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  • Приложение 'Страноведение Бурятии' к рабочей программе УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой (8 класс)

Приложение 'Страноведение Бурятии' к рабочей программе УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой (8 класс)

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Приложение к рабочей программе УМК

О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой 7 класс

Разработала: Соколова Е.А.

Пояснительная записка

В последние годы отечественная методическая наука рассматривает образование как процесс освоения социального опыта, а личность, будучи «мерой всех вещей», выступает в качестве цели и результата образовательного процесса. Рассмотрение дисциплины «иностранный язык» в контексте проблемы социального развития школьников представляется закономерным, так как язык играет ведущую роль в процессах социализации личности. Поэтому процесс обучения иностранным языкам призван обеспечивать условия для полноценного социального развития учащихся. Содержание обучения является одним из основных средств и факторов развития личности. При его отборе критерий опоры на культуру страны изучаемого языка должен быть дополнен критерием опоры на родную культуру учащихся. Это обеспечит межнациональное общение и обмен культурными ценностями на ИЯ между носителями различных культур, предотвратит возможные коммуникативно - психологические трудности в реальном общении с носителями изучаемого языка. В данном приложении представлены страноведческие тексты по Бурятии, а также задания для проверки их понимания. Учебные материалы как часть социально развивающего обучения наполнены социальными, культурными и историческими контекстами, в рамках которых происходит социально-коммуникативное взаимодействие школьников. Целостность содержания обеспечена наличием единых тем, объединяющих серию уроков.

Цели и задачи:

- расширение, углубление знаний учащихся, необходимых для повышения общего уровня образованности;

- развитие интереса к предмету, познавательной активности.

-формирование умений и навыков анализа, сравнения культур, образа жизни Британии и России.

Тематический план

раздел программы


урок страноведения

unit 2 ( 14 уроков)

Visiting Britain

11 урок , text " Buryatia"

unit 3 ( 14 уроков)


11 урок, text " Dorzhi Banzarov"

unit 4 ( 14 уроков)

Traditions, holidays

11урок, "Sagaalgan, Maslenitsa"

Требования к знаниям, умениям и навыкам учащихся

На уровне знакомства у учащихся формируются образы при непосредственном восприятии материала. Учащиеся узнают много нового об истории и происхождении многих явлений.

На уровне понимания учащиеся проникают в суть изученного материала и сравнивают географическое положение, природу, празднование праздников, биографии выдающихся людей.

Контроль и оценка

При осуществлении контроля предусмотрены традиционные формы - ответы на вопросы, пересказ, устное сообщение. В процессе работы для учащихся предусмотрены такие формы работы как индивидуальная, парная и групповая. Оценивание по пятибалльной системе.

Ресурсный материал к занятиям

Unit 2 Buryatia


Where do you live?

How long have you been living here?

Have you lived anywhere else?


East of Baikal is the Republic of Buryatia which is a Siberian land. . Siberia is fabulously rich in natural resources. The importance of industrial raw material is constantly growing in the world. Buryatia occupies a great territory of Eastern Siberia, covering 351.300 square kilometers with a population of 1.056,000 people. It is more than a quarter larger than New Zealand in area. The northwestern borderline stretches along the shore of Lake Baikal. Siberia is twice the area of Europe. In the south the republic borders on Mongolia, in the north on Sakha-Yakutia, in the west on the Republic of Tuva and in the east on the Chita region.

The Republic is mostly mountainous. Its highest peak Munku-Sardyk is 3,491 meters high. There is hardly a place in Russia where such a variety of scenery can be found. There are mountains and boundless steppes, thick forests and quiet lakes, rapid mountain rivers with crystal clear icy water and of course, world famous Lake Baikal.

The taiga is a nice coniferous forest. It covers about 60 per cent of the whole territory. There are a great variety of trees in it: pine, cedar, fir, birch, aspen, bird cherry and alpine rose. The taiga is rich in fur-bearing animals: bear, wolf, sable, fox, squirrel, mink, polar fox, elk, goat, ect.

The rivers of Buryatia are of no great value as waterways. The longest of them are Selenga, the Uda, the Bargusin, the Angara and others. All the rivers run into Baikal except the Angara. For the greatest part of the year the rivers are frozen.

The region is known for its extreme continental climate. The frosts in snowy winters are severely cold. The summers are short and hot with few rainy days. So they say Buryatia is sunny.

The republic is famous for sheep breeding and vegetable growing. Wheat, potatoes and cucumbers are cultivated in Mukhorshibir, Bichura and Kabansk regions. There is a variety of industries such as aircraft, shipbuilding, food, coalmining and others.

Above all Buryatia is famous for a glorious inland sea. It is Baikal. The water of Baikal is amazingly clear. In fact it is legendary.

The centre of Buddhism in Russia is situated in the territory of Buryatia in Ivolginsk Datsan. It is 20 kilometers from Ulan-Ude, the capital of the republic.

Vocabulary Geographical and proper names

Natural resources- природные ресурсы Eastern Siberia- Восточная Сибирь

Pine- сосна New Zealand- Hовая Зеландия

Cedar- кедр Mongolia- Монголия

Fir-tree- пихта Sakha-Yakutia- Республика Саха

Birch- береза Republic of Tuva- Республика


Aspen- осина Chita region- Читинский регион

Glorious- славный, великолепный Munku-Sardyk- Мунку-Сардык

Transparency- прозрачность

How much do you know?

