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  • Упражнения по английскому языку по теме Предлоги места

Упражнения по английскому языку по теме Предлоги места

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предварительный просмотр материала

Комплекс упражнений и заданий на автоматизацию употребления предлогов места в английском языке.

1. Вставить предлоги по смыслу.Вставьте предлоги in, on, behind, next to, under, between,

  1. Where is the bed? It is ……the kitchen.

  2. Where is the chair? It is ……the table.

  3. Where is the lion? It is ………..the TV and The bed.

  4. Where is the bike? It is …………….the door.

  5. Where is the table? It is …………. the chair.

  6. Where is the door? It is ………………the elephant.

  7. Where are the pictures? They are ………the wall (стена).

Вставь вместо пропусков предлоги on/ under/ next to/ in/ behind.The lamp is …….. the desk.

The cat is ………..the desk.

The chair is ………….the desk.

The girl is ………….. the boy.

The book is …………the desk.

The pencils are …………the desk organizer.

The copybook is ……………… the book.

The boy is ……………the desk.

2. Верное/ неверное утверждение

Напиши True, если предложение верное, False, если предложение неверное.The rulers are in the bag………….

The apple is in the bag………………

The books are behind the bag………..

The pencils are behind the books………..

The pencil is in the bag………………

The board is behind the bag…………

The apple is next to the books…………..

The rulers are on the bag…………….

Упражнения по английскому языку по теме Предлоги места

1. The lamp is on the desk. ……………..

2. The picture is next to the guitar. …………

3. The guitar is behind the bed. …………..

4. The carpet is in the middle of the room……..

5. The computer is under the desk…………….

6. The green book is on the chair……………..

7. The chairs are next to the desks………..

8. The beds are next to the window………..


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