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  • Конспект урока на тему Особенности русской национальной кухни (8 класс)

Конспект урока на тему Особенности русской национальной кухни (8 класс)

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Краткое описание: Данный конспект урока на тему "Особенности русской национальной кухни" (8 класс) проведен с использованием игровых и проектных технологий. Насыщенность материала урока позволила его сделать динамичным и интересным, а представленные проектные работы создали атмосферу го
предварительный просмотр материала

План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе

Используемый УМК: «Spotlight». «Английский в фокусе».

Тема: Особенности русской национальной кухни

Цель: Продолжать знакомство с особенностями кухни разных стран. Закрепить знание лексических единиц по темам «Еда» и «Приготовление пищи». Повторить употребление some \ a (an). Развивать умения монологической и диалогической речи (заказ блюд в ресторане, кафе). Развивать познавательный интерес, память, внимание, творческие и актерские способности учащихся. Воспитывать положительное отношение к изучению английского языка. Способствовать развитию самостоятельного мышления и умению работать в группах.

Ход урока:

I Начало урока

  1. Орг. момент. Приветствие

  2. Сообщение темы и цели урока

T: - It's autumn now. It's time to gather the harvest. But this season brings us not only fruit and vegetables but also there are different celebrations and special occasions with great dinner table. And today we'll speak about traditional cuisine in Russia and compare it with traditional food in Britain.

Цель: So, today we shall

  1. Revise all words and word combinations connected with food

  2. Remind traditional English meals and

  3. Study traditional Russian meals.

  4. And by the end of the lesson we'll answer the question: What is different and what is similar in food traditions of Russia and Great Britain?

3. Повторение лексики. Brainstorming

Работа с лексикой по теме «Еда. Приготовление пищи». Карточки

T: - Take the card you have on your desk and speak about the product you see on it. You should answer such question: What kind of product is it? How can you cook it? How can it be packed? You can use some lexical material from pp. 26, 32.

II Основная часть урока

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Traditional meal in Britain

T: - Now we are in Britain. Let's revise everything you know about British traditions in food.

Children represent information pictured at school hand-made newspaper.

2. Writing .Задание на карточках

T:- Working with cards. Read and fill in missed words some or a/an. Check your answers and count your points.

Учащиеся заполняют пропуски на карточках и взаимопроверяют ответы под контролем учителя.

Вставить some \ a (an)

1. Would you like ….cup of coffee?

2. We have got ... milk. We can make an omelet.

3. Bob always likes ... sugar in his coffee.

4. There is… apple in his pocket

5. She bought … loaf of bread at the bakery

6. Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted ... bread

7. You should add … pinch of salt in your soup

8. Give me ... tea, please, I am thirsty

9. There is ... cheese on the plate.

10. There is …egg in the fridge

(a some some an a some a some some an)

3 Listening

Видео Food in Britain

T: - Watching video material about traditional English meals. Children answer some questions:

What do British eat for breakfast, lunch and supper?

What time do they have meals?

What is British teenagers' favourite food?

4 Physical exercising.

T:- To know about your favourite food, we shall fly to Russia.


We go upstairs (дети изображают движения)

put the luggage up

lock your seat belts

fly, fly, fly

air pocket

fly, fly, fly

air pocket

We landed in Russia

5. Speaking

T:- Let's listen to some information about traditional Russian meals.

Выступления детей. Thank you, children.

6. Dialogues

T:- Now, you should guess the puzzle in your card and act out the dialogue you've got.

  1. «Голубцы»

  • Good day!

  • Good day, sir! What would like to order?

  • I would like a traditional Russian dish made of meat and rice covered in cabbage leaves.

  • You mean…?

  • Yes, sir.

  • Ok. Wait a minute.

  1. «Борщ»

  • Good day!

  • Good day, sir! What would like to order?

  • I would like a traditional Russian dish like soup made of beat, cabbage and other vegetables.

  • You mean…?

  • Yes, sir.

  • Ok. Wait a minute.

  1. «Пельмени»

  • Good day!

  • Good day, sir! What would like to order?

  • I would like a traditional Russian dish made of dough (тесто) with minced meat inside.

  • You mean…?

  • Yes, sir.

  • Ok. Wait a minute.

  1. «Пироги»

  • Good day!

  • Good day, sir! What would like to order?

  • I would like a traditional Russian dish baked in the oven. It can be filled with meat, jam, berries, tvorog and so on.

  • You mean…?

  • Yes, sir.

  • Ok. Wait a minute.

Listening to some dialogues.

7. Food presentations

T:- -Today we also have some "tasty" projects about Russian food. Let's listen to presentations. Дети рассказывают рецепты приготовления и набор ингридиентов принесенных ими для дегустации блюд.

III Заключительная часть урока

  1. Подведение итогов

T: - teacher counts scores and put marks explaining them to the class.

  1. Рефлексия.

T:- Children answer the question: What is different and what is similar in food traditions of Russia and Great Britain?

- Everybody tastes cooked dishes.


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