Answer the questions.

1. Where is the Republic of Buryatia situated?

2. What regions and territories does it border on?

3. What is Buryatia famous for?

Unit 3

Dorzhi Banzarov


Dorzhi Banzarov was born in March 1822 in a Buryat village not far from Dzhida. His father was a Cossack. When Dorzhi was ten years old, he began to study at the Russian-Mongolian military school in Kyakhta .This school was the best cultural centre at the beginning of the 20th century. He did well at school and left it after three years.

In 1835 he entered the Kazan gymnasium with three other buryat boys. At the gymnasium they studied Russian grammar, mathematics, history, geography, Latin, French, English, Turkish and other subjects.

In 1842 he graduated it with a gold medal and entered Kazan University. He liked philosophy, history and oriental and European languages.

D. Banzarov graduated from the university in 1846 with a philosophy doctor degree for his famous work "Black Belief or Shamanism of the Mongols". He decided to devote himself to science. In 1847 he went to St. Petersburg. That period of his life was the best for studying in the Asian Museum of the Academy of Science and for making friends with the capital's scientists. The government relegated Banzarov to Irkutsk.

He was a very kind and clever man and people loved and respected him very much.

His famous book "Black Belief or Shamanism of the Mongols" was about the obo (a small hill of ground and stones) and about the spirits and patrons of the country. In his article the "White Month" (1846) he wrote about the traditional of celebrating Sagaalgan.

He died in 1855 in Irkutsk when he was only 33 years old. He made a major contribution to our science. The Buryat nation is proud of its scientists.

Nowadays the Buryat University is named after D.Banzarov, the first Buryat scientist.

Vocabulary Geographical and proper names

Military-военный Kazan University- Казанский университет

Black Belief or Shamanism of the Mongols-

Черная вера или шаманство у монголов

"White Month"- «Белый месяц»

Comprehension Test

Looking for Details

Number the sentences 1 through 8 to show the correct order

1. In 1835 he entered the Kazan gymnasium.

2. He liked philosophy, history and oriental and European languages.

3. D.Banzarov was born in March 1822.

4. He died in 1855 in Irkutsk when he was only 33 years old.

5. When Dorzhi was 10 years old he began to study.

6. In 1842 he graduated with a gold medal.

7. He did well at school.

8. In 1847 he went to St. Petersburg.


Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. Who was the first Buryat scientist?

2. Are you proud of the famous people of Buryatia? Why?

Unit 4 Sagaalgan, Maslenitsa


What is your favorite holiday?

What do you know about Sagaalgan?

The main holiday of the year is Sagaalgan or the holiday of the White Moon. It is celebrated on the first days of February on the eve of the lunar New Year. It is truly a people's holiday.

Sagaalgan is above all a family holiday. It is customary to wish a Happy New Year to close and distant relatives first, so the holiday is spend visiting neighbors, receiving guests, giving presents and feasting.

The white colour symbolizes happiness and richness. During this month people visit each other and make presents. The value of the present is of no importance. People wish each other the white thoughts of wealth and success.

The Buryats have a good tradition of congratulating the old people during the Sagaalgan. The ceremony begins with presenting Khadak (a blue scarf made of soft silk), white milk products, headscarves, pieces of fabric, and a pack of cigarettes or a piece of soap.

At the Datsans Lamas dressed in colorful, traditional coats pry together for well-being and happiness for every person all over the world.

The Russians have many holidays: Christmas, on the 7th of January, Easter, and the most popular is Maslenitsa. It is the last winter holiday. It is the holiday of saying good-bye to winter. In the past winter was the most difficult season of the year for peasants. There was no electricity or transport and people were looking forward to spring, to have a good time. They wanted to be merry, to sledge, and to eat blins. People bake blinz (thin sweet pan cakes). Every hostess had her own way of making blinz with her own recipe. Guests and neighbors come in, singing blinz songs, called Chastushky. Every day of the week has its own name. Before the holiday the youth made a stuffed doll. It was funny. It was the centre of the holiday. During the holiday week it was taken to visit all the yards. In the evening of the last day the stuffed doll was burnt on a fire and everybody sang good-bye songs. On the last Sunday people visit each other asking forgiveness for any troubles they had caused and to show respect and love for each other.

How much do you know?

Answer the questions.

1. What holidays of the Republic of Buryatia do you know?

2. What do the Buryats do during Sagaalgan?

3. What British holidays that are not celebrated in Buryatia do you know?


1. Бим И. Л., Биболетова М. З., Щепилова А. В., Копылова В.В.

Иностранный язык в системе школьного филологического образования (концепция) // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2009.- №1. С. 4-8.

2. Ариян М. А. Повышение самостоятельности учебного труда школьников при обучении иностранным языкам // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1999. - №6. С.17-21.

3. Соловова Е. Н. Автономия учащихся как основа развития современного непрерывного образования личности // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2004. - №2. С. 11-16.

4. Мункожапова Д. Ж. Buryatia . - Улан-Удэ: Изд-во «Бэлиг», 2002.

5.. Программа развития школы №28 г. Улан-Удэ «Социальная адаптация школьников посредством трудового воспитания в условиях здоровьесберегающей среды». - 2013.

-развитие интереса к предмету, познавательной активности и творческих способностей учащихся;

-знакомство с культурой американского общества


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