add the tag endings to the questions:
You are in the seventh form, do you?
Your teacher doesn't give you much homework, isn't it?
Your favourite lesson is Russian, does she?
Children ask a lot of questions, don't they?
You don't get bad marks at school, aren't you?
You are in the seventh form, aren't you?
Your teacher doesn't give you much homework, does she?
Your favourite lesson is Russian, isn't it?
Children ask a lot of questions, don't they?
You don't get bad marks at school, do you?
17. Station "Proverbs"
T: I want you to match the proverbs.
Match English and Russian proverbs:
Live and learn. A. Никогда не поздно учиться.
It is never late to learn. B. Век живи - век учись.
Men learn while they teach. C. Уча других, люди учатся сами.
Учащиеся самостоятельно проверяют задания по слайду. Who has no mistakes?
Do you agree with proverbs? We must learn all our life and school is the beginning of our life.
Итоги игры.
So, the competition is over. You worked well today. Let's count our points.
Congratulations to the winners. (Подводятся итоги, победители получают призы)
Be good pupils! Be bright pupils! Be great students! Good luck and good marks at school!
Команды проходят различные станции (конкурсы) по теме «Школа».
После каждого конкурса команда, одержавшая победу в конкурсе, получает жетон. После проведения всех конкурсов команды подсчитывают количество жетонов и выявляют команду - победительницу.
Teacher: Good - morning, children. How are you, … ?
I'm glad to see you. I hope you are all well today.
So, today we are having a competition in English on the topic "School" between 2 teams from different groups. We are going to have interesting tasks passing the stations.
And the winners will get prizes, of course.
Station "Greeting".
Учащиеся представляют название, девиз и капитана своей команды.
Hello! My name is … . I'm a captain of our team. Our team is … . Our motto is… .
Station "Words"
" A word chain"
Name the nouns on the topic "School". You must say words one by one. Don't repeat the words. Don't make a pause. You can help only 2 children from your team if they don't know a word.
Which team will be the first to start? Let's count:
One, one, one,
Little dogs run,
Two, two, two,
Cats see you,
Three, three, three,
Birds in the tree!
Члены команды называют по одному слову до первой запинки или остановки. Выигрывает команда, назвавшая слово последней.
2) Take envelopes, don't open them now. Let's make up words.
Ready, steady, go!
Учащиеся собирают слова из частей слов, написанных на карточках. Команда, справившаяся с заданием быстрее, получает жетон.
sub ject uni form
Station "Riddles". Guess the riddles.
I don't know the ABC. But I like to write as you can see. ( a pen)
We are black and red, and blue, and many other colours too. We draw pictures for you. ( pencils)
I'm long and thin. I draw lines. What am I? ( a ruler)
What teaches you, but doesn't speak? ( a book)
At this lesson children like to play, jump and run. What lesson is it?
At this lesson children draw and paint pictures. What lesson is it?
At this lesson children sing songs. What lesson is it?
At this lesson children learn how to use computers. What lesson is it?
Station "Word combinations"
What do children do at school? Make up word combinations from the words on the slide.
Make up word combinations.
По слайду из данных слов составляют словосочетания. Команда, составившая большее количество словосочетаний, выигрывает в данном конкурсе.
Get bad (good) marks
5. Station "Music"
We are at the station "Music". Let's sing a song.
6.Station "Spies".
Well, children, I've got a letter but the beginning of the letter is not clear. Work as spies. Try to help me understand the letter. Who will be the best spy? Команды расшифровывают письмо.
7. Station "Art"
Betty wrote about her school uniform and sent a picture of it. But she didn't colour the uniform.
Listen to the story and colour Betty's uniform with your pencils.
Most British students wear school uniforms. I wear a uniform at school too. I think it's very beautiful. I wear a white shirt, a blue jacket and a black skirt. Boys have a uniform, too. But they wear trousers, of course. I have red shoes on and when it is cold I wear a nice hat. It's grey.
Учащиеся раскрашивают школьную форму Бетти.
Do you want to see Betty?
Look at the picture. This is Betty. Whose picture is right?
8. Station "The crossword puzzle"
Do you want to know what Betty likes doing at school? Guess the word on the horizontal line. Do the crossword puzzle.
9. Station "British school".
I think you know a lot about British schools. Take cards and be ready to answer the questions, please. 2 minutes for you.
10. Station "P.E"
Учитель называет словесный ряд по теме «Школа», учащиеся хлопают, если слышат слово по теме и топают ногой, если слово не соответствует теме.
Teacher : Let' have a rest from our competition and play the game "Clap and stamp". If you hear the words on the topic "School" - clap.
Teacher, elephant, desk, felt-tip-pen, mouse, house, blackboard, textbook, dictionary, arm-chair, cinema, pupil, student, country, sharpener, jeans, lesson, uniform, exercise-book.
11. Station "A school of our dream"
Домашнее задание. Рассказать об идеальной школе, школе - мечте.
Tell us about your Dream school (An Ideal School).
Команды представляют свои проекты - стенгазету и рассказ о школе своей мечты.
12. Station "Maths"
Let's play Bingo at Maths. Write down any numbers from 11 till 20 in four free spaces, squares.The first team who crosses out the numbers will win. Who will be lucky?
(Let's give one more chance)
13. Station "Drama"
Act out a situation:
You have a new student in your form. Introduce him\her to your classmates.
14. Station "Captains' contest"
Конкурс капитанов.
Tell us about your favourite subject. Why do you like it? What do you do at the lesson? 1 minute for you to prepare.
Капитаны готовят монолог о своем любимом предмете по схеме.
- We learn … at school.
