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- Сочинение по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык(английский)» МОЯ БУДУЩАЯ ПРОФЕССИЯ.
Сочинение по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык(английский)» МОЯ БУДУЩАЯ ПРОФЕССИЯ.
Министерство образования и науки Астраханской области
ОАОУ СПО Астраханский социально-педагогический колледж
Специальность:050146 Преподавание в начальных классах
По учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык(английский)»
студентка группы 1 Б
_____Галимарданова А.Ф.
Проверил преподаватель английского языка
___________Киреева Г.В.
Астрахань 2014
Done by Alina Galimardanova
Astrakhan social training college, 1 B____
Checked by G.Y.Kireeva
Astrakhan 2014
It is very important for everybody to make a right choice of profession. There are a lot of honourable professions today. Still, it is difficult for young people to choose. Every teenager at some point starts thinking which profession to choose for the future and I'm no exception.
My name is Alina. I am 17 years. I am a fist-year student of the Astrakhan social pedagogigal college. I study russia, mathematics, history, information, English and other subjects. I have six lesson a day. My favorite subject is history.
My future profession is a teacher of primary school. I thing it is a very interesting profession. I know that a teacher should be attentive to people with whom he works.
My mother works at a kindergarten. My father engineer. But I have decided to choose a profession of a teacher because I like to work with children.
I have got a niece. She is 7 years. This year she went to the first class. In summer I worked with her because I like to teach children to draw, to sing, to read and to play with them.
Today a good teacher is of great demand in our
country. I want to become a teacher devoted to my cause.