- Учителю
- Итоговая контрольная работа (1 курс)
Итоговая контрольная работа (1 курс)
Министерство образования и науки Мурманской области
Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение Мурманской области
среднего профессионального образования «Кандалакшский индустриальный колледж»
«Утверждаю» «Утверждаю»
Председатель ПЦК ГАОУ МО СПО «КИК» Директор ГАОУ МО СПО «КИК» ___________________ __________________Е.Е. Чалая
Сапожникова М.В. «19» апреля 2014 г.
от «10» апреля 2014 г.
Старший методист
«19» апреля 2014 г.
на итоговую контрольную работу по учебной дисциплине
190623.01 Машинист локомотива
19062.303 Слесарь по обслуживанию и ремонту подвижного состава
030912 Право и организация социального обеспечения
преподаватель иностранного языка
_________________Н.Ю. ПАхомова
2014 г.
Уважаемый студент!
Инструкция по выполнению работы.
На выполнение работы каждому студенту дается 15 минут.
Итоговая контрольная работа представляет собой устный зачет.
Работа состоит из трех частей и включает в себя:
Задание 1 - прочитать и перевести отрывок текста
Задание 2 - вытянуть карточку с лексикой (опрос),неподготовленное задание.
Задание 3 - перевести предложения на карточке, неподготовленное задание
Внимательно прочитайте отрывок и, пользуясь словарем, переведи его. Выполняйте задание в том порядке, в котором они даны.
Задание 1 - оценивается по 5-балльной системе;
Задание 2 - оценивается по 5-балльной системе;
Задание 3 - оценивается по 5-балльной системе.
Оценки, полученные за каждое задание, суммируются, и выводится средний балл за все контрольную работу. Постарайтесь как можно выше получить балл за каждую часть работы.
Желаем успехов!
Задания по итоговой контрольной работе для 1 курса
Карточка №1
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 1
İ think it is not important how beautiful, pretty and attractive you are. The most important is your traits of character. You can be a handsome guy or a femme fatale or just (только) a pretty girl but not to have high moral qualities (мор. качества). So train your character and try (пытаться) to be a good mixer, try to avoid (пытаться избегать того, чтобы быть) being a slow coach or a wet blanket.
2. Переведите слова
Card 1 (words)
Wet blanket, a battleaxe, companion, important, handsome, rich, trait of the character, appearance, attractive, selfish
3. Переведите предложения
Card 1 (sentences)
1. She is a very attractive and intelligent girl, İ really like to talk to her.
2. İt is very important to have a good willpower İf () you want to achieve your goal.
3. Я не могу с ним разговаривать, он задает слишком много вопросов, он очень назойливый(любопытный) человек.
Карточка №2
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 2
Mary is a real (настоящий)tomboy. She prefers (предпочитать) to wear men's clothes and to spend time in the company of boys. She is a very energetic and active girl. She cannot sit doing nothing(сидеть без дела), she is a rolling stone because she changes places of living (место жительства)and job. But she is a very intelligent and pretty girl. By the way(кроме того) she is my bosom pal and İ trust(доверять) her.
2. Переведите слова
Card 2 (words)
Femme fatale, chatterbox, a rolling stone, bosom pal, fair-weather friend, boring, intelligent, impatient, character, willpower.
3. Переведите предложения
Card 2 (sentances)
1. He is very shy and disorganised boy, a real slow coach.
2. Femme fatale is a very attractive and beautiful woman who brings troubles to those who falls inn love with her.
3. Он очень красивый и умный парень, только очень много болтает (болтун).
Карточка №3
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 3
There exist several types of friends (существует несколько типов…). No one (никто)can live without friends and frienship. Every person wants to have a confidant or a bosom pal with whom you can spend (проводить)most of his time and share(делить) all his problems. But how can you know(знать) that a person who is your friend is not a fair-weather friend. People can be deceptive. So never judge according to (по) appearance.
2. Переведите слова
Card 3 (words)
Stupid, slow coach, tomboy, disorganised, gossip, hardworker, colleague, pen-pal, friendship, foe
3. Переведите предложения
Card 3 (sentances)
1. He likes to do everything by himself and we call him a lone-wolf.
2. She is very energetic and aggresive woman, a real battle-axe.
3. Он тунеядец, не хочет работать.
