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- Конспект урока английского языка на тему 'Система образования Великобритании' (7 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка на тему 'Система образования Великобритании' (7 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе
"The system of school education of the UK"
(«Система образования Великобритании»)
Наиля ИСМАГИЛОВА, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Кульшариповская средняя школа»
Альметьевского МР Республики Татарстан
Цели и задачи урока английского языка в IX классе: введение нового материала по системе образования Великобритании, совершенствование навыков ознакомительного и поискового чтения, монологической речи, развитие умений отделения основной информации от второстепенной в процессе аудирования и письма. Способствовать формированию интереса к системе образования в англоязычных странах.
Оборудование: УМК "Enjoy English" Биболетовой М.З. для 9 класса, компьютер, презентация "The system of school education of the UK", журнал для изучающих английский язык "Speak Out" - №6, 2003, с.16, таблицы для заполнения по ходу урока:
State schools
Public (private) schools
11 years compulsory education
Primary school
Infant school
Junior school
Secondary school
Grammar school
Comprehensive school
Modern school
College or further education
Higher education
College of education
Организационный момент.
Teacher-Сlass: Приветствие. Беседа с дежурным и учащимися. (What is your favourite school subject? How many students are there in your group? Do you like to learn poems by heart? What is the most important school subject for you?...)
Сообщение темы, задач и плана работы на уроке.
T: The theme of the lesson is "The system of school education of the UK". (1 слайд) Today we are to get to know and discuss all aspects of school education which are typical of Great Britain and compare it with our country's system of education. I would like you to work hard and be attentive.
Лексическая фонетическая зарядка.
T - Сl: State schools, public (private) schools, primary, compulsory, opportunity, separate, secondary, to pay fee, take exams - pass exams, curriculum etc.
Введение информации об образовании в Великобритании. Начальная и средняя школа.
T: Look at the table in your sheets, please. You should fill in the tables while you will be listening and reading the new information. Get ready to start, please. (По ходу рассказа учителя и презентации учащиеся заполняют заранее подготовленные таблицы «Система образования Великобритании», отвечают на вопросы учителя по содержанию слайдов)
The school system in the UK one of the most complicated in Europe. But it is not so bad. In my opinion, the UK school system is reasonable.
Education in the UK is compulsory from the age of 5 till 16 years old.
T - Сl: Look at the slide and tell me what the most popular foreign languages is. How long do the students study them? What is the difference between British NC and Russian? (2 слайд)
T: Сhildren in the UK start school when they are 5 years old. This is earlier than in most other countries, where children start school when they are 6 or 7.
Primary schools in England are divided into two: Infant schools for children from 5 to 7 and Junior schools for ages 7 to 11. (Don't forget to fill in your tables. 3 слайд)
At the age of 11 in England, children leave primary school and go to secondary school.
After graduating from primary school students have to take "Eleven+". The examination is very important. The brightest students may go to Grammar schools then. The rest of them, who managed to pass "Eleven+", continue their study at Comprehensive schools.
Those who failed, go to the Modern schools. Here the students receive an education with emphasis on craft or trade. They study the general subjects and some bias subjects - domestic, agricultural, building, engineering, book keeping, type writing and some others. As you see, students of Modern schools have a lot of opportunities indeed.
Импровизация экзамена "Eleven+"
T: Let's imagine you are taking "Eleven+" exams to find out where we will "study". (Сl: выполнение упр. 2, с.66 по рабочей тетради и самопроверка, самооценка - «пройдут» ли они в грамматическую школу, или будут учиться в обычной или «придется пойти» в профессионально-ориентированную, что тоже неплохо).
T - Сl: Read the information on the screen and say what else you have learned. (Чтение дополнительной информации (4 слайд) о средних школах про себя и выборочное чтение вслух того, что не было сказано учителем)
IV. Физкультминутка.
Усвоение нового материала. Государственные и частные школы.
T: There are two types of schools in the UK: state schools where education is free and private schools where you have to pay.
Чтение информации о частных школах (5 слайд) после предварительной словарной работы.
T: Why do the British name private schools "public"? It sounds strange, doesn't it? Please, listen to your classmate. She has prepared some information about public schools
Student: -Private schools in Great Britain are called ... public. Why? A long time ago when education was a privilege of the rich, the only schools where poor people could go were funded by charities (organizations that collect money for people in need). As it was public money, the schools for the poor were called public schools. Logical, isn't it? However, in the course of history many public schools became very successful and turned into expensive private schools but the conservative British continued to call them public schools.
Демонстрация иллюстраций "Speak Out" и 6 слайда о частных школах.
T: Private schools are famous not only for their perfect education but also for the right friends and contacts which are useful and successful future.
In some British schools uniform are worn by all the pupils, in others the children can wear what they want to. Some public schools in Britain, such as Eton, have uniforms based on what was worn over a hundred years ago.
Some private schools are very famous such as Eton (1440)-1200 pupils, Harrow (1571)-700 pupils, Rugby (1567)-700 pupils and Winchester (1382) -530 pupils.
Harrow school is famous as the place where Winston Churchill was educated, as well as six other Prime Ministers of Great Britain, the poet Lord Byron and many other prominent people.
