• Учителю
  • Урок английского языка на тему 'Еда. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые числительные'

Урок английского языка на тему 'Еда. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые числительные'

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема уроку: Їжа

Підтема: злічувані та незлічуван іменники


-активізувати використання тематичної лексики (фруктів і овочів, продуктів харчування та напоїв);

-тренувати і поліпшувати мнавички читання, аудіювання, говоріння та письма шляхом використання навчально-ситуативних вправ.

- відпрацювання та тренування правильної вимови;

-активізація та тренування у практичному вживанні злічуваних та незлічуваних іменників.;

- розширювати та поглиблювати знаня учнів з даної теми;

- розвивати здатність учнів використовувати свої знання в нових ситуаціях;

-розвивати вміння учнів працювати в групах і парах;

- розвивати уяву і увагу учнів;

- розвивати творче мислення, вміння командно працювати;

- сприяти зацікавленю у вивченні англійської мови.

Тип уроку: урок застосування ЗУН на практиці

Вид уроку: комбінований

Обладнання: ПК, мультимедійний проектор, мультимедійна дошка , картки з текстом, бланки для виконання завдань, умовні гроші.

Хід уроку

  1. Організація класу. Привітання.

T: Good morning, pupils!

Ps: Good morning, teacher!

Good morning to you! (2)

We're all at our places

With sunshiny faces,

Good morning to you!

We're glad to see you!

T: I'm glad to see you, too. How are you?

Ps: We're super,

Yes, we do!

We've got spirits,

And what about you?

T: I've got spirits, too. So, let's start our lesson!

II. Фонетична розминка.

The teacher focuses pupils' attention on how -s and -ch are pronounced. Pupils listen and repeat. The teacher checks pupils' intonation and pronunciation:

There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch (Слайд 2 )

III. Мовленнєва зарядка

I. Give a more general word:

1. carrot, potato, tomato, beans - vegetables

2. apple, grapes, orange, lemon - fruit

3. tea, coffee, milk, water - drinks

4. bread, meat, cheese, fish - meal

IV. Актуалізація опорних знань

а) T- Let's check up your homework. What was it for today?

P.- Our homework for today was to find a picture of your favourite food and write

about it. (Декілька учнів читають свої твори)

V. Мотивація.

T. -Look, listen and repeat after the video. Then try to guess what's the theme of our lesson. (На відео подано тематичну лексику).

P.- The theme of our lesson is Food.(слайд 3)

T.- That's right. Today we'll speak about FRUIT, VEGETABLES and meal. And ofcourse repeat everything we know about Countable and Uncountable Nouns. And to make our lesson more exciting, I suggest you to go shopping to the supermarket . Let's help our mums to buy some food for supper.

T.-It's time to start our shopping. Look around the supermarket. You've got 2 baskets and you can see some food.

Write the words under the correct basket: apple, salad, bread, egg, rice, water, banana, milkshake, pasta, melon, orange (слайд 4)

Countable Uncountable

_______________________ ______________________

_______________________ ______________________

_______________________ ______________________

_______________________ ______________________

_______________________ ______________________

(Додаток 1)

VI. Основна частина уроку.

6.1. Practising Grammar (Countable /Uncountable Nouns) (Слайд 5,6)

  • We must be sure we've got everything we need for supper. And our grammar rules will help us.

  • Let's say when we use"a", "an","some" "there are…""there is…" How much....? How many ....?

We use:

  • "a" with noun we can count that begin with a consonant (Example: a pear)

  • "an" with noun we can count that begin with a vowel (Example: an orange)

  • "some" with noun we cannot count (Example: some milk)

  • "there are…" with countable nouns like fruit and vegetables

  • "there is…" with uncountable nouns like milk and chocolate.

  • How much ....? = uncountable nouns

  • For example: How much coffee do you drink?

  • How many ....? = countable nouns

  • For example: How many cups of coffee do you drink?

