• Учителю
  • Творчі вправи та тестові завдання по темі «My Family and Friends» за підручником Алли Несвіт «We Learn English, 5»

Творчі вправи та тестові завдання по темі «My Family and Friends» за підручником Алли Несвіт «We Learn English, 5»

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Natalia Podzerka

Olena Kashevarova

Yulia Tonkonog

Творчі вправи


тестові завдання

по темі

«My Family and Friends»

за підручником

Алли Несвіт

«We Learn English, 5»






Збірник «Творчі вправи та тестові завдання» (Наталія Подзерка, Олена Кашеварова, Юлія Тонконог) до підручника для 5-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів «Ми вивчаємо англійську мову» Алли Несвіт складається з трьох розділів: аудіювання - 13 вправ, читання - 11 вправ, лексика та граматика - 15 вправ. Кожний із розділів поділений на рівні: середній А 1, достатній А 2, високий В 1. Даний збірник складено згідно з програмою «Програма для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, 2-12 класи» Київ, «Перун», 2005.

Автори збірника переконані, що різноманітні тестові та творчі завдання сприятимуть легшому засвоєнню теми, зроблять заняття цікавішими. Творчі вправи стимулюють мовну активність учнів, перетворюють їх на активних учасників обговорення. Тестові завдання дають можливість перевірити розуміння тексту та рівень мовних навичок і умінь учнів, здатність висловлювати власні судження з певних проблем в різних ситуаціях. Використовуючи цей збірник в процесі навчання вчитель зможе сформувати комунікативну, соціокультурну, лінгвістичну, креативну, мовну та мовленнєву компетенцію.

Даний збірник призначений для вчителів англійської мови та учнів 5-х класів загальноосвітніх шкіл.



1. Annotation …………………………………………………………………. 2

2. Listening Comprehension………………………………………………….. 4

3. Reading Comprehension …………………………………………………..11

4. The Use of English…………………………………………………………17

5. References………………………………………………………………….22


4istening Comprehension

UNIT 2. My Family and Friends

LESSON 3. How Do They Look Like?

Listen to the text and do the tasks.


Tom and Bill are friends. The boys are 10, they are in the 5th form. Bill is tall and thin. He has got dark straight hair and big blue eyes. Bill is going in for sport, he likes basketball and tennis. Tom is different from Bill, his hair is curly and fair. And he has got dark brown eyes. He is short. Tom's hobby is drawing, Tom doesn't like sport, he prefers to read books and to watch interesting TV- programmes. The both boys are friendly, kind-hearted and sociable. They can always find something to do together.

Suggested Level A1

1. Listen to the text and fill in the table with the words and word-combinations:

Tall, short, thing, dark hair, curly hair, fair hair, straight hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, likes sport, likes books, likes to draw.




Tom: short, curly hair, fair hair, brown eyes, likes books, likes to draw;

Bill: tall, thin, dark hair, straight hair, blue eyes, likes sport.

52. True or false?

  1. Tom and Bill are friends;

  2. The boys are the pupils of the 6th form;

  3. Bill is tall, his hair is dark and straight;

  4. Tom is short, he has got big grey eyes;

  5. Bill is going in for sport;

  6. Tom is fond of reading;

  7. Bill likes tennis and basketball;

  8. Tom likes to watch TV;

  9. The boys are kind-hearted;

  10. Tom doesn't like to spend free time with Bill.

Keys: 1)+; 2)-; 3)+; 4)-; 5)+; 6)+; 7)+; 8)+; 9)+; 10)-.

3. Look at the picture. There are different things on it. Which are Tom's things and which things belong to Bill ?

1 2 3

4 5

Suggested Level A2

Listen to the text and choose the word-combinations you've heard in the text:

-in the 5th form; -fat and short;

-tall and thin; -dark straight hair;

-short curly hair; -big green eyes;

-curly fair hair; -football matches;

-ugly and skinny; -friendly and sociable.

Keys: in the 5th form, tall and thin, curly fair hair, dark straight hair, friendly and sociable.

6Suggested Level B1:

1. Complete the sentences with the word:

1) Tom and Bill are…

a) classmates b)friends c)brothers 2) The boys are in the… form.

a) 5th b)6th c)4th 3) Bill s eyes are big and …
a) grey b) green c) blue 4) Bill is going in for…
a) tennis b) running c) football 5) Tom s hair is curly and…
a) fair b) dark c) brown 6) Tom has got dark … eyes.
a) brown b) green c) blue 7) Tom doesn't like …
a) books b) sport c)school 8) The boys are kind-hearted, sociable and…
a) noisy b) friendly c) helpful 9) Tom and Bill are … years old
a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 10) They always find something to…
a) read b) watch c) do

2. Imagine that you are Tom( Bill) , describe your friend Bill ( Tom).


7ESSON 6. The Way to Have a Friend

Listen to the dialogue and do the tasks.

My New Pen-friends

Andrew: This summer I was at the camp and made friends with Peter and Dima.

Ann: How old are they?

