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- Статья Формирование профессиональной компетенции
Статья Формирование профессиональной компетенции
Салмагамбетова Савле Сапарбаевна,
преподаватель английского языка,
Костанайский строительно-технический
Сегодня нужны педагоги, включающиеся в процессы обновления образо-вания, владеющие компетентностью в информационной, исследовательс-
кой, проектной деятельности, осознающие и понимающие инициативы и новшества.
Бүгінгі таңда бастамалық пен жаңалықтарды ұгынатын, ақпараттық, зерттеушілік, жобалық іс-әрекеттегі құзыреттілікке ие, білімге жанарту үрдісін енгізе билетін педагогтар қажетті.
Nowadays there is a need for teachers taking part in the processes of education renovation, having a competence in information, research and project activities and understanding the initiatives and innovations .
The field of education is increasingly perceived as the sphere of services related to the formation of the human person in society. Accordingly, approaches to ensuring the quality of education should be the same as that used in the world in various fields. First of all, qualified personnel, organized susceptible to initiatives and innovations that can participate in the processes of transformation that is having professional competences.
Teaching teachers - improving the quality of the learning process - the high efficiency of education - the quality of the growth of the student's education.
The educational process will be effective if the professional competence of the teacher is seen as a system, a multi-component concept indicating the requirements for professional knowledge, necessary skills and personal qualities of the individual teacher. According to the system of continuous education, professional competence should be seen as the unity of theory, a widely practical and motivational readiness for the implementation of educational activities. [1. p. 91].
Ready for innovative pedagogical activity - individual personal condition, which involves the presence of teacher motivation for professional work, the desire to learn effective ways and means of achieving their goals [2. p.159]. Also requires creativity and reflection. Timely and objective clarification of the current level of readiness of the concrete teacher to innovative activity gives the opportunity to plan the work for the development of its innovative potential, which is necessary and an important component of professional competence.
Continuous improvement of the level of professional competence, which occurs directly in a single working team, a positive effect on the formation of the personality of the teacher, on the creation of conditions for self-affirmation. Implementing a system of continuous professional education, teachers enjoy not only on the result of the professional activity, but also on the work process. Self-reliance, supported by high levels of success of students allows teachers to position themselves in a professional manner. [2. p. 163 ].
Instead of learning based on information broadcast at competent approach provides training based on the analysis and processing of knowledge, rather than mechanical learning - a joint activity of the teacher and the student to create a system of knowledge, rather than only formal learning - the use of active learning methods, instead of the end of the training a certain age stage - organization of continuous training throughout their lives. Competence approach involves not studying the development of the individual from each other knowledge and skills, and the mastery of complex application in their professional activity, developed in the course of training, knowledge, skills and experience to solve specific problems. Thus, vocational education is reoriented on the formation of competencies. Ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience in the workplace - is the competence.
During the educational process can not be master of labor practices in the profession for all situations of professional activities, so the important task of education is to help the student to master the key competencies aimed at self-development and professional formation of the person, as well as master the working methods for the most common situations of activities profession. The structure formed in the course of vocational education includes general competencies and professional competence. The general information include, socio-legal and communicative competences necessary for human life and for their success in their professional activities in a rapidly changing society. Formation of key competences is not in an instant, as changing and information retrieval technology and receive communicative communication requires a constant process of refinement and adjustment of previously mastered competencies at each level of education, and for each turn of the development of science, engineering and technology.
Competence, including professional, formed in the process of learning, not only in the educational institution, but also under the influence of family, friends, professional activities, politics, religion and culture.
Implementation depends on the competence approach throughout the whole educational and cultural environment in which he lives and develops people.
In the world of educational practice, the concept of "competence" serves as a central concept that affects all phases of the educational process as well as the competence of the person:
1.unite a smart and practical component of education;
2. In the concept of "competence" ideology lies the interpretation of the content of education, which is formed from "results";
3.competent person has an integrative nature, since it incorporates a number of similar and closely related knowledge, skills and practical experience related to the broad area of culture and activities. The competence of the person has a certain structure, components of which are associated with a person's ability to solve various problems in their everyday, professional or social life.
Competence approach requires a clear focus on the future, which manifests itself in the possibility of building their education, taking into account the success in personal and professional activities, as well as competence manifested in the ability to make choices on the basis of an adequate assessment of their capabilities in a particular situation, and is associated with motivation to lifelong learning .
