For and Against Theatre

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For and against theatre.

Nowadays there are a lot of ways to entertain yourself. Some of us prefer watching the latest movies in cinemas. Others like to go to the theatre performances. When cinema was invented, some people were waiting for the theatre to disappear. But it still exists against all odds. Moreover, theatre attracts a large audience. What is the secret of such popularity?

To start with, some of us find it to be fun to get dressed up and go to the theatre. In addition to this, visiting theatre performances gives us an opportunity to meet film or TV stars in person. Furthermore, most performances are based on classic literature so everyone has a chance to see book characters on stage.

On the other hand, going to theatre may be much more expensive than cinema, especially when it is a premiere performance. What is more, some people do not like to be formally dressed while relaxing. They would rather go to cinema where it is acceptable to wear casual and comfortable clothes.

All things considered, theatre is not likely to disappear as many people are still fond of watching live performers acting their roles. After all, as they say, the theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and nothing can be more interesting than seeing it on stage.

For and against theatre.

Nowadays there are a lot of ways to entertain yourself. Some of us prefer watching the latest movies in cinemas. Others like to go to the theatre performances. When cinema was invented, some people were waiting for the theatre to disappear. But it still exists against all odds. Moreover, theatre attracts a large audience. What is the secret of such popularity?

To start with, some of us find it to be fun to get dressed up and go to the theatre. In addition to this, visiting theatre performances gives us an opportunity to meet film or TV stars in person. Furthermore, most performances are based on classic literature so everyone has a chance to see book characters on stage.

On the other hand, going to theatre may be much more expensive than cinema, especially when it is a premiere performance. What is more, some people do not like to be formally dressed while relaxing. They would rather go to cinema where it is acceptable to wear casual and comfortable clothes.

All things considered, theatre is not likely to disappear as many people are still fond of watching live performers acting their roles. After all, as they say, the theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and nothing can be more interesting than seeing it on stage.

For and against theatre.

Nowadays there are a lot of ways to entertain yourself. Some of us prefer watching the latest movies in cinemas. Others like to go to the theatre performances. When cinema was invented, some people were waiting for the theatre to disappear. But it still exists against all odds. Moreover, theatre attracts a large audience. What is the secret of such popularity?

To start with, some of us find it to be fun to get dressed up and go to the theatre. In addition to this, visiting theatre performances gives us an opportunity to meet film or TV stars in person. Furthermore, most performances are based on classic literature so everyone has a chance to see book characters on stage.

On the other hand, going to theatre may be much more expensive than cinema, especially when it is a premiere performance. What is more, some people do not like to be formally dressed while relaxing. They would rather go to cinema where it is acceptable to wear casual and comfortable clothes.

All things considered, theatre is not likely to disappear as many people are still fond of watching live performers acting their roles. After all, as they say, the theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and nothing can be more interesting than seeing it on stage.


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