- But my favourite lesson\ subject is … because I like to … .
- Our …. teacher is … .
- She\he is … .
- We usually … at the lessons.
- I always … my homework for ... lessons.
- And I often get … marks in … .
В это время команды выполняют задания на станции "Must or Mustn't?" - по очереди называют предложения.
And we are at the next station. Say what you must or mustn't do at school. Make up sentences. One by one, please. Who will not have mistakes are the winners.
Дополнительные задания.
15. Station " Fill in the blanks"
Read and complete the sentences in the text about a student from our school:
Kristina learns at school Number 19 in Novocheboksarsk.
She is in the sixth … .
She usually has 5-6 … every day.
She … Maths, Russian, History, Art, Music, P.E., English and the Chuvash language at school.
She tries to do her … every day and works hard at the lessons.
She always gets good … at school.
16. Station "Matching"
Match. Add the tag endings to the questions:
You are in the seventh form, do you?
Your teacher doesn't give you much homework, isn't it?
Your favourite lesson is Russian, does she?
Children ask a lot of questions, don't they?
You don't get bad marks at school, aren't you?
17. Station "Proverbs"
T: I want you to match the proverbs.
Match English and Russian proverbs:
Live and learn. A. Никогда не поздно учиться.
It is never late to learn. B. Век живи - век учись.
Men learn while they teach. C. Уча других, люди учатся сами.
Учащиеся самостоятельно проверяют задания по слайду. Who has no mistakes?
Do you agree with proverbs? We must learn all our life and school is the beginning of our life.
Итоги игры.
So, the competition is over. You worked well today. Let's count our points.
Congratulations to the winners. (Подводятся итоги, победители получают призы)
I wish you be good pupils! Be bright pupils! Be great pupils! Good luck and good marks at school!
At School
Kristina learns at school Number 19 in Novocheboksarsk.
She is in the sixth form.
She usually has 5-6 lessons every day.
She learns Maths, Russian, History, Art, Music, P.E., Science, English and the Chuvash language at school.
She tries to do her homework every day and works hard at the lessons.
She always gets good marks at school.
3) You can see words (subjects) on the blackboard. Fill in the missing letters. You will do it one by one.
Who will be the quickest?
Ready, steady, go!
Sc i en ce A r t M a ths Literat u re Ph y sical Education
Read and complete the sentences in the text about a student from our school:
At school
Kristina learns at school Number 19 in Novocheboksarsk.
She is in the sixth … .
She usually has 5-6 … every day.
She … Maths, Russian, History, Art, Music, P.E., English and the Chuvash language at school.
She tries to do her … every day and works hard at the lessons.
She always gets good … at school.
Read and complete the sentences in the text about a student from our school:
At school
Kristina learns at school Number 19 in Novocheboksarsk.
She is in the sixth … .
She usually has 5-6 … every day.
She … Maths, Russian, History, Art, Music, P.E., English and the Chuvash language at school.
She tries to do her … every day and works hard at the lessons.
She always gets good … at school.
What does Betty like at school?
Guess the word on the horizontal line.
British children sing, dance and act out short plays at this lesson.
Children study events in the past at this lesson.
Students can see the subjects they have in their … .
Some children don't like school because they don't like to do their … .
He is a …, he is in the 5th form.
Students do experiments at this lesson.
English is a foreign … for Russian students.
Match English and Russian proverbs:
Live and learn.
A. Никогда не поздно учиться.
It is never late to learn.
B. Век живи - век учись.
Men learn while they teach
C. Уча других, люди учатся сами.
Match English and Russian proverbs:
Live and learn.
A. Никогда не поздно учиться.
It is never late to learn.
B. Век живи - век учись.
Men learn while they teach
C. Уча других, люди учатся сами.
sub |
ject |
uni |
tion |
br |
com |
puter |
room |
Read and complete the sentences about a student from our school:
Kate learns at school Number 19 in Novocheboksarsk.
She is in the fifth … .
She usually has 6 … every day.
She … Maths, Russian, History, Art, Music, P.E., English and the Chuvash language at school.
At the lessons she reads and writes, asks and answers questions, discusses different … , learns new words.
She tries to do her … every day and works hard at the lessons.
Read and complete the sentences about a student from our school:
Kate learns at school Number 19 in Novocheboksarsk.
She is in the fifth … .
She usually has 6 … every day.
She … Maths, Russian, History, Art, Music, P.E., English and the Chuvash language at school.
At the lessons she reads and writes, asks and answers questions, discusses different … , learns new words.
She tries to do her … every day and works hard at the lessons.
When does the school year start in Britain?
At what age do students go to a secondary school?
What are the favourite colours for school uniform in Britain?
What foreign languages do British students learn?
What is the first foreign language in British schools?
What school holidays do British students have?
How long does a lesson last in British schools?
What subjects do children learn at school in Britain?
Try to help understand the letter.
Try to help understand the letter.
You are in the seventh form,
do you? |
Your favourite lesson is Russian,
does she? |
Your teacher doesn't give you much homework,
isn't it? |
Children ask a lot of questions,
aren't you?
You don't get bad marks at school,
don't they?
Captain's contest
- We learn Maths, … at school.
- But my favourite lesson\ subject is … because I like to … .
- Our …. teacher is … .
- She\he is … .
- We usually … at the lessons.
- I always … my homework for ... lessons.
- And I often get … marks in … .
Captain's contest
- We learn Maths, … at school.
- But my favourite lesson\ subject is … because I like to … .
- Our …. teacher is … .
- She\he is … .
- We usually … at the lessons.
- I always … my homework for ... lessons.
- And I often get … marks in … .