- Учителю
- «What is your favourite holiday».
«What is your favourite holiday».
«What is your favourite holiday».
Цель: знакомство с праздниками, популярными в Великобритании и США, умение ориентироваться, находить сходства и различия между традициями и обычаями своей страны и других стран
учебно-практическая: изучение лексики по теме «Праздники», развитие навыков устной речи, навыков выразительного чтения, формирование гибких и вариативных умений говорить, развитие навыковпонимания иностранной речи на слух, навыков чтения и письменной речи, грамматических навыков
познавательная: расширение и углубление культурологических знаний, повышение общей культуры общения
развивающая: развитие навыков языковой догадки, языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы
воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к языку, умения активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе
Учебник, рабочая тетрадь УМК «English-5» В.П. Кузовлев
Проектор и компьютер с презентацией по теме «Какой твой любимый праздник?»
Раздаточный материал для закрепления грамматики, лексики, выполнения заданий по аудированию и письму
Доска, индивидуальные словари
Ход урока:
-Good morning! Sit down! I`m glad to see you. Today we have unusual lesson. You see some guests here and I think you will be more attentive today and show your good knowledge. But let`s start I want you to look at the screen. (Видео)
-Now, answer my question, please. Do you guess, what is the theme of our lesson today?
-Yes, you are right. We start the 5 unit. Open your books p.75, please. It`s called "My favourite celebrations". What colour are the picture? Yes, they are bright. Look at the people in the pictures. They look happy, don`t they?
- Children they are happy, because they like holidays? And you? Do you like holidays?
- And the theme of our lesson is "What is your favourite holiday?" (на экране).
- I want to pay your attention on the difference between such words as: holiday, holidays, celebrations (на доске). Write down it to your vocabularies.
- Today at our lesson we`ll learn some English and American holidays, we`ll know new words, connected with our theme, we`ll know some grammar rules and of course we`ll speak about your favourite holidays.
Фонетическая разминка:
- But first of all let`s have a phonetic drill. Look at the screen. Firstly listen and then you will read line by line after me^
There is a bonfire here today,
There is a bonfire here today,
I can tell by the big Guy Fawkes
There is a bonfire here today!
There are loud and cheers!
Loud bangs, cheers are here, there and everywhere!
Работа с лексикой
- Of course, we can`t speak about the theme of our lesson without knowing words which are connected with celebrations. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me. There are a lot of them, but I don`t think they very difficult.
To colour
A costume
An egg
Electric lights
An eve
To exchange
First choice
A flag
To gather together
A greetings card
To hang
To light fireworks
Number one holiday
To raise
To send
A wall
To wrap
Поздравительная открытка
Собираться вместе
Зажигать фейерверки
Электрические огни
Лучший праздник
Больше всего нравится
Менять, обменивать
Now we`ll find the translation of these words together. You will get cards with these words, you`ll mark it yourselves and check from the blackboard.
Thank you for your work. You should learn it orally by heart at home.
Now answer my question, please. Do you know any English or American holidays?
Well, let`s look at the pictures on p.76. What holidays can you see?
Работа с аудированием и текстом
- Well, and now let`s listen to what Daniel, Paul and Clare tell us about these celebrations and guess what holiday they mean?
- Who wants to be Daniel, Paul and Clare and read this information again? What holiday does Daniel mean? What holiday does Paul mean? What holiday does Clare mean? Have we got similar traditions in Russia?
- It`s time to speak about grammar. We can`t speak about holidays and dates of it without knowing using the prepositions of time. Look at the screen:
Prepositions of time
Предлоги времени
Если мы говорим о праздниках и имеем в виду конкретный день, мы используем предлог on.
On Christmas Day (в день Рождества)
On New Year Eve (в канун Нового года)
Если мы имеем в иду весь праздничный период, мы используем предлог at.
At Christmas (в Рождественские дни)At a time
а festival
В выражениях At night (ночью), аt the weekend ( на Пасху - пасхальный период)
At 2.30 (в 2.30)
At Easter (на Пасху - пасхальный период)
In a month
а year
а season
в выражениях In the morning (утром), in the evening (вечером)
In May ( в мае)
In 2012 ( в 2012)
In the summer (летом)
On a day
Part of a day
В выражении On holiday (на каникулах)
On Tuesday (во вторник), on the Fourth of July Christmas Day (в день Рождества)
On Monday morning (утром в понедельник)
- I`ll give you cards to see how you understand the rule. You have 2 minutes.
- Exchange your cards and check from the screen.
Диалогическая речь
- Now using this rule and ex. P.76 make up small dialogues. Make up not only answers, but questions.
-Let`s listen to your dialogues.
- These are the traditions that many people follow. But let`s listen to the story about traditions that British people like. Guess, what holiday is it? And choose the right sentence in the task after listening.
Монологическая речь
- Different people spend holidays in different ways. Your hometask was to prepare small project about your favourite holidays. Let`s listen to them. Be very attentive because your hometask will be connected with this information.
- Some days ago we celebrated such holiday as New Year. You got many presents, but now I want you to write a letter to Santa Claus or the next year.
- Now children coming to the end of our lesson. I`d like to ask you was our lesson interesting? We have known a lot of information about British and American holidays, we have studied new words and new grammar rules, we have learnt about your favourite holidays. At next lesson we`ll continue to speak about celebrations and other British traditions and customs.
- Children you were very smart, active and I liked your work very much. Your marks are…
- Write down your hometask: слова устно, правило наизусть, упр 3.2), стр.78, рабочая тетрадь упр.2,3, стр.63-64