- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку Как много мы знаем о Великобритании 6 кл.
Открытый урок по английскому языку Как много мы знаем о Великобритании 6 кл.
Открытый урок по теме « Как много мы знаем о Великобритании». 6 класс.
Тема урока: Как много мы знаем о Великобритании.
Тип урока: Обобщающая лекция.
Основная дидактическая задача: Применение знаний в комплексе по теме урока.
Планируемые результаты:
- воспитывать умение работать в группе, парах, прислушиваться к мнению одноклассников;
- развивать интерес и уважение к культуре другого народа;
- воспитывать интерес к учению и формирование познавательной активности.
- формировать умение сравнивать, анализировать;
- расширять лингвистический и общий кругозор;
- расширять эрудицию;
- усвоить культурологические знания.
- Расширение словарного запаса;
- Формирование коммуникативных навыков в разных видах речевой деятельности;
- Систематизация учебного материала по теме.
Доступные ресурсы: политическая карта мира; карта Великобритании; оформление доски; напечатанные новые слова и картинки по теме на листах; учебник О.В.Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой "English-6"; выставка книг о Великобритании и России.
Ход урока.
I Организационный этап.
Учитель приветствует детей и гостей: - Good morning, dear friends and our guests. Glad to see you.
We already know some facts about Great Britain. The topic of our work today is "How much do we know about Great Britain?" So, the aim of our lesson is to remember certain things about this wonderful country.
But first of all let me ask what countries you know? What is the biggest one? What is the smallest one?
We need some words for the lesson. And now let's revise them (фонетическая отработка лексики урока)
II Основной этап.
So, today we'll travel to the Kingdom. Yes, to the real kingdom--- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland--- The UK.
Look at the map, please. This is our planet. Now show me our country (ученик выходит к карте). You know that Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is situated in Europe and Asia. And now look. There are small islands to the north-east of the continent. The UK is situated there. By the way, this Kingdom is rather strange. The fact is that there are 4 countries (parts) in this Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. But the Queen is the only one. Do you know her name? Good. So, the Queen is the head of the UK. And who is the head of Russia? OK.
Let's go on.
What is the capital of Russia? Of the UK?
How old is Moscow? London?
What is the heart of Moscow? London?
What is the main river of Moscow? London? OK.
Now let's speak about the Kingdom. Look at the map, please.
These are the British Isles. The biggest one is Great Britain. And the smaller one is Ireland. There are 3 countries on the island Great Britain: Scotland, England, Wales. And there are 2 countries on the island IRELAND: Northern Ireland and Irish Republic. So, there are 5 countries on these islands. But we'll speak only 4 of them. They are called The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Every part has its own capital. Let's find them on our map (ученики выходят к карте).
England - London, Scotland - Edinburg, Wales - Cardiff, Northern Ireland - Belfast.
And its own flower emblem: E- rose, S- thistle, W- daffodil, N.I.- trefoil.
Let's think about a flower emblem of Russia and we'll compare them with mine. You'll work in 3 groups. ( дети рисуют свои варианты, обычно ромашка считается цветком России).
Now we'll speak about the flag of the UK. Do you know what colors it has? How do they call their flag? (Union Jack). Look at these pictures. The fact is that each part of the UK has its own flag.
_ And what are the main colors of Russian flag?
_ What is another name of our flag? (триколор)
</ Let's speak about people who live in England? In Scotland? In Wales? In N.I.? Is it right to call people in Scotland - English? No, it's wrong. You should call them - Scottish or British. And ets.
Now TRADITIONS. (картинки)
So, you see, each of these 4 parts (countries) has its OWN capital, language, flag, flower emblem. And of course, they have their own traditions.
As for England, you can easily recognize its PUBLIC CALL-BOX of red color. And of course, its well-known red DOUBLE-DECKERS.
As for Scotland , I think everybody knows that Scottish men wear special clothes - KILT and play their national musical instrument - BAGPIPE.
As for Northern Ireland , it's very popular now to train Irish Dance in green clothes due to TREFOIL ( трилистник).
As for Wales, look at the map. You see its territory is very green. It's green all year round and sheep can eat it during all seasons. So, Wales is known by its warm sweaters .
Let's play a game. I have some pictures ( картинки повернуты тыльной стороной к ученикам). Choose any picture you like and stand at the right place near the name of the certain country ( на стенах в разных концах кабинета развешаны таблички с названиями частей Соединенного Королевства и России).
III Рефлексия.
To sum up all the facts now let's revise our knowledge. Say: TRUE or FALSE.
"UK" - in the Internet means УКРАИНА.
The capital of England is London.
The capital of the UK is London.
There are 5 countries in the UK.
People who live in the UK are English.
ALL people in the UK speak only English.
The head of the UK is a president.
Then thank you for your work and have a good time.