- Учителю
- Конспект урока по теме: «Do you help at home?» по УМК New Millennium English 6, Н.Н. Деревянко
Конспект урока по теме: «Do you help at home?» по УМК New Millennium English 6, Н.Н. Деревянко
Разработала: учитель англ.яз. МАОУ «СОШ№12», г. Соликамск, Мурашкина А.О.
Класс: 6 Б
УМК: New Millennium English 6, Н.Н. Деревянко
Раздел: Caring and sharing
Тема: «Do you help at home? »
Урок (номер по разделу): 1
Формировать навыки произношения;
Активизировать лексические единицы по теме "Do you help at home? ";
Развивать умение воспринимать на слух иноязычную речь с извлечением краткой и детальной информации;
Совершенствовать грамматический навык употребления «Present Simple» в речи учащихся;
Воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу;
Развивать умение работы в паре;
Развивать оперативную кратковременную память учащихся.
Ход урока:Режимы работы:
1. Орг.момент
1.1.Эмоциональная рефлексия
-Good afternoon children.
How are you today? (ask 2 Pp)
Are you happy today? How many lessons have you already had today? What lesson did you like most of all?
-Good afternoon teacher.
-I'm ok.
1.2. Речевая и фонетическая зарядка
Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения
First let's train our tongue. Do you remember the tongue-twister I thought of thinking?
Let's repeat the sounds [ǿ] and [s].
All together.
"I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you"
Now repeat after me [ƒ], [w].
Why do you cry Willy?
Now let's learn a new tongue-twister.
I wish you were a fish in my dish.
- Repeat the tongue-twister and the sounds.
Слайд 1.
2. Основной этап.
2.1. Постановка темы и задач урока, знакомство с планом.
2.2. представление лексики
2.3. предпрослушивание
2.5.после прослушивания
Заключительный этап
3.1.Подвдение итогов
3.2. Инструктаж д.з.
3.3. Рефлексия
Сегодня у нас будет особый урок. За правильные ответы, хорошую работу и поведение на уроке вы будете получать жетончики. Кто в течение урока будет внимательным и активным на уроке и наберет много жетончиков, тот в конце урока получит хорошую оценку или сладкий приз.
Жетоны - tags. (на доску)
Now look at the blackboard and read the topic, please.
DO YOU HELP AT HOME? Answer, please, do you help at home? (ask 2-3 people)
So today we are going to speak about your housework.
Translate this word.
Look at the blackboard.
What sort of housework do you do at home? Name all the things that you can do at home. You may say it in Russian.
(Help Pps with gestures)
Do the cleaning
washing up
make my bed
feed my cat
take out the rubbish
water the plants
*vacuum the floor
Order the room
Sweep the floor
Throw away litter
Work in the garden
Walk the dog
To baby-sit / babysitter
Wash clothes
Cook dinner / breakfast / supper
Repeat the words all together.
Pay your attention to the words:
Once a week
Twice a month
Every day / week / month / year
On Saturday / Sunday
At weekends
В каком времени мы обычно используем данные слова?
Когда мы используем Present Simple?
Как мы образуем предложения в этом времени?
Now answer my questions:
Do you always do the cleaning?
Do you do the dusting every day?
Do you help your mother every day?
Do you often do the hoovering?
Do you usually do the shopping with your mother?
How often do you do the washing up?
Have you got a pet? What pet?
Do you feed your pet yourself?
Do you always make your bed in the morning?
Who usually takes out the rubbish in your family?
Do you help your mother to water the plants?
(за ответы давать жетончики)
Ok. Now open your books at p.98. Ex. 1a. Read the task, Ksusha, please.
What does the first robot do?
Does he do the washing up?
(1c 2g 3e 4d 5h 6i 7a 8f 9b)
Ex. 1b Say what housework you do.
For example, I do the dusting every day.
I see that you're good helpers.
Now let's do Ex. 2a
But before let's write down new vocabulary.
Be proud of
Poor parents
A babysitter
Now read the task, please.
Do it in special cards.
In Ex. 2b you can read what your score means.
I really think your parents are proud of you.
Are you tired?
Let's have a physical minute.
Washing, drying, folding the clothes.
Washing, drying, folding the clothes.
Is she washing? Is she drying?
No! She's folding the clothes.
Cleaning, dusting, sweeping the floor.
Cleaning, dusting, sweeping the floor.
Is he cleaning? Is he dusting?
No! He's sweeping the floor.
Now you relaxed. The next Ex.is 3a.
Look at Laura. How old do you think she is? Is she happy?
Do you think she is a good helper?
She is going to call to the radio phone-in competition Parents' helping hand. If she wins she will get a trip to Disneyland.
Phone-in competition is a programme on a radio where people usually call, answer some questions and win different prizes.
Pay your attention to the words:
A collection of cactuses
A trip to Disneyland
Your task is to listen to carefully and then answer the question: Is Laura a good candidate to win the competition?
So answer the question: Is Laura a good candidate to win the competition?
Does she do all the housework? Translate.
Now listen to again and count Laura's score.
Fill in the table.
Now let's check.
Always, often (A)
Sometimes (S)
Never (N)
Answer key - 15
Well. Good for you.
Now let's do the Ex. 4a. Read the task, please.
Who can translate?
Is it clear what to do? After you ask each other question we shall listen to your talk about your partner.
Ok. Work in pairs.
I will check how you work and give the tags (жетоны).
Now Pasha ask Misha if he always does the hoovering. 2-3 Pps.
Now let's listen to you if your partner is a real helper. How does he/she help at home? (похвалить)
Write down your H/T. Ex. 5. Read the task, Vitalik.
Translate, Nickita.
So how many tags do you have?
(посчитать жетончики и раздать конфетки и оценки)
What new things have you known at our lesson?
Yes, I do. / No, I do not.
Housework - работа дома.
Say and answer.
Repeat and write down.
Try to translate.
Present Simple.
Подлежащее + глагол в первой форме. Если he/she/it прибавляем окончание -s.
Answer the questions.
The first robot does the washing up. (etc)
I do the dusting every day.
Write down.
Do the exercises.
She is about twelve. Yes, she is. Yes, she is.
Yes, she is.
Yes/ No
Work in pairs, ask each other and then tell.
We have learnt new words, revised the tense.
Слайд 2.
На доске.
Слайд 3.
На доске.
Слайд 4.
Слайд 5.
На доску.