Чтение 7 слайда и нахождение английских эквивалентов для следующих выражений:
T - Сl: Основной сертификат о среднем образовании, подготовиться к получению высшего образования, получить навыки и квалификацию, обучение по сокращенной программе, проблемы с безработицей, правительство представило программы для обеспечения по возможности молодых людей профессиональной подготовкой, хотят получить высшее образование, специализируются в более узком ряде предметов, экзамен продвинутого уровня и др.
Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Повторный просмотр презентации с целью сравнения с системой образования России и закрепления полученных знаний. Учащиеся выбирают и видоизменяют предложения применительно к российской системе образования.
Домашнее задание.
Индивидуальные задания: подготовить материал о системе образования США ("Speak Out" №5, 2005, Интернет)
1 слайд. The British education system is confusing to natives - to the outsider it looks almost impossible to understand! Read this and hopefully all will become clearer... This chart will help you.
The government of England and Scotland are committed to providing a high quality education at all levels from primary schools to universities, and recognize the importance of education. They are still discussing changes now and there will be more changes to come. The English exams for 18 year olds - A-levels - are likely to be replaced by a broader range of exams.
2 слайд. The school system in the UK can proudly call itself one of the most complicated in Europe. Not only it is not the same across the kingdom but also the number of changes that have taken place in the last 50 years have made it equally confusing for a British person and for a foreigner.
There are two types of schools in the UK: state schools where education is free and private schools where you have to pay.
The National Curriculum (NC) at Secondary schools includes: English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, IT, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art, Music and PE.
Children are required to study a foreign language for only 3 years. The most popular are French, German and Spanish. Some schools offer other languages, but many teach only French and German. Most children do not study a foreign language for more than 3 years.
3 слайд. In England, children start school when they are 5 years old. Sometimes, children start before their 5th birthday. This is earlier than in Russia and indeed most other countries, where children start school when they are 6 or 7.
Primary schools in England are divided into two: infant schools for children from 5 to 7 and junior schools for ages 7 to 11.
NC. In infant schools (ages 5-7), the main emphasis is on basic literacy and numeracy - learning to read and write and basic arithmetic. In junior schools are required to teach: English, Mathematics, Science, Information Technology (Computers), Religious Education, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education.
The National Curriculum lays down what to be taught in each subject.
4 слайд. At the age of 11 in England, children leave primary school and go to secondary school, and they are required to stay at school until they are 16.
There are different sorts of secondary schools. Most children go to comprehensive schools. These are schools for children of all abilities that aim to teach the full range of subjects. Comprehensive schools became the most common sort of secondary schools in the 1960s and 1970s.
Some children go to grammar schools. These are schools for the academically more able children. Children have to pass a test to get into grammar schools. Grammar schools have a long history in England. Before the introduction of computers, children who failed the test to go to a grammar school went to separate secondary schools.
In recent years, the government has encouraged schools to specialize in certain areas, e.g. science and technology. Parents who want their children to get a more specialized education can choose one of these schools. Specialized schools still have to teach the NC, but give more emphasis to their speciality. The government has encouraged these schools to get funding from industry and business.
Most state secondary schools in England are now for boys and girls. Until the 1960s and 70s, there were separate schools for boys and girls. The separate schools were most common among grammar schools and church schools.
5 слайд. What kind of people go to a public school?
The first thing you need to have is money as some schools charge up to £20,000 a year. There are some grants for bright pupils as well but the places are few and the competition is very strong. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that only six percent of the people in the UK can afford it. The other important criterion is that you have to belong to the right class as the class system in Britain is still very important. Mostly, public education is a privilege of the upper middle and upper classes.
Until very recently public schools were either all-boys or all-girls. Public schools can be full boarding (pupils live there all academic year except for holidays), normal (pupils go home every day) and mixed (some pupils go home every weekend and some stay).
6 слайд. Harrow, the second best public school in the UK after Eton, was founded in 1572 as a public school for the children of poor farmers but rapidly became one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. Famous Old Harrowians include Winston Churchill and Lord Byron. One of the reasons why parents choose Harrow is that its aim is "to produce young men who will go on to be leaders in their chosen professions" (B.Lenon, Head Master). This means that Harrowians are more likely to do well than people who went to ordinary schools. Why? Well, for one thing, the quality of education is better since the school has better resources and funding. For another, the school has excellent reputation: the fact that you are an ex-Harrowian is some kind of "passport" for a brighter future.
7 слайд. At age of 16, pupils take examinations in most of these subjects. In England, the exams are called GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education).
At the age 16 pupils have a choice. They can stay on at school to study for more exams, usually in academic subjects, to qualify for higher education, or they can leave and go to college to study for more exams or to get the skills and qualifications they need for work. Some pupils start work at 16 and go to college part time to get their qualifications. There have been serious problems with unemployment for young people and the government has introduced many schemes to ensure that as many young people as possible get some sort of training for a job. Those who want to go on to Higher Education (universities) specialize in a narrower range of subjects at the age of 16.
In England, they study for 2 more years and take A levels. Until a few years ago, most studied three subjects. Often, they specialized quite narrowly. For example, a student wishing to study Science or Engineering at university would study Maths, Physics and Chemistry or Biology. A student wishing to study a humanities subject might study English, History and a Foreign language. Over the last few years the A level system has been changed, and is still changing, and students now often study 5 subjects, but not in such depth.