- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Телевидение. За и против
Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Телевидение. За и против
Television: for and against».
«Телевидение: за и против».
Основные задачи и цели:
1.Образовательная: Закрепление и обобщение материала по теме "Телевидение", активизация словарного запаса по теме, развитие навыка монологической речи. Обучение ознакомительному рецептивному чтению. Совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения. Развитие умения извлекать информацию из предложенного материала.
2.Воспитательная: Воспитание умения критически мыслить и давать самостоятельную оценку. Формирование представления о современном телевидении, его влиянии на подростков и на общество в целом.
3.Развивающая: Развитие умения пользоваться возможностями медиасредств, развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся.
4.Обучающие: Формирование приемов умственной деятельности, развитие умения мыслить логически.
Тип занятия: обобщающее повторение.
Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал, мультимедийная презентация, ноутбук, проектор.
Ход урока:
Начало урока. Постановка задач урока
I'm very glad to see you. I hope you are fine. Many people have forgotten what the world was like before TV. But today it has become an integral part of our lives. No medium can compare with TV as a means of information, entertainment and education. TV now plays such an important role in so many people's lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is bad or good.
So our today's topic is "Television: for and against"
Речевая зарядка.
Answer the questions: (презентация)
1. How often do you watch TV?
2. When do you usually watch TV?
3. Which of the following possible aims of television do you think is the most important? • to instruct • to inform • to entertain
4. What TV Channels are popular in Russia, in the UK, the USA?
5. What are your favourite TV channels?
6. What TV programmes do you like best?
7. What TV programmes don't you like?
8. Do you watch serious programmes?
9. What are the most popular television programmes in our country?
Guess the types of programmes: (презентация)
1. Programmes that is broadcast several times a day which tells you about all the important events.
2. Film stories for children made by photographing a series of drawings.
3. TV stories about a group of people and their lives which is broadcast regularly for many years.
4. Situation comedies, a popular form of humorous TV having a number of standard characters who appear in different stories every week.
5. Films in which excitement and emotional appeal are the essential elements.
6. Programmes that gives you facts and information about a serious subject such as history, science or social problems.
7. Programmes showing animals, birds etc. in their natural surrounding (environment).
8. Programmes deal with systematic training and instruction of different subjects. With the help of these programmes one can get knowledge.
9. Programmes on which members of the audience are asked questions; in case of correct answer they receive prizes.
wild life programmes
the news
soap operas
educational programmes
quiz programmes
Fill the missing word in: (презентация)
a) adults b) understanding c) cruel d) criminal e) influence f) afraid g) violent h) dangerous i) watching j) hours
The 1 _____of television on people's behavior is great. Most young children watch TV for many 2 _____every week. They watch it long before they have any real 3 _____of what they are 4______. They watch programmes that are meant for 5 _____. They stay up late and watch films containing violence. There is a lot of evidence to show that they are often harmed by seeing such things. There is now more crime and violence in our society than ever before. Everyone is 6 ______to go out at night. These are 7 ______times we live in. This is also the time when more and more people are watching 8 ______films on television. For example, a child may see cruelty in a film. The child learns from the film how to be 9______. Many young people become too excited by violent films and when the film is over they go out and commit 10 _____acts.
The 1 e influence of television on people's behavior is great. Most young children watch TV for many 2 j hours every week. They watch it long before they have any real 3 b understanding of what they are 4 i watching. They watch programmes that are meant for 5 a adults. They stay up late and watch films containing violence. There is a lot of evidence to show that they are often harmed by seeing such things. There is now more crime and violence in our society than ever before. Everyone is 6 f afraid to go out at night. These are 7 h dangerous times we live in. This is also the time when more and more people are watching 8 g violent films on television. For example, a child may see cruelty in a film. The child learns from the film how to be 9 c cruel. Many young people become too excited by violent films and when the film is over they go out and commit 10 d criminal acts.
