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- Урок по английскому языку на тему 'Рождество' (4 класс)
Урок по английскому языку на тему 'Рождество' (4 класс)
Урок английского языка
в 4 классе
тема «Рождество»
учитель Вутто А.А.
План конспект урока по английскому языку в 4 классе.
Тема: Рождество
Цели: СУ для развития навыка говорения по теме, используя опоры, навыка чтения и понимания текста, навыка восприятия речи на слух.
СУ для развития памяти, языковой догадки, логического мышления.
СУ для воспитания культуры общения в семье, вежливости.
Урок построен с элементами технологии проектов.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийная установка, карточки
Ход урока.
1 Оргмомент.
2 Речевая зарядка.
Listen to the dialogue and try to find the correct answer.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you. Happy New Year to you.
Happy New Year!
Thank you. the same to you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas to you.
3 Основная часть.
Let's read the text and while we read it I will ask you questions.
Reading with stops without translation.
Christmas is my favourite holiday. I like Christmas because I get a lot of presents. We are at home. We have got a beautiful Christmas Tree. We decorate the Christmas Tree with balloons. The house is clean and tidy. Before Christmas my mum and dad go to the shop. They buy food and Christmas cards. Then my mum cooks Christmas dinner. We help her. It is usually chicken and potatoes. I lay the table. In the afternoon our granny and granddad come to our place. Then we sit down at the table. Our pets are with us too. After dinner my brother washes the dishes. We dance and have a joke. We sing Christmas carols with my family.
Работа с текстом
Reading with stops without translation.
Christmas is our favourite holiday. We like Christmas because we get a lot of presents.
Why do they like the holiday?
We are at home. We have got a beautiful Christmas Tree. We decorate the Christmas Tree with balloons.
What do they decorate the Christmas Tree with?
The house is clean and tidy. Before Christmas mum and dad go to the shop. They buy food and Christmas cards.
What do mum and dad buy in the shop?
Then mum cooks Christmas dinner. We help her. It is usually chicken and potatoes.
What does mum usually cook?
We lay the table. In the afternoon our granny and granddad come to our place.
Who comes to their place?
Then we sit down at the table. Our pets are with us too. After dinner my brother washes the dishes. We dance, sing and have a joke.
What do they do after the dinner?
True or False
We like Christmas because we get a lot of presents. (True)
We decorate the Christmas Tree with dolls and toys. (False)
After Christmas my mum and dad go to the shop. (False)
They usually have chicken and potatoes for dinner. (True)
In the evening they dance and have a joke. (True)
After dinner my mum washes the dishes. (false)
4 физкультминутка она же и перегруппировка
Answer the questions.
What is your favourite holiday: New Year or Christmas?
My favourite holiday is New Year.
My favourite holiday is Christmas.
Ответы на карточках они выбирают Те, кто выбрал Новый год в одну группу, а те, кто выбрал Рождество в другую.
Развитие навыка говорения. Дерево Решений.
Let's find 5 sentences what you do on New Year Day or Christmas Day.
Выбрать 6 предложений, что вы обычно делаете на Рождество или Новый год.
И наклеить на Новогоднюю Елку (новогодние шарики)
Christmas is my favourite holiday.
I like Christmas because I get a lot of presents.
We have got a beautiful Christmas Tree.
Before Christmas my mum and dad go to the shop.
I make Christmas cards for my friends.
My mum cooks Christmas dinner.
Christmas dinner is usually chicken and potatoes.
In the afternoon our granny and granddad come to our place.
After dinner my brother washes the dishes.
We dance and have a joke.
We sing Christmas carols with my family.
New Year is my favourite holiday.
I like New Year because I get a lot of presents.
We have got a beautiful New Year Tree.
Before New Year Day my mum and dad go to the shop.
I make New Year cards for my friends.
My mum cooks New Year dinner.
New Year dinner is usually chicken and potatoes.
In the afternoon our granny and granddad come to our place.
After dinner my brother washes the dishes.
We dance and have a joke.
5 Развитие навыка восприятия речи на слух
Индивидуальная работа с песней
Прослушать и спеть песенку Вставить пропущенные слова
Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas _____!
How lovely are ______branches!
Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas ______!
How lovely are your branches!
In summer _____ and winter snow
A coat of _______ you always show.
Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!
How lovely are your branches!
Спеть песенку
6.Развитие навыка говорения.
Работа в группах Let's write your cards.
Merry, Merry Christmas
Is likely to come.
Merry, Merry Christmas,
You are welcome!
Snow in the window,
Much confetti,
Bright-blue, red and yellow
Lights on the tree.
7. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
Let's congratulate each other on this holiday and read your cards.
Answer the questions.
Do you like the New Year?
Why do you like this holiday?
Do you get a lot of presents from Santa Claus?
Домашнее задание. you should write down your own card. (не забыть раздать листочким)