The constituent elements of "professional competence" of the concept are:
1.knowledge (this set of facts, scientific knowledge, reference materials are required to perform work in the profession);
2.skills (possession of the means and methods of performing a certain professional functions in common is their specific skills);
3.practical experience (mastering the techniques of professional work in specific situations of professional work in specific situations of professional activity in the workplace);
4.abilities (congenital predisposition to solve specific professional problems);
5.efforts (form the basis of the work ethic and determined enough motivation of professional activity);
</ The structure of professional competence is a basic and functional elements. Under the basic elements of the competence are understood, reflecting the specificity of certain professional activities within mastered the profession. Functional elements are a set of characteristics of a particular professional activity and reflect the range of job functions specific to the particular workplace. [3. p. 49].
Thus, key elements - the skills and knowledge of professional competence can be called such, which must have mined for every skill level to perform a specific professional function, which can be used in a variety of situations. Functional elements of competence reflect the specific performance of professional functions in a particular workplace, and take into account regional peculiarities of work.
The result will be the formation of a set of conventional educational outcomes with the addition results in the formation and development of key competences and functional elements.
The development of competencies - this addition to the usual goals of education, aimed at continual building up of the developed competences in the framework of selected levels of education, and related to its increase.
The results of the Bologna Process shows that one of the primary conditions for ensuring the quality of education is the academic mobility. The Bologna Declaration respects the preservation of languages and cultures, but the role of a common language to improve the quality of education pushes English as the language of professional communication and academic mobility.
The Lifelong Learning concept emphasizes the time factor of continuing education that integrates it with the concept of Lifewide Learning, which emphasized the diversity of the constant learning process. These concepts initiated tandem for the study and use of professional English language and information and communication technologies (ICT).
Lifelong learning may be broadly defined as learning that is pursued throughout life: learning that is flexible, diverse and available at different times and in different places. Lifelong learning crosses sectors, promoting learning beyond traditional schooling and throughout adult life (the post-compulsury education). This definition is based on four pillars of education for the future.
Learning to know - mastering learning tools rather than acquisition of structured knowledge.
Learning to do - equipping people for the types of work needed now and in the future including innovation and adaptation of learning to future work environment.
Learning to live together, and with others - discovering other people and their cultures, fostering community capability, individual competence and capacity, economic resilience, and social inclusion.
Learning to be - education contributing to a person's complete development: mind and body, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic appreciation and spirituality.
This is underlined by "Learning to Learn".
Lifelong learning can instil creativity, initiative and responsiveness in people thereby enabling them to show adaptability in post-industrial society through enhancing skills to:
Manage uncertainty.
Communicate across and within cultures, sub-cultures, families and communities.
The emphasis is on learning to learn and the ability to keep learning for a lifetime. [4. c.224].
Relevant factors for the study of professional English language with the use of information and communication technologies are computer literacy, special course on ICT hardware and methodical support of the educational material, learning other languages, a special course "Information Culture". In the process of learning professional English major is the living word, based on the classical grammar. Information and communication technologies are a great opportunity for the remote and home schooling, but for the quality of education is also important psychological component, which is impossible to achieve with human computer training.
I would like to emphasize that educational technology and excellent language skills should not be a substitute for the spiritual and moral education problem.
The modern education system in the information society helps to shape the information culture. Under the information culture refers to a set of real mechanisms and interaction of different cultures. At the same time the focus is on improving personal competencies such as self-development and continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills, the formation of a new type of professional with knowledge of professional English.
In addition, many teachers understand that the knowledge acquired even 5-7 years ago, is no longer sufficient for quality training of students. The educator must himself be an extra, it must also, as students, to learn and to focus on growth by professional competence.
Thus, the basic concept of the success of any employee, including the teacher: continuing education for life and continuing education through life.
1.Kaynova E.B. Education Quality Criteria: main characteristics and methods of measurement. Moscow, 2005.
2.Lipatova N.O. Model of professional competence of the future teacher of a foreign language // Psychological and psychological problems of modern education; Coll. scientific. articles; Publishing house "Univers Group", 2005. - P. 159-163.
3. Evdokimov M.G. The system of teaching foreign languages, based on information and communication technologies (technical college, English): Abstract. Dis. ... Dr. ped.nauk.M .: Moscow State Linguistic University, 2007. - P.49 .
4. Semenov A.L. Modern information technology and translation: textbook.M, Academy, 2008. P. 224.