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A1. He ... the ball hard and this time it... into the back of the net.

  1. hitted, flew 3) hit, flowed

  2. hit, flew 4) was hitted, flied

A2. If the Spanish team ... to do so well, they ... the World Cup.

  1. will continue, will be winning 3) continues, will be won

  2. continues, will win 4) is continued, will be winning

A3. I don't think your brother... the party. He ... looking at his watch.

1) enjoys, kept 3) was enjoying, had been kept

2) is enjoying, keeps 4) has been enjoying, is kept

A4. The car ... a very curious noise ever since it... out of oil.

  1. is making, runs 3) was making, was running

  2. had been making, run 4) has been making, ran

A5. He ... on that show many times before he ... its permanent host.

  1. has appeared, became 3) will appear, will become

  2. had appeared, became 4) appeared, has become

A6. The largest cake ... in the USA in 1982 and it... thirty-seven tons -the weight of seven elephants.

  1. had been made, had weighed 3) made, was weighing

  2. was made, weighed 4) was made, was weighed

A7. I... that our conversation ....

1) wasn't realized, was being recorded

2) didn't realize, has been recorded

3) didn't realize, was being recorded

4) hadn't realized, had recorded

A8. New working methods ... by 2007 and they ... in higher earnings ft the workers.

  1. are introduced, will result

  2. will be introduced, have resulted

  3. will have been introduced, will result

  4. will have introduced, will be resulting

A9. Mike warned us that we... bathe in the rivers as they... full of piranhas - a South American fish with sharp teeth.

1) can't, were 3) couldn't, have been

2) couldn't, were 4) can't, had been

A10. It's almost impossible ... boys ... soldiers.

  1. to forbid, to play 3) to forbid, playing

  2. forbid, play 4) forbidding, playing

All. We suggested sleeping in hotels but the children ... out.

1) were anxious camping 3) were anxious to camp

2) have been anxious to camp 4) have been anxious camping

A12. They still say that if he... into the greengrocery business when he left school he ... comfortably off now instead of being poor.

  1. went, would have been 3) had gone, had been

  2. had gone, would be 4) went, would be

A13. I wish they ... to the weather forecast and ... in such stormy weather.

  1. had listened, hadn't sailed

  2. have listened, haven't sailed

  3. would listen, wouldn't have sailing

  4. had listened, wouldn't have sailed

A14. A few days ago I received ... letter from Julia.

1) a ten-page's 2) a ten-page 3) a tenth-page 4) a ten pages

A15. - 'Do you want the big bag or the small one?' -'... of them would do.'

1) Any 2) Some 3) None 4) Either

A16. A man armed with a shotgun escaped with rings and bracelets worth ... dollars.

  1. fifty-five thousands 3) fifty-fifth thousand of

  2. fifty-five thousand 4) fifty-five thousands of

A17. This computer is ... advanced than the old model.

1) little more 2) far more 3) lot more 4) most more

A18. The expeditions to .... Antarctic attracted participants from all over the world.

1) the 2) - 3) a 4) an

A19. ... Nile flows right through the city.

1)A 2) An 3)The 4)-

A20. ... shop assistant didn't know how much ... sweater was because ...

price tag was missing.

A19. ... Nile flows right through the city.

1)A 2) An 3)The 4)-

A20. ... shop assistant didn't know how much ... sweater was because ...

price tag was missing.

1)-, the, the 2) The, a, a 3)A, a,- 4) The, the, the

A21. I'm flying to Italy on ... Sunday 2nd September, and ... plane arrives at... Rome Airport at 11.00.

1) -, the, - 2) -, the, the 3) the, the, - 4) the, a, the

А22. Susan smiled ... him and waved.

1) over 2) to 3) at 4) on

A23. We were provided ... pencils and paper to write the test. 1) by 2) for 3) with 4) in

A24. I was ... time ... my dentist's appointment, but the dentist was still busy... another patient.

1) on, for, with 2) at, for, with 3) on, at, about 4) in, at, for

A25. She's been put... charge ... children's activities ... the summer camp.

1) in, with, in 2) in, of, at 3) on, of, in 4) with, for, at

A26. Debbie won't be able to understand the speakers ... there is an interpreter.

1) if 2) in case 3) unless 4) as long as

A27. Remember to take a key with you ... you come home late.

1) in case 2) so that 3) despite 4) until

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

А28. The company production of shoes has doubled in the past years.

1 2 3 4

A29. A baby starts learning the meanings of words as they are spoken by


others and later uses they in sentences

2 3 4

Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов.