3. Now it's time to listen to your report about your TV habits. Are you ready? Come up to the front, please. (Индивидуальное задание для учащегося, составление диаграмм о телевизионных пристрастиях учащихся класса на базе упражнения 8 на странице 40 учебника).
4. Контроль домашнего задания. Повторение грамматического материала. It's time for our grammar matter. Let's check the homework. Open your work books, ex. 27 p.29. Let's go through this exercise together. …. , will you come up to the blackboard and write the forms of the verbs from the ex. 23 at p.26 up on the blackboard. Mind the Passive voice.
Good of you. Thank you. Now we are going to continue our work.
5. Основной материал урока. Контроль чтения.
Развитие навыка чтения Pre-reading tasks. (презентация)
На экране выписаны слова, которые встретятся в тексте и с которыми учащиеся не знакомы. To begin with, we can look up the new words and word combinations.
Слова проговариваются учителем и учащимися.
encounter- сталкиваться;
a pro-social message - социальное послание;
the reverse- противоположное, обратное;
worthwhile - стоящий, стоить;
require practice - требует практики;
become skillful- стать умелым, опытным;
caregivers- сиделки, няни;
on average- в среднем;
to access TV content- иметь доступ к телевизионному меню;
excessive TV viewing -чрезмерный просмотр телевизора;
contribute - вносить, способствовать;
poor grades - плохие отметки;
obesity -тучность;
target- предназначаться, целиться .
Is everything clear?
Now read the passage very carefully. Try to grasp both the central idea and the details. Start reading the text to yourselves.
Television and Children
Television (TV) has its good side. It can be entertaining and educational, and can open up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures. Shows with a pro-social message can have a positive effect on kids' behavior; programmes with positive role models can influence viewers to make positive lifestyle changes. However, the reverse can also be true: kids are likely to learn things from TV that parents don't want them to learn. TV can affect kids' health, behavior and family life in negative ways.
It's worthwhile for parents to think about what role they want TV to play in their family. Spending time watching TV can take time away from healthy activities like active play outside with friends, eating dinner together as a family, or reading. TV time also takes away from participating in sports, music, art or other activities that require practice to become skillful.
TV viewing starts earlier than other forms of media-often beginning before age two. We don't know yet what effect TV-viewing by babies may have on their development. We do know that time spent watching TV replaces time spent interacting with caregivers and other children.
TV viewing among kids is at an eight-year high. On average, children ages 2-5 spend 32 hours a week in front of a TV. Kids ages 6-11 spend about 28 hours a week in front of the TV. 71% of 8- to 18-year-olds have a TV in their bedroom; 37% have cable/satellite TV. Media technology now offers more ways to access TV content, such as on the Internet, mobiles and iPods. Kids with a TV in their bedroom spend an average of almost 1.5 hours more per day watching TV than kids without a TV in the bedroom. Kids who spend more time watching TV (both with and without parents) spend less time interacting with family members. Excessive TV viewing can contribute to poor grades, sleep problems, behavior problems, obesity, and risky behavior. Most children's programmes does not teach what parents say they want their children to learn; many shows are filled with stereotypes, violent solutions to problems, and mean behavior.
Advertisers target kids, and on average, children see tens of thousands of TV commercials each year. This includes many ads for unhealthy snack foods and drinks. Children and youth see about 2,000 beer and wine ads on TV each year. Kids see favourite characters smoking, drinking, and involved in sexual situations and other risky behaviors in the shows and movies they watch on TV.
Now I want you to do some tasks on the passage you've just read and see how much you have understood.
True or false: (презентация)
1. Shows with a pro-social message cannot have a positive effect on kids' behavior.
2. TV can affect kids' health, behavior and family life in negative ways.
3. TV viewing starts earlier than other forms of media.
4. Kids without a TV in their bedroom spend an average of almost 1.5 hours more per day watching TV than kids with a TV in the bedroom..
