- Учителю
- We played a good trick.
We played a good trick.
Date: 16.02.15
Grade: 4 "А"
The theme of the lesson: We played a good trick.
The aim of the lesson: 1. Жаңа сабақты түсіндіру, жаттығулармен жұмыс;
2.Оқушылардың дұрыс оқу, жазу дағдыларын дамыту;
3.Оқушыларды тиянақтылыққа тәрбиелеу.
Literature: Brilliant 4
I. Organization moment: A. Greeting
B. Checking up the attendance
II. Checking up the homework:
What was your home task for today?
It was ex … p..
Who is ready? Who wants?
III. Phonetic drill
Parrot doesn't love carrot
Because parrot doesn't
love carrot
But rabbit loves carrot.
IV. The new theme:
Our new theme is " We played a good a trick". At first we should know Past Simple , then I'll introduce you with new words.
Past Simple (regular verbs)
He He
She V+ed(d) Did
She V
It It
No She did not
F.e: I played football. Did I play football? No, I didn't
V. New words
acrobat [ ækrəbæt] - акробат
seal [ si:l] - итбалық
show [ ∫əu] - көрсетілім, қойылым
funny [ f˄ni] - күлкілі, қызықты
ready [ redi] - дайын
ringmaster [ riŋ'm:stə] - цирк алаңының шебері
trumpet [ tr˄mpit] - керней, труба
highwire [ h˄iwaiə] - аспа жіп
VI. Doing exercises
Ex 1 p 40 Listen and read .
Ex 2 p 41
1. She was frightened. Arabella
2. She shouted at the children. Arabella
3. They played a good trick . The children
4. He stepped on Denzil's foot. Bertie
5. They are going to sing and dance. The children
Ex 3 p 42 Find and draw line.
Ex 4 p 42
1. The clowns painted the elephant.
2. The elephants didn't play volleyball.
3. The acrobat walked on the highwire.
4. The ringmaster didn't play the piano.
VII. Giving homework: Activity book Ex 3.4 p 34
VIII. Marking: good, excellent
IX. Conclusion: The lesson is over! Good-bye children!