А30. soap opera, quiz show, commercial, channel, cartoon

1) radio 2) television 3) newspaper

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к за­данному ряду слов.

A31. lecture, exam, credit, test, lesson

1) rehearsal 2) memorial 3) tutorial

A32. Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме.

1) cream, rouge, powder, lotion, lipstick

2) hair-dryer, shampoo, soap, lightning, freezer

3) eye-brows, eye-lashes, cheek-bones, eye-lids

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Only a few people decide early in life what they want to do and then follow a prescribed (A33) ... of training to reach their (A34) ... . More often a

young person (A35) ... the best job available, and that leads to a lifetime in a particular field. Frequently an individual finds a job through a friend, relative or other helpful persons. In most professional fields, however, a university (A36) ... can always be the (A37) ... to a great job.



l)way 2) nature 3) attitude 4) approach


1) progress 2) goal 3) project 4) finish


1) takes 2) attends 3) receives 4) admits


1) degree 2) award 3) prize 4) grade


1) permission 2) admission 3) instruction 4) certificate

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложен­ной реплике-стимулу.

А38. I feel worried and nervous.

1) Take it to heart. 3) Don't mention it.

2) Are you? 4) Do you?

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложен­ной ответной реплике.

А39. No, not in the least. I've got several.

1) Do you mind if I take this map?

2) Have you got any maps?

3) You have got a few maps, haven't you?

4) Sorry, I've borrowed your map.

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

А40. Which of the cities is the largest port in Great Britain nowadays?

1) London 3) Edinburgh

2) Glasgow 4) Manchester


В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

Bl. I think there is some relationship between his poor ... at school and his unhappy home life (perform).

B2. It's common knowledge that your life is ... by smoking (danger).

B3. It was very ... of you to leave your younger sister alone in the house (responsibility).

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

В4. (Никто) of my two friends has travelled abroad so far.

B5. That's your wife over there, (не так ли)?

B6. Actions (говорят) louder than words.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только од­ним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Legends are stories about real people who (B7) ... famous for doing (B8) ... brave or extraordinary. Every time the story was told, it became more Exaggerated and so (B9) ... is now difficult to tell how (BIO) ... of the story is really true


ДЛЯ 11 КЛАССА (повышенный уровень)

II вариант

A1. In his youth Mr Swan ... a small farm in Wales and ... cattle.

1) had purchased, is breeding 3) had purchased, has bred

2) purchased, bred 4) purchased, breeded

A2. Unless Tom ... his library book back tomorrow he ... to pay a fine.

1) won't take, will have 3) takes, will have

2) has taken, is having 4) is taking, would have

A3. Whenever I... in on Sam, he ... on the phone.

  1. called, has been talking 3) called, was talking

  2. had called, had talked 4) call, talked

A4. We ... the computer for two years and we ... problems before.

1) used, had never 3) had been used, never had

2) are using, have never had 4) have been using, have never had

A5. We ... at the painting for about ten minutes before we ... who the artist was.

1) have been looking, realized 3) had been looking, realized

2) were looking, have realized 4) had looked, were realized

A6. The first coded message ... in 400 ВС, twenty-three centuries before Morse code....

1) sent, was invented 3) was sent, invented

2) was sent, was being invented 4) was sent, had been invented

A7. The guests ... to the hotel manager that they ... after properly.

  1. had complained, aren't being looked

  2. complained, weren't looking

  3. complained, weren't being looked

  4. were complaining, didn't look

A8. Pamela ... for the job because the vacancy ... with a more successful candidate.

1) didn't choose, had been filled 3) wasn't chosen, had been filled

2) hasn't been chosen, has filled 4) hasn't chosen, has been filled

A9. The paleontologist claimed the world ... earlier than people ....

  1. had begun, thought 3) had begun, had been thought

  2. began, think 4) began, were thinking

А10. My mother ... me ... my warm coat as it was cold outdoors.

1) has reminded, to wear 3) had reminded, wearing

2) reminded, wearing 4) reminded, to wear

A11. My father thinks I am not capable of earning my own living, but I... ... him that he is wrong.

  1. will mean showing 3) am meant to be shown

  2. mean being shown 4) mean to show

A12. If you ... really serious about your studies, you ... up that evening job.

1) were, would have given 3) had been, will give

2) would have been, would give 4) had been, would have been given

A13. I wish I... to my friend's advice ... the party so early. She says she had great fun and really enjoyed it.