5. Most children's programmes do not teach what parents say they want their children to learn.
Complete the sentences: (презентация)
According to the text:
1. Television can open up new worlds for kids, …
-giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures.
-showing crimes, violence and cruelty.
-advertising new goods, showing talk shows and soap operas.
2. Kids are likely to learn things from TV that …
-can educate them.
-parents don't want them to learn.
-parents want them to learn.
3. Spending time watching TV can take time away from …
-washing up, doing the flat.
-drinking alcohol, smoking.
-healthy activities.
4. Kids ages 6-11 spend about …
-28 hours a week in front of the TV.
-37 hours a week in front of the TV.
-32 hours a week in front of the TV.
Find in the text the English for: (презентация)
1)шанс путешествовать по миру;
2)положительные изменения в жизни;
3)замещает время, потраченное на общение с нянями и другими детьми;
4)кабельное или спутниковое телевидение;
5) плохие отметки;
6) проблемы с поведением;
7) жестокое решение проблем;
8) десятки тысяч телевизионных реклам
Answer the questions using the words of the book: (презентация)
1. Does television have its bad side?
2. What are the advantages of television?
3. Who must think about the role of television in the family?
4. What can people do instead watching TV?
5. Do the children become TV addicted?
6. What can excessive TV viewing contribute to?
7. Why do not some parents satisfy with TV programmes?
8. What can children see in tens of thousands of TV commercials?
6. Закрепление материала.
So, let's look at the table. You have the papers with the table and some sentences about television. The task is to complete the table. (презентация)For
1. Apart from their entertainment value, they provide useful topics for conversations.
2. Television may be the cause of many conflicts in the family.
3. The TV viewers need do nothing: they make no choices, they're completely passive and don't even use their legs.
4. TV informs about current events and the latest developments in science and politics.
5. Television is the best means of communication.
6. Television can often present information to us in a more effective way than books can.
7. It encourages us to buy things that we don't need.
8. It helps to advertise the popularity of sports and arts.
9. For millions of people around the world, television is a source of companionship and helps them to cope with everyday life.
10. Television may do harm to our health.
11. It entertains us. It helps to relax.
12. Little by little television cuts us off from the real world.
13. It makes us aware of our global responsibilities.
14. It takes time away from activities such as reading, conversation, sports and games.
15. It gives a false picture of society. People who watch a lot of television are more afraid of crime.
16.Television makes people violent. Children who watch violent television programs are more likely to be violent themselves.
Key: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 - for; 2. 3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16- against.
Обсуждение результатов работы. Summarizing
So, let's summarize everything we've learned today.
And now can you tell me what television is: one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century or "one-eyed monster". Forget about being shy. (презентация)
1 Giving opinions
I think…
As far as I'm concerned…
The way I see it…
I suppose…
In my opinion…
I'd just like to say...
To my mind,…
If you ask me...
2 Polite disagreements
Maybe, but I am not sure.…
I have mixed feelings about it..…
I can see your point, but…
I'm afraid I'm not of the same opinion…
I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you.
To sum up then, most of you consider that television have advantages and disadvantages. I am sure that television is doing a lot of good because it is invaluable for the information it provides; it has vast educational opportunities; it makes people argue and discuss, think more; it is one of the mighty means of forming people's character and outlook.
But it occupies all our spare time. We rush home to be in time for this or that programme. The violence on TV creates violence in real life, television is bad for people's health, and it is like a drug. And I think that you use and will use television for your best benefit and enrichment.
7. Домашнее задание и выставление оценок. We'll finish for today. Thank you for your work. I think, the material was very interesting and useful. I'll give you …. I want you to write down your homework.
Text book: ex. 13 p. 58
Work book: ex. 28 p 30
Start to collect some material to write an essay on one of the problems concerning TV.
Teen's problems on TV.
The most interesting TV people
Prime- time TV programmes
Commercials on TV
The future of TV
You can put your things away.