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  • Лексические упражнения к модулю 4.1, учебник Starlight 10

Лексические упражнения к модулю 4.1, учебник Starlight 10

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Module 4.1

Variant I

  1. Match the following words and word combinations (1-15) to their definitions (a-o)

committed to



seek perfection



give way


suck into


swiftly flowing




make up for imperfections

  1. to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement

  2. to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture, etc.

  3. to succeed in recording, showing, or describing a situation or a feeling using words or pictures

  4. causing damage to people or things

  5. to break, especially when under pressure from strong forces

  6. actually true

  7. to move quickly in a steady continuous stream

  8. to move quickly to avoid someone or something

  9. to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger

  10. to compensate for something bad (i.e. disadvantages)

  11. willing to work very hard at something

  12. use all or most of your time in order to do something

  13. to end or ruin something completely

  14. look for something ideal

  15. to draw/pull someone into something

  1. Translate the following expressions

  1. Лавина

  2. Жить на полную катушку

  3. Удар молнии

  4. Суровые погодные условия

  5. Выгодная охота (погоня)

  6. Глубокий эффект

  7. Наводнение

  8. Извержение вулкана

  9. Зарабатывать на жизнь

  10. Дождь с градом, сильный град

Module 4.1

Variant II

  1. Match the following words (1-15) with their meanings (a-o)


make up for imperfections






swiftly flowing


suck into


committed to


give way

seek perfection


  1. to compensate for something bad (i.e. disadvantages)

  2. to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement

  3. to draw/pull someone into something

  4. to move quickly to avoid someone or something

  5. causing damage to people or things

  6. to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture, etc.

  7. willing to work very hard at something

  8. to move quickly in a steady continuous stream

  9. to end or ruin something completely

  10. to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger

  11. actually true

  12. to break, especially when under pressure from strong forces

  13. use all or most of your time in order to do something

  14. to succeed in recording, showing, or describing a situation or a feeling using words or pictures

  15. look for something ideal

  1. Translate the following expressions

  1. Лавина

  2. Жить на полную катушку

  3. Удар молнии

  4. Суровые погодные условия

  5. Выгодная охота (погоня)

  6. Глубокий эффект

  7. Наводнение

  8. Извержение вулкана

  9. Зарабатывать на жизнь

  10. Дождь с градом, сильный град


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