Andrew: Peter is 11, he is a pupil of the 5th form. He is from Kiev. Dima is his

classmate. He is 11 too.

Ann: Can you tell me about them?

Andrew: Of course. Peter and Dima are cheerful and lovely. Peter knows many

funny stories. It is so fun to listen to him. He likes good jokes. Dima is

never dull. He is full of ideas. Dmitriy knows a lot of games. We had a

wonderful time together.

Ann: Will they write you letters to Donetsk?

Andrew: Yes, we are going to be pen-friends. I think it will be interesting.

Suggested Level A1:

1. Listen to the dialogue and match the pairs according to the dialogue:

1) Dmitriy a) likes funny stories and good jokes;

2) Andrew b) lives in Kiev, likes to play games;

3) Peter c) lives in Donetsk, likes to write letters.

Keys: 1b), 2c), 3a).


8uggested Level A2

2. Listen to the dialogue and guess whom are these statements about:

  1. He is 11. He studies at the 5th form. He is cheerful. He can tell you many
    different stories. He has a sense of humor.

b) He lives in Donetsk. Ann, Peter and Dima are his friends.
He wants to have pen-friends.

c) He is from Kiev. Peter is his classmate. He is fond of interesting games.

Keys: a) Peter; b) Andrew; c) Dmitriy.

Suggested Level B1:

1. Listen to the dialogue. Complete the following short dialogues according to the main one:

Ann: Who is Peter ( Dima) ?


Ann: How old is he? Where does he live?


Ann: Where did you meet him?


Ann: Are you going to be pen-friends?



9ESSON 9. My Sisters and Brothers

Listen to the text and do the tasks.

Little Sister

Hello! My name is Den Brown. I'm 15. I am here with my
little sister Alice. She is only 8. Alice is the youngest in our
family. Alice is a good-looking girl. She is like a beautiful
princess. Alice is tall, thin, she has got long curly hair and big
blue eyes. She looks like our mother. My little sister is very kind, she has got a lot of friends. Last year Alice went to school to the 1st class. She is a great lover of nature. Her hobby is collecting pictures of birds and animals. My sister is a good musician. She can play the piano and sing well. Alice is little, but she is a real friend. She is always ready to help.

Suggested Level A1

  1. Listen to the text about Alice and tick the right answers with "+"


Likes nature

Reads books

Collects pictures

Sings well

Watches TV

Likes music

2. Agree or disagree:

  1. Alice is Den's little sister;

  2. Alice is 10;

  3. She is a pupil of the 5th form;

  4. The girl has got long curly hair and blue eyes;

  5. Alice looks like her father;

  6. She likes nature and collects pictures of animals;

  7. The girl is a good musician;

  8. She can play the guitar well;

  9. Alice is not an attractive girl;

  10. She has got a lot of friends.

Keys: a) +; b) -; c) -; d) +; e) -; f) +; g) +; h)-; i) -; j) +.


10uggested Level A2

1. Read the sentences. Choose those describing Alice.

1. Den is Alice's brother. 2. She is his elder sister.

3. The girl is tall and thin. 4. She looks like her father.

5. She has got long curly hair. 6. Alice is a great lover of nature.

7. Her hobby is collecting stamps. 8. Den's sister is a good musician.

9. She can play the piano. 10. She is a real friend.

Keys : 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.

Suggested Level B1

  1. Put the sentences in the correct order and read them.

  1. Last year the girl went to school;

  2. Alice is only 8;

  3. Alice likes nature and music;

  4. She can play the piano and sing well;

  5. She is a good-looking girl.

Keys: 2,5,1,3,4.

2. Listen to the text and fill in the form with the brief information about Alice. Try to draw her portrait.

Name and surname



Appearance (eyes, hair)

Family (its members)

Traits of character



11eading Comprehension

UNIT 2. My Family and Friends

LESSON 5. My New Friends

Read the text and do the tasks.

A New Friend
(After Folly Putnam)
It was January. Wind snow blew hard on the windows. The door opened, and the girl walked in and stood near the door. She wore a furry blue coat.
Miss Alison, the teacher, spoke to her. Then she said, "Class, this is our new girl. Her name is Helen Taylor." Miss Alison pointed to the desk in front of Jane. "Sit there, Helen."
Jane smiled when Helen sat down and Helen didn't smile back. She even didn't turn around all morning. At noon Jane took Helen for lunch.
"Will you eat with us?" Jane asked. Helen only shook her head and went to a table by herself.
Jane and her friends sat at a table together. They talked about a new girl.
"Why doesn't she want to make friends?" asked Jane.
"Maybe, she is shy," said Dan.
"If we are nice to her, she'll soon be our friend," said Ann.
Jane, Dan, and Ann helped Helen. Jane gave Helen a pencil and a ruler. Dan helped her to take out a book in the school library. Ann took Helen to the school gym. They played happily together.
Helen said, "Thank you," and smiled at her new friends. She was not going to be lonely in this new school!

Suggested Level A1

1. Choose the right variant of the three and finish the sentences

1. It was …

a) September b) January c) March


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