• Учителю
  • Разработка урока по английскому языку 'UFOs: are they real?' (7 класс)

Разработка урока по английскому языку 'UFOs: are they real?' (7 класс)

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Краткое описание: Тип урока: урок комплексного применения ЗУНЦели урока:Образовательные: активизация лексического материала по теме "Space".развитие навыков  аудирования в восприятии аутентичного текстасовершенствование навыков устной неподготовленной речиразвитие навыков поискового
предварительный просмотр материала

Учитель: Махова Ольга Николаевна

МБОУ Брянский городской лицей №1 им. А.С. Пушкина г.Брянска

Класс: 7 (подгруппа 1)

Тема урока: "UFOs: do they exist or not?"

Тип урока: урок комплексного применения ЗУН

Цели урока:


  1. активизация лексического материала по теме "Space".

  2. развитие навыков аудирования в восприятии аутентичного текста

  3. совершенствование навыков устной неподготовленной речи

  4. развитие навыков поискового чтения

  5. совершенствование навыков выражения мнения с его аргументации


  1. развитие творческих способностей учащихся,

  2. развитие памяти, внимания и мышления.

  3. развитие умения высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения.

  4. развитие умения анализировать, сопоставлять, обобщать, делать выводы.

  5. развитие умения осуществлять рефлексивную деятельность.


  1. воспитание толерантного отношения учащихся друг к другу, способности к сотрудничеству и умению общаться.

  2. развитие культуры взаимоотношения при работе в парах и группах

  3. повышение уровня мотивации через средства обучения

Техническое оснащение урока:

  1. компьютерная презентация урока;

  2. компьютер, проектор;

  3. раздаточный дидактический материал;

  4. коллажи учащихся на тему: «НЛО».

  5. УМК «New Opportunities. Russian Ediion. Elementary» Michael Harris, David Mower, Irina Solokova

План урока:

1.​ Организационный момент:

а) вступительное слово учителя (мотивация к деятельности);

2. Постановка проблемы.

а) формулирование темы

б) осознание сущности затруднения и поиск решения проблемы

в) постановка целей урока

3. Решение проблемы

а) активизация лексики

б) аудирование

г) работа с текстом по проблеме (проверка домашнего задания)

д) активизация слов-связок

е) обмен мнениями в группах

ж) мини-проекты учащихся

4. Заключительный этап урока.

а) домашнее задание и его комментирование;

б) обобщение усвоенного языкового материала, рефлексия деятельности, подведение итогов, комментирование полученных оценок.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент: (2 мин)

а) вступительное слово учителя (мотивация к деятельности);

Hello, pupils! Glad to see you. How are you getting on? I see that your mood is different. How did I guess it? Your intonation helped me. Can you guess my mood through my intonation and face expresson? (Учитель говорит hello с разной интонацией, а учащиеся угадывают настроение(sad, angry, shy, bored, happy) Цель: ввести в языковую атмосферу, настроиться на работу.

2. Постановка проблемы.

a) Формулирование темы (3 мин)

So today we'll start our lesson with the help of your favourite activity (not only at the lessons but also in your free time). What will you do? (listen to music). Close your eyes, listen to music, get pleasure and try to imagine what topic our lesson is devoted to. (Space)

Now try to guess the exact topic of the lesson. The picture and the structure of the question can be of help to you.

Учащиеся формулируют тему урока.(UFOs: do they exist or not?) Цель: подвести к теме урока.

b) осознание сущности затруднения и поиск решения проблемы (4 мин)

Now try to answer this question (UFOs: do they exist or not?). It's not so simple because the answer must be well-grounded, with proper lexics, arguments and opinions. What should we remember making a speech on any topic?

(To make a good speech we must remember about logical structure; our opinion and arguments for; a different opinion and arguments against; proper lexics, grammar, phonetics; linking words; speed of speech; gestures, posture and eye contact; visual aids). Когда учащиеся называют составляющие монолога, учитель заполняет на доске word web)

c) постановка целей урока (2 мин)

So what will we do today to prepare a well-grounded answer to the question of the lesson?