6.2.Practising : (Слайд 7)

а) Look at the pictures and fill in with "a/an/some": (Додаток 2)

1 . . . . butter

2 . . . . apple

3 . . . . egg

4 . . . . biscuit

5 . . . . milk

6 . . . . orange

7. . . . bread

8. . . . plum

9. . . . mushroom

10. . . . coke

11. . . . pizza

12. . . . tea

b) Work with cards (Слайд 8)

(Додаток 3)

- Let's see what do we have in our fridge . Work with cards.

-Look at the picture and write sentences as in the example:

Apples?.Are there any apples? Yes, there are some apples

Eggs? …………………………………………….

Meat? …………………………………………….

Butter? …………………………………………….

Milk? …………………………………………….

Tomatoes? …………………………………………

Oranges? …………………………………………

Juice? …………………………………………….

Lemons? …………………………………………

  • And so, there are many different fruit and vegetables in your fridges.

c) Relaxation: (Слайд 9)

T.- It's time to have a cup of tea with butter and sandwich:

Bread and butter, milk and tea,
Put your finger on your knee.
Bread and butter, cake and ice,
Put your hands on your eyes.
Bread and butter, duck and rose,
Put your finger on your nose.
Bread and butter, juice and eggs
Put your hands on your legs.

d) Competition

- It's time to play. I divide the class into two groups. Then I say nouns and the groups in turn add "how much" or "how many". Each correct answer gets 1 point. The group with the most points is the winner.

e) Робота на індивідуальних картках

Each pupil gets the card with the task: Fill in "How much" or "How many":

1. ………………………. bread do you want?

2. ………………………. eggs are there in the fridge?

3. ………………………. biscuits have you got?

4. ………………………. milk do you want?

5. ………………………. butter is there on the plate?

6. ………………………. glasses are there on the table?

VII. Аудіювання.( Listening Comprehension):

2) Pre-Listening: Game "Teddy Bear Story" (Слайд 10), (Слайд 11)

1) T: What is in the fridge? Listen and draw. And then tick the food Teddy takes from the fridge.

It's night. Teddy wants to eat. He goes into the kitchen and opens the fridge.

There are two apples, two bananas, a carrot and an orange in the fridge, but there isn't any fish there!

Teddy takes an apple, a banana for his friend Hoppey, the rabbit. Sorry, but there isn't any fish for his friend Pussy, the cat!"

(кожен учень отримує індивідуальну картку )



VIII. Читання

Pre-Reading Activities

T.- Have you got dreams? What are they? Read and say what Oksana's dream is.

Reading: Ex.7 p. 99

Ukrainian Hata

My name is Oksana. I live in Ukraine and as all Ukrainians, I like Ukrainian food. To me, it is the tastiest. I'm proud to say that my mum is good at cooking. She can cook soup, meat and vegetables well. But her Ukrainian food is very popular in our town.

My mum is a cook at a cafå "Ukrainian Hata". She knows much about cooking. Foreign guests often come to her cafe. They adore my mum's Ukrainian borsch. They say it tastes better with pumpushka.

As for me, I like varenyks very much. Varenyks with sour cream are to my taste.

I'm glad to tell you that my dream is to become a cook like my mum.

Post-reading Activities

T.- Read and say True or False?

1. Oksana's mum is a cook.

2. Oksana's mum works at a cafå "Ukrainian Hata".

3. Foreign guests like varenyks.

4. A s for Oksana, she adores Ukrainian borsch.

5. Oksana's dream is to become a good cook.

IX. Повідомлення домашнього завдання:

Pupils have to make a poster "Food and Drink in Ukraine" (Слайд 12)

  • Pupils find information about eating habits in Ukraine (they can use the internet, etc.)

  • Pupils find pictures of foods to decorate their posters.

4. Підсумок уроку.

T: Did you like the lesson? What did you like? You were very active during the lesson. The lesson is over. Goodbye, pupils!


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