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  • Конспект урока на тему 'My School'

Конспект урока на тему 'My School'

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Краткое описание: Разработка учебного занятия для 5 класса. Урок ориентирован на развитие навыков устной речи и чтения, на развитие умения учащихся употреблять лексики по теме «Школа». Урок состоят из упражнений и заданий по фонетики,лексике, грамматике . В уроке использованы упражнения
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема: «Моя Школа»My School.

Цели: 1. Совершенствование знаний учащихся по теме «My School».

2. Развитие навыков устной речи и чтения.

3. Привитие интереса к предмету, развитие памяти и внимания.

Задачи: 1. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики по теме «Школа».

2. Тренировать учащихся в чтении вслух и про себя.

3. Тренировать учащихся в монологической речи.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

- Hello, boys and girls!

- How are you?

-I`m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

- Do you like the weather today? Why?

T: Do you want to know what we are going to do today? Today we will revise words, read and speak about school.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Children, let`s remember some English sounds.

Please, repeat after me.

[ e] - pen, pet, letter, address

[ i:] - she, me, he, Peter

[ ei] - table, paper, name, game

[ эu] - postman, postcard, poster, envelope

[ Э] cat, black

Great! Now let`s remember our poem.

A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

3. Речевая зарядка.

Игра « What is missing?»

-Let`s play an interesting game. It is called «What is missing?» You can see some pictures on the board. What can you see? ( a school, a classroom, a gym, a hall, a pen, a pencil, a teacher`s room, a library, a canteen, a headmaster`s office) Try to remember the things. Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing?

4.Answer my questions.

  • Do you like school? Why? Why not?

  • What do you learn at school?

  • Do you sometimes miss classes? Why?

  • How do you feel when you miss classes?

  • Which subject do you like\dislike? Why?

5. Развитие монологической речи.

  • Т: Now, children, imagine you are talking to some English pupils. What would you tell them about your school? The following words may help you:

  • New, modern, old, light, large, dark, small, narrow, wide, clean, quiet, cosy, noisy.

6. Аудирование.

Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences.

1. Bill`s favourite room at school is the English____________.

2. There are _________maps on the wall.

3. The posters are about ____________and the USA.

4. There are lots of ____________ books there.

5. Pupils enjoy using the _________in the English study room.

7. Тренировка орфографического навыка.

-Now, children, look at the board. Some letters from these words are lost let`s find them.

1_tter (letter)

P_n (pen)

P_nc_l (pencil)

l-brar_ (library)

P_per (paper)

Not_b__k (notebook)

R_l_r (ruler)

8. Тренировка навыков чтения.

Т: It`s time to read the text and say what it describes.

There is one in any village, any town, any city.

At the beginning of September we all come here. We open the door and walk intp the a word of wonders. Here we learn about the true friendship, love for our country and people. It is here we learn about the lands across the sea and about our past.

Any new words for you?

Why do children go to school?

In pairs , talk about your favourite place at school. Say why you like it.


Т: You should write your own letters about your school.

This plan will help you:

Dear penfriend,

My name is__________________________________________

I go to _________________________________________

I come to school at________________________________

I am in ______________________________________________

I have _________classes every day

I am not _____________________________________________

I have got ____________________________________________

My favourite subject is__________________________________

At the lessons we ___________________________________

I like _________________________________________________

But I don 't like ________________________________________

I can ________________________________________________

But I can't _____________________________________________

Please write back.

Your friend _______________

10. Подведение итога урока.

Т: Do you like our lesson?

Thank you for your work. (Marks.)

Good bye, boys and girls!


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