Открытый урок 'Helping at Home'

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

муниципального образования "Город Архангельск"

"Средняя школа №45"

Открытый урок по английскому языку

5 класс

«Helping at Home»

Учитель высшей категории

Пушкина Марина Анатольевна

г. Архангельск


Урок по английскому языку на тему: «Helping at Home» (5 класс)

Пушкина Марина Анатольевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СШ №45 г. Архангельска

Тип урока: актуализация навыков и умений, социализация.

Методическая цель: активизация познавательной деятельности обучающихся

Цель: актуализировать навыки и умения в различных видах деятельности с применением современных образовательных технологий


Практические: активизация умений строить устные высказывания на основе первичного усвоения учебного материала, логического мышления


- активизация навыков чтения и аудирования с полным пониманием;

- активизация навыков монологической речи по теме;

- предоставление учащимся использовать язык в речевой ситуации;

Воспитательные: прививать у учащихся ответственное отношение к своим обязанностям по дому, желание помочь родителям.


- расширение кругозора учащихся

- развитие языковой догадки

- развитие интереса к языку

- социокультурное развитие

Методы обучения:

- актуализация- метод активизации творческого мышления

- яркое пятно, мозговой штурм - методы активного обучения

- игровые

- сенсорный (эмоциональная рефлексия), учебная рефлексия

Формы организации познавательной деятельности:

Фронтальная работа, индивидуальная, парная.

План - конспект урока.

  1. The beginning of the lesson.

T: Good morning, dear students!

We are glad to see you here. We hope you are well.

Children! What do you usually do at home? How do you help your parents? Must you help your parents at home? We'll give answers to these questions at the end of the lesson

  1. T: Read the words:

Empty the bin

Sweep the floor

Tidy the room

Do the washing up

Lay the table

Go food shopping

Make the bed

Feed the cat

Throw the rubbish away

Vacuum the carpet

Look after…

  1. Т: Match the pictures with words (Pupils answer)

  1. T: What do you think we'll speak about? What is the theme of our lesson?

Helping at Home

Write the title of the lesson «Helping at Home» on the board. Ask students to note down secretly three things they do at home to help their family members, eg, I look after my brother, I vacuum the carpet, etc. Then put them in pairs to guess which three chores their classmates have chosen. \They can make six guesses and for each correct one they get a point. Find out who scored the most points.

T: How often do you help your parents? (Pupils answer)

3.Т: Let's begin with the text!

1) Open your books page 56. You can see pictures. What can you see on them?

Pupil 1: Photo of a family

T: Who are the members of the family?

P2: Ruth is 11, Billy is 10.

T: What else?

P3: The hotel the B&B.

T: What does this sign mean?

T: We can see the B&B sign in many towns and villages in Britain.

T: What do you think? What is this text about? (Pupils answer)

  1. Т: Let's listen to the text and try to understand it.

Tapescript CD 56.

T : Do you understand now what is B&B?

P explains: B&B stands for Bed & Breakfast. When people travel, they can stay for a night and have breakfast the next morning.

T: Can you understand the words and expressions: paying guests, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans. (Pupils answer)

T: What is this text about? (Pupils answer)

To check your ideas, please, read the text.

Teaching tip: Helping students with reading comprehension. Give students these tips to help with reading comprehension:

Read the questions before reading the text because then you will focus on the information you need;

Make sure your answer is correct after reading the whole text, because relevant information can appear anywhere;

Try to summarise what each paragraph is about when you have finished reading, eg, in the text in Exercise 1 paragraph 1 is about Billy's house and paragraph 2 is about how the children help their parents. This will make it easier for you to understand particular information;

Study any pictures with the text because they often help you understand it more easily.

T: But before reading the text let's look through exercise 2.

T: Read the questions and translate them. (Pupils read)

T: When you read the text, find the answers to the questions.

T: Study the pictures again, they can help you to understand the text better.

Try to understand what every paragraph is about

. For example: the first paragraph is about Hotel…

3) T: Let's read the text and answer the questions in exercise 2.

(Pupils read the text)

T: Let's work in pairs.

T: Compare your answers in pairs.

Answer the questions! Read out your answers for the whole class to check!

P1: They live in a B&B

P2: It's a house with one or two bedrooms for paying guests.

P3: He helps his mum make the beds and vacuum the guests' bedrooms.

P4: She helps her dad cook breakfast.

P5: They are talking to the guests and answering their questions.

P6: Eggs, bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans.

T: That's good.

4.Т:Let's continue to work at the text

1) Give the title to the text. (P1,P2,P3…)

2) Retell the text.

5. Т: Kids, come to the blackboard and show how you feel after performing the task.

6. T: Now, do Exercise 3, page 57.

T: Look at the photo! What can you see?

P: This is a photo of a girl Adila. She is from Tanzania (East Africa). She is 11.

Т: Now listen to the text about this girl.

Try to understand it and answer the question. How does the girl help her mother?

Tapescript СD 57.

T: Who can answer the question?

P1: collect wood for the fire.

P2: sweep the floor … cook dinner.

T: Good. Let's do exercise 4, page 57.

Read the phrases in the box, look at the pictures.

T: Now listen again this text and match these phrases with pictures.

Tapescript. Extra activity.

picture 4- fetch water from the well

picture 5- cook dinner

picture 3- collect wood for the fire

picture 2- shake out the rugs

picture 1- sweep the floor

7. Photocopiable activity

How do they help at home?

Type of activity: Memory game

Organization: Individual work

Time: 8 minutes

Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student


Put a copy of the worksheet face down in front of each student. Ask all students simultaneously to turn over the page, fold it in half so that they see the first task only and look at the pictures for 45 seconds. Students should try to remember as much as they can.

When the time is finished, ask students to turn the page over so that they only see the second task with the accompanying pictures. Students complete the sentences from memory. Set a time limit of 8 minutes for this activity. Monitor their work, providing help if necessary.

When students have finished, they compare their answers in pairs before looking at the pictures in the first task again. Elicit the complete sentences from individual students. (the pictures are on the last page)

8. Homework suggestions.

1) Exercise 6, page 57 Textbook

2) Write sentences about how you help your parents at home.

9. Conclusions.

T: Say how you feel after our lesson ( I work well/ I try / I need helping )

I can …

I know …

Т:The lesson is over. Thank you very much for your work. You all have worked hard and tried to do your best.

Использованная литература и ресурсы:

1. "Английский язык" учебник для 5 класса Ю.А.Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К. Гренджер, М.: ООО «Русское Слово-учебник»: Макмилан, 2012- ФГОС. Инновационная школа)

2. Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт основного общего образования.

3. Примерные программы по учебным предметам. Иностранный язык. 5-9 классы.- М.: Просвещение, 2010 .

4. Примерная основная образовательная программа образовательного учреждения. Основная школа\ Сост.- Е.С.Савинов. - М.: Просвещение, 2011

5. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Ю.А.Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Гренджер «Английский язык» 5 класс

5. Рабочая программа и книга для учителя:


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