1) would have listened, didn't leave 3) listened, didn't leave

2) had listened, hadn't left 4) would listen, wouldn't leave

A14. We had ... holiday in Spain last year and it was marvelous.

1) a two weeks 2) a two week's 3) two-week 4) a two-week

A15. You can paint the walls blue or green.... is fine with me.

1) Any 2) None 3) Either 4) Every

A16. It is announced that all flights to Germany depart from ....

1) Terminal Three 3) Third Terminal

2) the Terminal Three 4) Terminal the Third

A17. ... release of the studio is a film suitable for all ages.

1) The latter 2) The latest 3) The lastest 4) Later

A18. Paul spent half of his life in ... Far East.

1) a 2) an 3) the 4) -

A19. His opinions had ... effect on many laws that are still in force today

. 1)- 2) the 3)a 4)'an-

A20. Grizzly bears\are ... mammals, and it is not uncommon for them to be seen near ... garbage cans in ... national parks.

1) the, the, - 2) the, the, the 3) the,-, - 4)-,-,-

A21. Some of... important visitors flying in from ... northern Italy next

week. Can you meet them at... Birmingham Airport?

1) the, the, - 2) -, the, the 3) the, -, - 4) -, -, the

A22. My younger brother has a real talent... painting.

1) in 2) for 3) at 4) to

A23. The shop assistant talked me ... buying this suit, although I didn't particularly like it.

l)off 2) out 3)of 4) into

A24. Can you make ...what is written ...that sign ... there?

1) up, of, - 2) in, about, - 3) off, on, in 4) out, on, over

A25. ... her jeans and T-shirt Jane felt... place ... the expensive restaurant.

1) With, off, at 2) In, out of, in 3) In, for, at 4) With, of, in

A26. Tom pushed Nick into the swimming-pool ... seemed to amuse everyone.

1) what 2) which 3) that 4) where

A27. The book,... I only bought last week, is falling apart already.

1) what 2) which 3) who 4) when

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

А28. Не was finally given the job for what he had been training half a year.

1 2 3 4

A29. We don't know him very well; he's just an acquaintance of us from

1 2 3

our university days.


Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов.

А30. dish, bill, tip, recipe, service, wine-bar

1) restaurant 2) home party 3) shop

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к за­данному ряду слов.

А31. photographer, physiotherapist, physicist, physician, physiologist

1) phonetician 2) photocopier 3) philosophy

A32. Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме.

1) hammer, nail, saw, axe, drill 3) plate, dish, saucer, disk, bowl

2) spade, watering can, bucket, rake

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Mount Everest is said to be the dirtiest mountain in the world, as every expedition that has set off up the mountain has (A33) ... their rubbish

behind and this situation has to be (A34) .... Oxygen bottles, plastic, paper and food tins are all littering the mountain. Recently, an expedition went just to (A35) ... the mountain as much as possible. This problem has to be overcome, as no one wants to see such a beautiful area (A36)... with rubbish. A solution must be worked out to (A37) ... the natural environment of the mountain.


1) remained 2) put 3) left 4) pushed


1) punished 2) dealt with 3) objected 4) run against


1) clean up 2) wash up 3) brush up 4) make up


1) polluted 2) thrown 3) wasted 4) fallen


1) find 2) seek 3) examine 4) save

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложен­ной реплике-стимулу.

А38. Would you like some bread with your tea?

1) Delicious 3) A sweet roll, please.

2) Nothing of the kind. 4) No, I don't.

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложен­ной ответной реплике.

А39. See you soon.

1) Will you be staying there a month?

2) Are you leaving?

3) When will you be back?

4) Hi! It's me.

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

А40. For how many years is the British House of Commons elected?

1) Three 2) Four 3) Five 4) Seven

Тест В

В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

B1. The delegates gave him a warm ... as he called for more spending on education (receive).

B2. The doctor gave her some tablets to ... the pain (relief)-

B3. It turned out that the investigators were given ... information and they had to enquire the witnesses another time (reliable).

В4. I'm definitely going to look for (другую) job now!

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

B5. This method is never used in modern laboratories, (не так ли)?

B6. Most people enjoy (слушать) music.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только од­ним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Alice was not (B7)... forward to another summer visit by her cousin Camilla. And Alice's boyfriend wasn't (B8).... He thought Camilla was boring. She was not (B9) ... Alice, who was lively and great fun. The evening when Camilla arrived for her four-week holiday (B10) ... was a party at the local disco and they all went there.


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