- Учителю
- Урок английского языка на тему: «Hobbies» для 5 класса
Урок английского языка на тему: «Hobbies» для 5 класса
учебного занятия по английскому языку в рамках темы «Узнаем больше друг о друге» по УМК "Enjoy English", 5-й класс, под редакцией Биболетовой М.З., Трубаневой Н.Н.
Тема: Наши хобби и увлечения
Цель: Создание условий для самореализации при решении поставленных в ходе урока задач.
Коммуникативные и учебные задачи:
Ввести новые лексические единицы по теме «Хобби».
тренировать в речи новые лексические единицы по теме: «Хобби»; активизировать речевые навыки и навыки письма по теме.
развивать произносительные навыки, память, мышление, языковую догадку.
прививать интерес к стране изучаемого языка, иноязычной культуре.
Оборудование: учебник, вспомогательные материалы (опорный лист с новыми словами по теме), карточки, картинка с изображением вишен, компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентация Smart Notebook, колокольчик
№ п/п
Этап урока
Время, мин
Содержание этапа
Режим работы
Организационный момент
Good morning, dear boys and girls! I'm glad to see you! Let me introduce myself. My name is Yuliya Vladimirovna. Today I will be your English teacher. It's time to start our lesson.
Введение коммуникативной ситуации
Dear boys and girls! Today we are receiving guests. Mary Poppins and her friends! Mary Poppins is my favorite book character. She likes to sing. So she has brought a microphone.
Peter Pan likes to fish. He has brought a fishing rod. Sherlock Holmes likes to read. He has brought books. So our guests have different interests. And if you tell me how to call/say their interests in one word you will know the topic of our lesson!
Ответы детей:
It's hobby!
It's hobby. You are right!
Today we'll learn new words about hobbies, learn how to tell somebody about your hobby and how to ask friend about his one.
And if we do all the tasks we will open my magic suitcase and see what the hobby of Harry Potter is? So, let's go!
t-cl, t - p1,p2, p3
p1,p2, p3
Фонетическая зарядка
At first let's train our tongues now. I want us to read a little poem about different hobbies.
Listen to me, please.
I like to read. Мне нравится читать.
I like to play. Мне нравится играть.
I like to study every day Мне нравится учиться
I like to sing. Мне нравится петь.
I like to run. Мне нравится бегать.
You know, it is fun. Знаешь, это забавно.
Pupils listen to the teacher; - Дети слушают учителя;
-repeat after the teacher; - повторяют за учителем;
-read all together; - читают все вместе;
-read one by one; - читают по одному
Thank you so much. Good for you
T-cl, p1,p2, p3
Ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами по теме.
Please, look at the screen now. Let's learn some new words about hobbies. Repeat after me.
Cooking - кулинария
Fishing - рыбалка
A funny poem will help us to learn this word.
Repeat after me!
На ветках много вишен.
Рыбалка по-английски «fishing».
Как запомнить слово «fishing»?
Вспомнить нужно много вишен.
gardening - садоводство
Садоводство «gardening»!
Что в саду угадывай!
playing the guitar - игра на гитаре
Sport -спорт
reading - чтение
singing -пение
photography - фотографирование
playing computer games - игра в компьютерные игры
dancing - танец
Repeat one by one.
So, we have done the first task!
T-cl, p1,p2, p3
p1,p2, p3
Выполнение тренировочных упражнений.
And we have the next task!
Harry Potter has said the magic word: "Mobiliarbus" and mixed up the pictures and the names of hobbies! Let's arrange them in the right order. Place a name of a hobby near the right picture.
Good for you.
And now Match a word and a transcription.
(на доске расположены новые лексические единицы и транскрипция по теме «Hobby»)
Fill in the missing letters. And now guess what letters are missed and write them down!
Let's check your answers
Good for you!
Let's talk about your hobbies!
Use :
My hobby is…
(ответы детей)
T-cl, p1,p2, p3
p1,p2, p3
And now let's guess your friends 'hobbies
Ask your neighbors about his/her hobbies
Is your hobby…?
Yes, it is.
No, it is not.
работа по цепочке
P1 - P2
Harry Potter wants to know if you have memorized hobbies of our guests: Mary Poppins, Peter Pan and Sherlock Holmes well.
Look at the cards and write down the names of hobbies in them. Be very attentive! You should stop writing when you hear a bell sound.
Карточка - вписать пропущенные слова
Sherlock Holmes's hobby is…
Peter Pan's hobby is…
Mary's hobby is…
So, let's check yourself(ves). Give your cards to your neighbor (Change your cards with your neighbors). Look at the screen! You can see the right answers.
Boys and girls who are absolutely right, could you put up your hand! And pupils, who have made some mistakes, please make efforts to memorize new words.
I'll collect your cards and send them to Hogwarts. Harry will be very glad to get it.
P1, P2,..
Your hometask will be to learn new words.
Решение отсроченной загадки.
And now, look at the magic suitcase, please! It's time to know what the hobby of Harry Potter is. Let's remember what new words have we learned today and what have we talked about.
Ask some questions about Harry Potter's hobby and you will know what thing is in the magic box.
Use: Is his hobby…? And I'll answer Yes, it is or No, it is not
слайд (Is his hobby…?)
ответы детей
Yes, you are absolutely right! His hobby is photography! And this is Harry's camera.
Let's take some photos and send them to Hogwarts along with your cards. Harry will be very happy!
Dear boys and girls thank you for good job! I wish you good luck in studying English!!!
The lesson is over! Good bye!