- Учителю
- Конспект открытого урока Телевидение:за и против
Конспект открытого урока Телевидение:за и против
урок английского языка в 11 классе
Разработан учителем английского языка Казаковой Г.Н.
Цели урока:
1.активизация знаний лексики и речевых структур по теме;
2.вовлечение школьников в активную речевую деятельность на уроке
путем использования современных средств обучения и различных
организационных форм работы;
3.совершенствование речевых навыков (умение убеждать собеседника
и отстаивать свою точку зрения; развивать критическое и логическое
мышление при постановке проблемы, умение аргументировано
высказываться, убеждать собеседников, учитывая при этом их
аргументы и факты;
Задачи урока :
Образовательные: расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетенции
Воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к точке зрения
Оформление: презентация Power Point
Технические средства: компьютер, проектор
Ход урока
I .Организационный момент.
T : Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Let's start
our lesson(слайд 1)
Today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic "Television
in our life: pro and con"
During the lesson we are going to practice in speaking, listening
and reading on the topic,. And of course, we'll exchange opinions
as for television effects on people. It is almost impossible to
imagine our life without TV. It plays a great and a very important
role in the life of modern man. There is practically no family that
doesn't have a TV set. TV is one of the mass media kinds. Radio and
newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but
also shows. TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the
programs he likes. Our television suggests various programs: talk
show and game show, news and sporting events, about animals and
about foreign countries and so on. Soaps-lovers can watch their
favorite films almost every day. TV shows us a lot of films of
different countries: detective and melodrama, comedy and thriller.
As former I like to see adventure films, fantasy, comedies. My
favorite sporting events programs are about volleyball, swimming,
track-and-field athletics and gymnastic. I watch many programs with
great interest. These programs are: a wild nature program, some
game shows and so on. There are a lot of films (most of them of
foreign TV-companies) with a great number of corpses, with seas of
blood now. It's not very good to my mind. I think that one of the
aims of TV is to bring up TV-viewers, to cultivate love to our
country, kindness and other positive features of a person.
II. Речевая разминка
T .Look at the screen
Television is a reflection of the world. (слайд2)
Do you agree with this statement?
Television is one of the most wonderful discoveries made by a man.
TV provides us with the latest news, informs us, shows different
programmes, and entertains. So nowadays we can't imagine our life
without television
( Вопросно-ответная работа в режиме "учитель - ученик 1, 2,
Brainstorming "What do people watch TV for?"(3 слайд)
T. Look at the blackboard. Let's complete the table.
What do people watch television for?
Watching TV
Ответы: P1 In my opinion people watch TV for entertainment. They
enjoy watching different TV programmes.
P2. I think people watch TV for relaxation.
P3. I am sure people watch TV because they can take a lot of information.
T. Answer my questions, please:
1. Do you agree that TV has made life more interesting?
(Yes, certainly)
2. What does modern television offer the viewers?
(It offers different talk- shows, soap operas, quiz games, films,
movies )
3. What possibilities can TV give us?
(TV gives us possibility to visit different countries, to know
their culture, traditions and customs, to know about the past of
our country, to learn the wildlife of our planet)
4. Can you imagine your life without TV? Why? Why not?
(No, I can't imagine my life without TV/ I think it is the best
thing for entertainment. Life without TV would be boring and
5. Is all the information on TV helpful and believable?
(I'm sure not all the information is helpful)
III. Активизация изученной лексики (слайд 4)
T. Let's revise some words and guess the names of TV programs.
Look at the screen. What kind of TV programme do you think it
IV. Аудирование
T. Tastes differ. Different people prefer different kinds of TV
programmes. Listen to the record. Answer the question. What kind of
TV programmes do the members of the family like or dislike to
Complete the sentences( учащиеся заполняют карточки с заданиями)
Frank doesn't like cartoons and game shows he prefers pop music programme
Grandma loves wildlife programmes, films, cartoons, Food and Drink show
Father doesn't prefer comedies and shows. He enjoys documentaries and wildlife programmes
Mother is not fond of soap operas
Lucy doesn't like pop music and long movies
T. What are TV preferences of the members of your family?
V. Развитие навыков говорения. (слайд 5)
T. Now, we'll listen some interesting facts about TV in Great
Britain and do some tasks.
Television in Great Britain.
Television is the most popular entertainment in British home life
today. In London people have four TV channels: BBCI, BBCII, ITV -
Independent Television (Channel III) and channel IV.
The BBC is known for its objectivity in news reporting.. There is
no advertising on any BBC programme. ITV started in 1954 .
Commercial Television gets its money from advertising. The
programmes on this channel are financed by different companies,
which do not have anything to do with the content of these
There are different types of programmes in Great Britain. BBC and
ITV start early in the morning. One can watch news programmes, all
kinds of chat shows, soap operas, different children's programmes,
dramas, comedies and different programmes of entertainment on this
News is broadcasted at regular intervals Broadcast for schools are
produced on five days of the week during school hours. In the
afternoon and early evening TV stations show special programmes for
Operas, music concerts and shows are presented at various time. A
large part of TV time is occupied by serials. Britain has two
channels (BBC and Channel IV) for presenting programmes on serious
topics, which are watched with great interest by a lot of people.
These channels start working on early week days mornings. But they
transmit mostly all kinds of education programmes. Weekend
afternoons are devoted to sport. Sport events are usually broadcast
in the evening. These are the main channels in Great Britain. Only
about a fifth households receive satellite or cable TV.
True or False?
