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  • Итоговая контрольная работа для 4 класса (английский язык)

Итоговая контрольная работа для 4 класса (английский язык)

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Фамилия, имя________________________________________ Класс________

Контрольная работа для 4 класса

  1. Прочитай текст:

Mary Ross is on holiday. She is not in town. She is near the lake with her family. The weather is wonderful. It is not hot, it is not cold. It is warm and sunny. There are no clouds and it is not windy. The children are playing at the water. Their dog Rex is swimming in the lake. Mary Ross and her husband are playing badminton. It is a very happy day for Mary's family.

Выбери предложения, которые соответствуют тексту:

  1. Mary Ross is on holiday.

  2. Mary Ross is on the farm.

  3. She has a husband.

  4. They are near the river.

  5. Mary has a dog.

  6. The weather is windy and cold.

  7. Rex is swimming in the lake.

  8. Mary and her children are playing badminton.

  9. It is a very happy day.

  10. There are many clouds in the sky.

  1. Выбери нужную форму прилагательного:

  1. Кошка умнее собаки.

  1. Clever

  2. Cleverer

  3. The cleverest

  1. Джек сильнее Джила.

  1. Strong

  2. Stronger

  3. The strongest

  1. Петр самый высокий в классе.

  1. Tall

  2. Taller

  3. The tallest

  1. Эта книга интереснее, чем та.

  1. Interesting

  2. More interesting

  3. The most interesting

  1. Ольга - моя лучшая подруга.

  1. Good

  2. Goodest

  3. The best

  1. Выбери нужное слово: much/many

  1. There are ____________ apples on the plate.

  2. There is _____________milk in the bottle.

  3. There is _____________water in the glass.

  4. There are ____________tomatoes in the fridge.

  5. There are _____________ books on the table.

  1. Определи в каком времени написано предложение (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple).

  1. I am playing computer game now. _____________________________

  2. Usually I play computer game at the weekend._____________________

  3. I played computer game yesterday.______________________________

  4. They watched TV last evening._________________________________

  5. They are watching TV now.____________________________________

  6. They watch TV every day._____________________________________

  7. You aren't going to school now._________________________________

  8. You didn't go to school yesterday.________________________________

  9. You don't go to school on Sundays._______________________________

  10. Do you read a book every day?___________________________________

  11. Did you read a book 3 days ago?__________________________________

  12. </ Are you reading a book now? ____________________________________

  1. Переведи на русский язык.

  1. Dan would like to play computer game every day.


  1. Sally likes coffee for breakfast.


  1. I would like tea for breakfast.


  1. They like to play football


  1. We would like to go to the wood at the weekend.



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