- Учителю
- Урок в 10 классе на тему Суеверия и предрассудки
Урок в 10 классе на тему Суеверия и предрассудки
</ Teacher: Zulfiya Gizatullina
Subject: English
Grade Level: 10th Form
Date: 19th March, 2014
Тopic: Man - the Believer
Learning objectives:
- to соnsolidate the vocabulary on the topic «Man - the Believer»;
- to improve language skills;
- to develop students' reading skills;
- to fulfill skills of making up questions;
Developmental objectives::
- to develop skills of self systematization of the material;
- to develop students' creativity;
- to develop working in a team, to analyse the information, to highlight the point, to сompare;
Educational objectives:
- to foster respect for the culture and traditions of the peoples of the world;
- to awaken the interest in learning a foreign language;
- to create active life position, to develop listening skills and to respect others opin
Time: 45 minutes
Materials and equipment: worksheets, blackboard, рrojector, computer, handout;
Lesson Procedure
Hello everybody! I'm very glad to see you. Take your seats, please.
- To begin with, I'd like you to guess the topic we are going to talk about. Look! My right hand (palm) is itching today! What does it mean? (The students will answer that it always means I'm to receive money.)
- Can you guess the topic? Right, we are going to talk about superstitions, mysteries and beliefs. Man the Believer is the topic of the lesson. I want you to be able to speak about superstitions and decide what is good and bad luck.
Main activity
There are so many countries on the Earth and so many people living on it. We are different. We have different skin colour. We have different opinions. We believe in one thing or another. - What do you believe in? Why? I want to know if you are superstitious. Your home task was to make up as many questions as you can. Now ask your questions to any student you like.
(Students ask each other questions and answer them. e.g. How do you feel about breaking mirror? What superstitions do you believe in? )
-Well done! I knew you could do it! You've made up the correct questions!
No matter what you believe in, you can't but believe. We all need something to believe in. Belief has its own importance in our life. We shall go on speaking about superstitions and mysteries. I suppose that some of you like reading articles or stories in this genre. But before reading the article you should choose it by its headline.
Let's do the activity "Corners".
I. Teacher announces corners: 1.The Myth of Housewarming Gift.
2. The Mystery of Salt.
3. The Origin of Touch Wood.
II. Choose the article by its headline and write down it on a sheet of paper. Don't discuss with your partner! Students choose their corners.
III. Let's do the activity "Timed-Pair-Share";
- Find the partner, please. Now discuss your choice with your partner. Start that student who has fair hair. I give each student half a minute to explain his choice.
IV. Teacher asks some students from each corner to express their partners' opinions. - Can you speak about the choice of your partner? Can you express his opinion? What can you say…?
V. Teacher asks students to find a partner from another team to discuss his choice.
- Thank you, you make me happy! Take your seats, please. You have a
sheet of paper with the chosen article. You should do the grammar task. I give you 2 minutes for doing this task.
- Ok, let's check up the task.
-Thank you very much! Look through the text again! Can you answer my questions about these articles?
-Why do some people throw spilt salt over their shoulders?
-What is the origin of the phrase "touch wood"?
-Where does the practice of a "housewarming gift" come from?
- You look tired! It's time to have a rest. Sit comfortable, listen to music, watch the video or close your eyes and relax. Do you like it?
-Well, do you know that superstitions can be for Good or Bad Luck?
-I would like you to watch the video about it. But before it I suggest you doing the activity "A/R Guide". I'll give you half a minute for this task.
1. Before watching the video students should find out if the statements true or false and write down their answers in the table.
2. Then students watch the video.
3. - Boys and girls, look through your answers, please. Are your answers correct? (After watching the video students read the statements once more to decide if the statements true or false)
- Have you changed any answer? What and why? What superstitions do you believe? Why?
Now, our lesson comes to the end. Your home task will be to make up your story using some new superstitions. I would like to praise you for your brilliant and active work. You worked hard today! I knew you could do it. All of you have got good and excellent marks. Good luck! Have a nice day!