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  • 'У врача' 6 класс-УМК 'New Millennium English'

'У врача' 6 класс-УМК 'New Millennium English'

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Краткое описание: Конспект урока предназначен для 6 класса, УМК "New Millennium English". Цели урока: формирование навыка говорения-рассказать о своейпроблеме со здоровьем на приеме у врача, используя условные предложения, датьсовет, как лечить данную болезнь. Задачи урока: повторить названия боле
предварительный просмотр материала

Открытый урок

Дата: 25.04.2014

Тема урока: У врача

Класс: 6 А

Цели урока: формирование навыка говорения-рассказать о своей проблеме со здоровьем на приеме у врача, используя условные предложения, дать совет, как лечить данную болезнь (конструкцию:If you have flu, you should……).

Задачи урока: повторить названия болезней, использовать в речи новую лексику, обозначающую средства лечения, развивать навыки аудирования -услышать необходимую информацию, развивать умение спросить совета и дать совет, развивать умение выразить свою мнение, развивать умение пользоваться таблицами при выполнении задания и заполнять таблицы и карточку врача, тренировать использование в речи времени Present Perfect, развивать умение вести диалог, составление условных предложений

Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать умение вежливого общения, умения придти на помощь товарищу, если у него есть проблемы со здоровьем, умение работать в парах, в команде, сотрудничать, помогая друг другу.

Оснащение: шапка врача, ТВ, ноутбук, карточки с заданиями, карточки для оценивания, доска, маркер, коробка.

Ход урока:


Good afternoon, everybody. Take your place.

Look at the screen and guess the theme of our lesson.

We have a plan for the lesson: look at the whiteboard

Речевая зарядка (Warm-up)

Yesterday we are going to speak about different illnesses. Let's revise. What illnesses do you know? (Look at the screen and call the illness)

Ответы учеников: a cold, flu, a cough, a headache, toothache, a burn, a sore throat, a broken arm, a broken leg.

Основная часть.

Учитель:Thank you. Today we'll talk about how to treat them, what you should do to feel better. I am not a teacher today. I'm a doctor. My name is Mrs. Herb. And I'll give you some advice how to be healthy. There are a lot of different remedies.

Учитель показывает различные лекарства-средства от болезней и комментирует их.

Учитель: This is bandage. It's for a broken arm or leg. If you have a broken arm or leg you should put bandage on it. All together -bandage.Ученики повторяют хором.

Учитель: This is plaster. It's for a cut. If you have a cut, you should put a plaster on it.

Ученики повторяют хором после учителя - plaster.

Учитель: This is baking soda. It's for a sore throat.

Ученики повторяют хором за учителем -baking soda.

Учитель: This is raspberry jam. It's delicious. I like it. Yummy, yummy. It's for a cold or flu. If you have got a temperature.

Ученики хором повторяют за учителем-raspberry, raspberry jam.

Учитель:These are cranberries. You can make jam of cranberries. It's good if you have got a temperature.

Ученики хором повторяют за учителем - cranberries, cranberry jam.

Учитель: This is herb. You can make herbal tea and drink it if you have a sore throat, a cold, flu.

Ученики хором повторяют за учителем - herb, herbal tea.

Учитель: Do you remember these things? (Показывает.) Onion, garlic, honey. Let's pronounce them together. They are good if you have a cold, flu, a sore throat.

Чтение слов в предложении.

Учитель:. Now tell me, please, which remedy is good for which illness. Do as in the example. Fill in the blanks. Make as many sentences as you can.

remedy/ medicine

illness/ health problem

Baking soda




Raspberry jam


Herbal tea


Cranberry jam and drinks

a sore throat

a cough

a small cut

a broken leg

a broken arm

a cold


a headache


Remedy illness

_______________________________ is good for______________________________

Ученики составляют предложения: Baking soda is good for a sore throat. Etc.

Учитель: Well done. Thank you, children.

Now, please, give advice to your friend if he/she/ has got any problem with his/her/ health.

Match the problem with the treatment.

Составление условных предложений: назвать проблему и как ее следует лечить.

If you 've got flu

If you've got a cold

If you've got a cough

If you've got a burn

If you've got a cut

If you've got toothache

If you've got a sore throat

If you've cut your finger

If you've burnt your arm

If you've broken your leg

If you've broken your arm

you should

you shouldn't

stay in bed and keep warm

drink hot milk with baking soda and honey

go out

have X-ray

take tablets and drink much water

pull your tooth out

put a plaster on it

put a bandage on it

put your finger under cold water

drink hot herbal tea

drink tea with raspberry jam

eat onion and garlic

drink tea with cranberry jam

eat ice-cream and drink cold water

Учитель: Now, children, complete the table.

образец: If you have a cold you should keep warm and drink a lot of tea with lemon. Etc.

Ответы учеников после прочтения текста: If you have a cold you should eat garlic and onion. Etc.

Точка удивления

Guess, please, what's in the box? (The doctor wears it on his head)

There is a doctor's cap.

Let's play. Who wants to be a doctor? …is a doctor. ….is a patient.

Подготовка и разыгрывание диалогов « У врача»:

Учитель:Now, children, imagine that some of you have a health problem and you go to a doctor for advice. So work in pairs. Make up short dialogues "At the doctor's". Then

Act out your dialogues. Use the information you have learnt in the lesson. I'll give you 5 minutes to prepare your dialogues.

Pupil A is a patient. Tell the doctor about your problem and get his (her) advice.

Pupil B is a doctor. Listen to the patient's problems, give him(her) advice and fill in the patient's card.

Doctor's card





Ученики работают в парах над составлением диалога.

Для более слабых учеников можно дать облегченный вариант задания.

Make your own dialogue according to the example. Use the new words and expressions you have learnt.


Pupil A: Hello, doctor!

Pupil B: Hi! What's the matter?

Pupil B: Oh, I've cut my hand. What should I do?

Pupil A: Oh dear. Sorry to hear that. You should put a plaster on it.

Когда ученики подготовятся, они выходят к доске с заполненными карточками врача и инсценируют диалоги.

Предполагаемые диалоги учеников:

Hello, doctor!

Hi, what's your name?

My name is Tanya.

How old are you?

I'm 13.

Well, what's your problem?

I have got a sore throat, a temperature and a headache. What should I do?

Oh, poor you. Sorry to hear that. Open your mouth, please. It's red. And what's your temperature?

37, doctor.

I see. If you have got a sore throat, you should stay in bed. Drink hot milk with honey and baking soda. Eat vitamins, onion and garlic, raspberry jam with hot tea. And you will feel better soon.

Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.


Оценивание диалогов:

Учитель: Whose dialogue was the best one? If the dialogue was very good, raise red cards. If it was good, raise green cards, if it was not good, raise yellow cards.

Ученики оценивают диалоги. (можно с помощью карточек. Красная-5. зеленая -4, желтая -3). I think dialogue 1 was the best. As for me dialogue 2 was good. I think dialogue 3 was not good. Etc.

Заключительная часть урока.

Учитель: Thank you. The most active pupils get "5". They are…… (their names).

The less active get "4". They are….(their names). Who didn't work hard get "3".

The lesson is over. Good bye.


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