Карточка №4
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 4
My pen-pal Angela is a very attractive and energetic person. She is a real dare-devilv and cannot sit doing nothing (сидеть без дела). Angela is very impatient and restless girl. But at the same time (в то же время)is a very self-confidant and ambitious girl. İ like to share (делить)my feelings and thoughts(мысли) with her because she is not a gossip and my confidant.
2. Переведите слова
Card 4 (words)
Nervous, ytait of character, fortune, unattractive, to talk to, to look at, a sponger, a pain in the neck, rival, Don Juan
3. Переведите предложения
Card 4 (sentances)
1. How can you talk to him, he is a real gossip.
2. My confidant Emma is a real rolling-stone because she gas already changed 5 jobs.
3. Он любит покупать необычные вещи, он эксцентричный человек.
Карточка №5
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 5
İ am the kind (я такой человек…)of person who knows his aim (цель) and knows how to achieve it. İ am a fun-loving girl and a good mixer. My friends call me life and soul of the party bacause İ like to have fun and to make jokes (шутить). You know İ am not a chatterbox who cannot stop talking. İ prefer to be calm but sometimes İ am moody and can be a wet blanket.
2. Переведите слова
Card 5 (words)
A dare-devil, a golden boy, mate (classmate, groupmate), plain, to be interested in, good-looking, a lone-wolf, energetic, fun-loving, ambitious
3. Переведите предложения
Card 5 (sentances)
1. Liza wears men's clothes and all her friends are boys, she is a tomboy.
2. Mike is a hardworker and wants to achieve a good social position, he is a social climber.
3. Бабник (Дон Жуан) обычно очень красивый и привлекательный парень.
Карточка №6
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 6
My confidant Larry is a cool guy but he has one problem: he is not a self-confidant and sometimes behaves(вести себя) like a real slow coach. He is a patient, intelligent and rather good-looking boy. Sometimes he can be indecisive person.
2. Переведите слова
Card 6 (words)
To make up one's mind, cool, shy, moody, wallflower, chatterbox, life and soul of the party, a crank, a busybody, character
3. Переведите предложения
Card 6 (sentances)
1. İ used to talk to him every day but now he doesn't look at me.
2. İ don't like gossips and Judas like he is.
3. Я не могу читать эту скучную и тупую книгу.
Карточка №7
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 7
My friend Mike is a very handsome and attractive boy. İn his character there is a harmonious combination of good appearance and trаits od character. He is not a Don Juan but he is very attractive and is interesting to talk to. Mike is interested in football and skiing. He is not goals by himself. So sometimes we call (называть) him a lone-wolf because he knows what he wants and he is a very energetic and ambitious boy.
2. Переведите слова
Card 7 (words)
Social climber, a slow coach, a day-dreamer, good mixer, old flamei compatriot, intelligent, health, appearance, gate-crasher
3. Переведите предложения
Card 7 (sentances)
1. İ cannot deal with this chatterbox, he is always talking.
2. He is very moody and a busybody who asks too many questions.
3. Он смельчак, любит идти на риск.
Карточка №8
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Card Text 8
Capricorn (Козерог) is a person with strong willpower and he is a rolling stone can change places of living(менять место жительства) and job. He is interested in many things, he loves his freedom and is a good mixer. Sometimes he can be a real chatterbox and a life and soul of the party. But sometimes he can be very moody and impatient.
2. Переведите слова
8 (words)
Selfish, trait of character, stupid, handsome, impatient(patient), pain in the neck, appearance, chatterbox, important, rival
3. Переведите предложения
Card 8 (sentances)
1. Today he is a gate-crasher because he didn't pay fare.
2. Nobody wants to dance with her, today she is a wallflower.
3. Посмотри на нее, она такая симпатичная и умная.
Карточка №9
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 9
İt doesn't really matter how attractive a person is because the most important is your character. İ prefer not to deal with social climbers because they are too energetic and aggresive people. İ don't like chatterboxes because they talk too much. Femme fatales are specially dangerous(особенно опасны) because beautiful and attractive women usually can bring a lot of troubles.
