- Учителю
- Игра по станциям. Неделя английского языка
Игра по станциям. Неделя английского языка
Игра по станциям
Цели: актуализация изученных материалов
расширение кругозора, развитие воображения и внимания
стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка
Ход игры
В игре могут принять участие несколько групп или несколько классов. Каждый класс или группа получает контрольные листы , где они будут ставить свои заработанные баллы. В команде могут участвовать несколько человек . Каждая команда проходит пункты по своему усмотрению. Учитывается скорость . В конце капитаны приходят в пункт со своими контрольными листочками. В пунктах или на станциях, которые имеют названия находятся старшеклассники.
Where will take place
Proverb «Пословица»
Sport «Спорт»
Classroom № 8
A world famous people «Известные люди»
Classroom № 6
Communication «Общение»
Classroom № 11
Grammar « Грамматика»
Classroom № 3
1 Станция «Пословица». В начале игры все пословицы перепутаны, За каждый правильный ответ 1 бал. Команды должны найти правильный перевод. Все пословицы перепутаны
Live and learn. ( Век живи - век учись.) 4
То know everything is to know nothing. (Знать все - значит ничего не знать.)
Repetition is the mother of learning. (Повторение - мать учения.)
Knowledge is power. ( Ученье - свет, а неученье - тьма.)
Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. (Ешь вволю, пей в меру.)
A new broom sweeps clean. (Новая метла чисто метет.)
Still waters run deep, (В тихом омуте черти водятся.)
Forbidden fruit is sweet. ( Запретный плод сладок.)
Two heads are better than one. (Ум хорошо, а два лучше.)
First think, then speak . ( Слово не воробей, вылетит - не поймаешь.)
2 станция «Спорт» по тексту команды должны угадать вид игры
It is a game of two players. Each of them starts with sixteen different playing pieces to move on a board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent's king will be taken. (Chess.
Z This game is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players in each team. Two teams try to score goals by throwing a ball through a net fixed to a metal ring at each end of court. The players bounce the ball while running, and pass it to each other. The team with the most points wins. (Basketball.)
This game is very similar to baseball, but is played with a larger ball. It is a popular sport among American women and co-ed (combined men and women) teams. (Softball.)
It is a game between two teams and is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of nine players. The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball. The game has nine innings. (Baseball.)
It is a game played between two teams of eleven players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. The team with the most points wins. This game is very popular in our country and all over the world. (Football.)
It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England as early as 1550. it is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. This game is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too. (Cricket.)
3 Станция «Известные люди»
1/Who is the best Russian goal-keeper in hockey?
The best Russian goal-keeper is Vladislav Tretyak.
2/Who was the first man who entered the open space?
It was Alexey Leonov.
3He was the first President of the United States.
. It was George Washington.
4/He was a short-story writer and the greatest American humorist. He was fond of collecting things which nobody had
. It was Mark Twain.
5/He was an American artist and film producer, who was famous for his animated cartoons
Walt Disney
4 станция «Общение» должны выбрать правильный вариант ответа
1. Can I speak to Sam, please?
a) No problem.
b) Hold the line, please.
c) He's fine. Thank you.
2. Hello, Walter! What's up?
a) Someone has stolen my bike.
b) It's nice to see you.
c) The same to you.
3. Let's have lunch today.
a) That doesn't matter.
b) OK. Where shall we meet?
c) Yes, I'd love one.
4. Would you mind telling me why he doesn't go to the cinema?
a) I have no idea, I'm afraid.
b) You're welcome.
c) He looks wonderful.
5. How's your Dad?
a) Thanks, you too.
b) Fine. And how are you?
c) Nice to hear that.
5 станция « Грамматика»
Children have got two_____________
This is ____________umbrella
Ann and Pete__________to church every Sunday
Are going
Is going
Our form teacher comes ___school ____half past seven____every day
My birthday is on ___________
The twenty-third of June
June the twenty-three
the twenty-three of June
The twentieth -third of June
Составь предложения
Cooking, is, she, now
she is сooking now
Football, Peter, is, at the moment, playing ____________________________________
Peter is playing football at the moment, ____________________________________
-My, is, mother, TV, watching
-My mother is watching TV
-Alice, homework, doing, is, her
-Alice is, doing her, homework,
Are, what, doing, you? ____________________________________
What are you doing,?
Антонимы. Antonyms
-Try to match the words with opposite meaning.
(Подберите антонимы для слов в левой колонке)
1.Black down
2.Yes bad
3.Up white
4.Hello goodbye
5.Small high
6.Light no
7.Good nice
8.New short
9.Low big
10.Long old
11.Ugly dark