1. BBC is a commercial television.
2. All TV channels have advertising.
3. Channel IV is famous for its objectivity.
4. Independent Television News is owned by private companies.
5. TV stations show different programmes for children.
6. British people are not fond of soap operas.
7. Most people in Britain receive satellite TV.
T. What are the main TV channels in GB? Do all channels have advertising?
VI I. Д искуссия - ролевая игра.
Watching television has many advantages and disadvantages.
Т: Television gives us a lot of possibilities. But every medal has
its reverse. So, TV also has bad points. There is a task for you:
Here you can see some discussion phrases(HO). You can use them.
(Слова и выражения записаны на рабочих листах, читают их по
- There is no doubt... - Strictly speaking...
- On the one hand... - As for me...
- It goes without saying...
- To tell the truth...
- As for me...
- And what about you - In my opinion...
- On the other hand... - It seems to me...
- If I am not mistaken...
- As far as can judge... - As far as I know...
-To be frank …
- There is no doubt...
- From my point of view... - It goes without saying...
- In my opinion... - And what about you?
- To tell the truth...
- It seems to me...
Т: Now I would like you to take part in the discussion. (слайд
We'll discuss good and bad points of television.TV has changed our
life greatly. Do you agree with me? And here is the plan of our
(План дискуссии записан на доске. У каждого ученика есть листочек с
фразами для ведения дискуссии).
1.Children and TV. Is television doing harm?
- Some mothers are very worried about the effect of television on
young people. There's a lot of rubbish on TV. Some violent programs
and films make children violent.
- Many programmes are silly and teach young people only to buy
things and enjoy themselves.
- Many children no longer read books. Reading is the key to all
higher study, and needs constant practice.
- Some children have made watching TV their main leisure activity
and they are not enriching their personalities by developing
hobbies and belonging to clubs.
-Some pupils do their homework in front of the television screen.
Others rush their homework so they can watch television. In both
cases, the quality of the work is affected. Some pupils are so
attracted by television that they do not do their homework at
- There are a lot of children programmes, animated cartoons
historic films, documentaries , which are useful for children as
they educate while entertaining.
- Quiz-programmes, for example, enrich our outlook and give us
additional information, encourage us to become more educated and
- However it hasn't been proven that there is a connection between
the violence on TV and violence in our society.
- TV is a source of education and pleasure. There are often
programmes for teens, which are dramatized for TV. Such programmes
help pupils very much to prepare for lessons, because they don't
have enough time to read all the textbooks.
2. Television is doing a lot of harm and may lead to poor health.
-There are a lot of silly soap operas on TV. Many people just sit down in front of the " box" and watch them. Television makes us lazier. We read less. We think less. We even talk less.
- Television may lead to poor health, through rushed meals, lack
of sleep, lack of exercise and eyestrain.
- Many boys and girls watch TV on Sunday afternoon, when outside
activities would do them so much good.
- If you do watch TV too long you could soon be wearing glasses.
- Television helps us to relax after a hard day's work. We can then
cope better with the next day's work.
- Sometimes we can relax, entertain ourselves when we are tired.
Moreover its stops people feeling lonely, it is educational and
- Television helps us to escape from stress and problems.
3. The more channels we have the better.
There are a lot of useless programmes on TV. Watching TV takes all
free time from almost all people. We just watch it, not
concentrate, and waste time.
- First of all television keeps people informed; we can learn a lot
of information watching TV. We can choose programs that appeal to
us more , because TV provides programs for all interest.
- We become better informed by watching documentaries, science
programmes, discussions and by learning about the most important
economics, social and political issues of the day.
- . It offers different competitions and quizes. Quizes make people
interested in reading.
- Television brings the world to our living-room. We see people in
our country and in other lands, and learn of their lands,
occupations, opinions and problems.
- We become more cultured people by learning more of the arts.
4. Commercials. Are they necessary?
- There are many advertisements on TV. They make people buy things
they don't need, don't talk about the products' defects, show life
- Advertisement on TV gives us information about different products
and it makes easier to choose things to buy. When we watch TV we
learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news.
5. Television may be the cause of many disputes and conflicts in
the family.
- Some specialists say television also influences family life and
conversation. People have no time to talk to each other.
-Television programmes gather big audiences. Apart from their
entertainment value, they provide useful topics of
- TV stations broadcast also talk shows on serious issues like
alcoholism, drug abuse, relationship between parents and their
children; different specialists give some advice on problems in the
VI II. Исследование на тему "Какие телепрограммы
предпочитают смотреть старшеклассники?"
T : There is another task. Natalia has prepared very interesting
facts about TV
viewing habits in her report «A portrait of an average student of
our class»
P : I had an interview with our classmates on some of the
1) What kinds of programmes do you like best of all?
2) What is your favourite TV channel?
3)How much time do you spend watching TV? (слайд 24)
a)…% said that their favourite programmes are…
… % said they watch…( like to watch…)
…% said that their favourite TV channel is…
…% of our classmates spends … hours watching TV.
…% watches TV … hours a day.
T : Now let's try to finish the sentences:
-Modern television…
-TV can give us…
-Without TV…
V1II. Рефлексия.
T. It's time to make a conclusion
Conclusion :
We think that TV is a part of our life, the most popular mean of
mass media. But we should not watch TV too long and try to choose
only useful TV programmes.
In my opinion we need TV in spite of its disadvantages .As for me I
like that there is great choice of programs and wide range of
topics and problems for discussion on TV. I think it's important to
keep people informed about almost everything. People must know
important information because they can use it in useful and right
(слайд 7)
1Х. Подведение итогов урока. You have been great today! And you
have good and excellent marks. The lesson is over. Take care.