2. Переведите слова
Card 9 (words)
Life and soul of the party, a golden boy, a battle-axe, willpower, a busybody, associate, partner, foe, a sponger, companion.
3. Переведите предложения
Card 9 (sentances)
1. A good willpower is very important for everyone.
2. Wet blanket is a person who is very boring and not interesting to talk to.
3. Она очень симпатичная и умная девушка.
Карточка №10
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 10
Scientists proved (ученые доказали)that the first (прежде всего)we pay attantion to (обращать внимание)the person's apperance.When we look at the person we pay attantion to his clothes, gestures. His character is not important for us at this moment. We look how attractive and good-looking he is, how intelligent he is. We pay attantion to how he talks, how he behaves. So appearance can be.
2. Переведите слова
Card 10 (words)
A tomboy, a day-dreamer, a good-mixer, to judge, a partner, fair-weather friend, confidant, a bosom pal, gossip.
3. Переведите предложения
Card 10 (sentances)
1. Despite the fact that he is very handsome and attractive, he is not a Don Juan.
2. Please, don't be such a chatterbox and gossip.
3. Он такой веселый, настоящая (real) душа компании.
Карточка №11
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 11
My friend Mike is a very handsome and attractive boy. İn his character there is a harmonious combination of good appearance and trаits od character. He is not a Don Juan but he is very attractive and is interesting to talk to. Mike is interested in football and skiing. He is not goals by himself. So sometimes we call (называть) him a lone-wolf because he knows what he wants and he is a very energetic and ambitious boy.
2. Переведите слова
Card 11 (words)
A chatterbox, femme fatale, selfish, important, hardworker, handsome, fortune, pretty, attractive (unattractive), intelligent, ugly
3. Переведите предложения
Card 11(sentances)
1. Today she is a wallflower, noone didn't ask her to dance.
2. He is my confidant, İ am always can call him and share my feelings.
3. Он тунеядец и не любит работать.
Карточка №12
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 12
İ am the kind (я такой человек…)of person who knows his aim (цель) and knows how to achieve it. İ am a fun-loving girl and a good mixer. My friends call me life and soul of the party bacause İ like to have fun and to make jokes (шутить). You know İ am not a chatterbox who cannot stop talking. İ prefer to be calm but sometimes İ am moody and can be a wet blanket.
2. Переведите слова
Card 12 (words)
Don Juan, sponger, a rolling-stone, wet blanket, pen-pal, pld flame, partner, confidant, shy, indecisive
3. Переведите предложения
Card 12 (sentances)
1. He is so boring and moody, how can you talk to him?
2. He is a crank and likes unusual things.
3. Он тунеядец и не любит работать.
Карточка №13
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 13
Capricorn (Козерог) is a person with strong willpower and he is a rolling stone can change places of living(менять место жительства) and job. He is interested in many things, he loves his freedom and is a good mixer. Sometimes he can be a real chatterbox and a life and soul of the party. But sometimes he can be very moody and impatient.
2. Переведите слова
Card 13 (words)
Associate, aquaintance, foe, companion, willpower, calm, ambitious, disorganised(organised), to talk to, a crank, a day-dreamer
3. Переведите предложения
Card 13 (sentances)
1. Appearance is important but character is more important.
2. She is a fun-loving and energetic girl.
3. Он всегда платит за проезд, но сегодня он «заяц».
Карточка №14
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
Text 14
My pen-pal Angela is a very attractive and energetic person. She is a real dare-devilv and cannot sit doing nothing (сидеть без дела). Angela is very impatient and restless girl. But at the same time (в то же время)is a very self-confidant and ambitious girl. İ like to share (делить)my feelings and thoughts(мысли) with her because she is not a gossip and my confidant.
2. Переведите слова
Card 14 (words)
Old flame, compatriot, a slow coach, a wet blanket, good-mixer, gossip, social climber, important, appearance, pretty, good-looking, handsome, stupid, boring, moody
3. Переведите предложения
Card 14(sentances)
1. Willpower is very important if you want to achieve a goal.
2. She is very ambitious and intelligent.
3. Он не сплетник, он мой очень близкий друг.