- Учителю
- План урока по английскому языку 'The bounty of nature'
План урока по английскому языку 'The bounty of nature'
Lesson plan
Theme: The bounty of nature
Level: 9 th
Teacher: Vostrencova I.M
Competences: Communication, linguistic, social, digital, pragmatic
Sub competence: 1) Identifying some details/specific information from written and oral messages
2) Expressing agreement/disagreement regarding the views expressed in an exchange of ideas on topic of interest
3) Reducing the messages to its essential idea of it
4) Receiving an oral and a written message
Resources: pictures, cards, TV -set and computer, books, black-board, song and sounds of nature
Time: 45 min.
Pupils will be able:
to know and use 9 words in their speech
to express their own opinion about nature
to answer the questions what does nature gives us and what do we give to nature
to realize the importance of nature' protecting
Lesson stage
Teacher's activity
Pupils' activity
Warm up
Introducing the new vocabulary
Project work
Relax pause
Home task
To give the emotional tune of the lesson
Introduction to the topic
To enlarge pupils' vocabulary
To practice conversations
To develop creative activities
To develop speaking
To develop imagination
To practice developing listen skills
To come to conclusion
To develop writing skills
To sum up results
The teacher turns on the music, cites the quotation
"The Earth is a garden
It's a beautiful place
For all living creatures
For all human race
Then The teacher asks how the pictures, the music and the words are linked
The teacher says the theme and the objectives of the lesson
Then the teacher suggests to write and explain pupils' association with the word
The teacher gives cards with new words and words combinations
The teacher suggests to watch the video and then asks the questions
The teacher listens to the pupils' presentations
The teacher suggests to relax and listen to the music
The teacher suggests to listen the dialogue
The teacher asks the pupils
What new information have you got?
The teacher suggests to write an essay on the topic "
The teacher evaluates the pupils' answers, activity at the lesson and comments the marks of the pupils
The pupils answer that the music, the pictures and the words are about nature
The pupils write words
What is nature?
The pupils read the new words and their definitions
The pupils watch the video and answer the questions
The pupils present different materials about What do we give to nature and what does nature give to us
The pupils listen to the music and describe their emotions and feelings
The pupils listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
The pupils describe what they have learnt at the lesson
The pupils write the home task
Pair work
Chain work
Group work
Individual work
Words and explanations
Listening comprehension
Answers and arguments