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  • Урок - игра Звёздный час для 4-7 классов

Урок - игра Звёздный час для 4-7 классов

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Краткое описание: Данное внеклассное мероприятие можно провести в рамках недели "Иностранные языки" в школе или как обобщающий урок по теме. Игра "Звездный час" проводилась в нашей школе неоднократно как внеклассное мероприятие, имело успех среди учащихся с 4-го по 7-ой класс. Развивает само
предварительный просмотр материала



Цель мероприятия: обобщить и систематизировать знания по английскому языку; способствовать дальнейшему развитию интереса к предмету.

Оборудование: карточки с цифрами «1»»2» «3»»4»»0» ; плакаты с ответами (их можно сделать на слайдах), жетоны 2-х цветов- красного и зелёного.

Смысл игры точно такой же ,как Вы видели его по телевизору: ведущий задаёт вопрос на который имеется 4 ответа; учащиеся поднимают карточку с № правильного ответа. Кто поднимет первым- получает красный жетон, другие- зелёный. В конце игры 2 зелёных жетона можно обменять на 1 красный. Некоторые вопросы имеют »сюрпризы»- имеют 2 правильных ответа. Победители награждаются призами ( оценками).

1ТУР Listen the sentences and find the correct answer

1.Pupils go to school a )to dance b) to read c)to write

2. Students write with a ) pens b) water c)glue

3. You open an umbrella when it is a ) fine b) cloudy c) rainy

4. You go to the shop a )to sell something b)to buy something c)to see somebody

5. You decorate a New Year tree with a )flowers b)paper c)toys

6. You can see many animals in a )the cafe b) the circus c)the office

7. You are hungry. You want a) to drink b) to sleep c)to eat

8. Sausage is made of a) meat b) milk c)potato

9. Doctors usually ask about a) family b )mood c) health

10. You are late for classes. What do you say? a) I am sorry b)it is fine c)do not be late

2 ТУР.Listen the sentences and find the correct ending

1. The British capital is a) Cardiff b )London c)Oxford

2. The oldest part of London is a)the West End b)the East End c) the City

3 The largest city in Wales is a) London b)Cardiff c)Oxford

4. Hyde Park is in a) the City b )the West End c) the East End

5. Washington is named after a) the first state in America b) the river c) the first president of America

6. There are 3 holidays. Which is not English? a) Halloween b) East c) Maslenitsa

7. English queen nowadays is a) queen Ann b) queen Elizabeth c) queen Victoria

8. English queen lives in a)in the Buckingham Palace b) in the Westminster c)in the Parliament

9. There are 3 cities . What city is not the capital? a) Washington b) New York c) London

10. The capital of the UK is situated on a) the Seine b)the Angara c) the Thames


1.-Ann, is this your umbrella?

-No, it is not.

-Are you sure?

- Yes I am. My umbrella is black and this umbrella is brown.

What colour is Ann` s umbrella? a)brown b) black c) black and brown d)blue

2. - Are these your shoes?

-No, they are not.

-Are you sure?

-Yes, I am. These shoes are old, and my shoes are new

What are these shoes like a) old b) new c) nice d) not very old

3.-Do you like Bob and Betty ?

-Yes I like them. They are my friends.

-Do Bob and Betty like you?

-Certainly. I am their friends.

What are Bob and Betty to the man ? a) friends b) relatives c) brothers d) students

4.What game are the children playing?

-They are playing football in the yard.

-What are their parents doing?

-They are watching them playing

Who is playing football ? a) the children b) the parents c) the children and their parents d) people in the yard.

5.-Where is Susie?

-She is in the living-room.

-What is she doing?

-She is watching TV.

Where is Susie watching TV ? a) in the living-room b) in the kitchen c ) in the bedroom d) in the children`s room


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