Objectives: - to revise words on "Space"

- to listen to an opinion about UFOs

- to learn to find necessary information

- to give arguments

- to revise linking words

- to express your opinion on the topic

- to speak on the topic

Цель: пробуждение интереса к получению новой информации (мотивация к дальнейшей работе), постановка собственных целей обучения.

3. Решение проблемы

а) активизация лексики (4 мин)

Учитель читает слова по теме, ученики повторяют. Затем один из учеников читает, а дети за ним повторяют

Работа в парах с карточками «Найди объяснение слову». Учащиеся получают 10 карточек со словами и 10 дефиниций этих слов и должны подобрать пару. Через 2 минуты - самопроверка ответов. Tick the right answers, how many ticks have you got? Ответы: 1g/2e/3i/4b/5h/6a/7c/8f/9j/10d

  1. Alien

  1. a small amount of smth that you can use to find out what all of it is like

  1. meteor ['miːtɪə]

  1. a small animal that has six legs

  1. balloon

  1. a way of discovering the position of objects when they cannot be seen, by using radio signals

  1. insect

  1. a bright object with a long tail that travels around the sun

  1. fiction

  1. a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the earth's atmosphere from space

  1. sample

  1. a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of physics, biology or chemistry

  1. radar ['reɪdɑː]

  1. a person or an animal from outer space

  1. scientist

  1. stories and books about imagined characters and events

  1. spaceship

  1. a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer; it is used as a toy or decoration

  1. comet ['kɔmɪt]

  1. special transport that carries people through space

Рефлексия. What have you just done? Was it useful/difficult/interesting?

б) аудирование (4 мин)

So what is our next step? We should learn how to express our opinion and prove it, give arguments. So many men, so many minds. How do you understand it? Let's listen to a man's opinion. Answer the questions: - Does he believe in UFOs? - What are his arguments?

г) работа с текстом по проблеме (проверка домашнего задания) (3 мин.)

Let's think of some more arguments. At home you read the text. (SB p.120, ex.3) What is the title of the text? What is it about? What arguments for and against have you found in the text? (Проверка дом задания: таблица « Аргументы за-против существования НЛО») Can you give more arguments? Think what arguments you can take to speak about your opinion.

д) активизация слов-связок (3 мин.)

Now you can express your opinion and give arguments to prove it. What should we remember about to make our speech more logical? (linking words) Read the given linking words in the exercise and match them in the right column: making a list or showing contrast. Work individually. Then exchange your works and check them…

Linking words: also, although, and, as well as, but, however, in addition, plus, On the one hand/On the other hand, too..

Рефлексия: Who has done it without any mistakes? What mistakes have you made? Why have we done this exercise?

е) обмен мнениями в группах (5 мин.)

Now express your opinions in groups (you should use linking words and arguments). First, you tell your opinion to the "face" partner, then to the "shoulder" partner, then tell your "face" partner about your "shoulder" partner .In the end, tell about your partners' opinions to the class.(После сообщения мнений учащиеся берут зеленые и красные карточки чтобы продемонстрировать свое мнение и в зависимости от него делятся на новые группы - группы "за" и "против").

ж) мини-проекты учащихся (10 мин.)

Now split into groups according to your opinions. You should make a poster and discuss the most important items. You have 3 minutes to get ready to make a speech on the topic. One of you will speak in front of the class. We'll also have a jury that will comment on your answer. We'll see who will be better. (Учащиеся готовят в группах мини-проект по теме, а затем 1 учащийся от группы выступает перед классом, жюри оценивает его ответ по критериям монолога и комментирует).

4. Заключительный этап урока.

а) домашнее задание и его комментирование; (1 мин.)

Today you've practiced how to speak on the topic. But we didn't pay attention to the speed of your speech, gestures, posture, eye contact. So at home you must prepare a speech on this topic but you should add your arguments to make it better and pay attention to all the items of proper speech. Do you have any questions on the homework?

б) обобщение усвоенного языкового материала, рефлексия деятельности, подведение итогов, комментирование полученных оценок. (4 мин.)

You've done a lot of things in the lesson. Analyse your work and tick the answers that are true for you.

use the words on the topic "UFOs"

Now I can give arguments for and against

express my opinion

find necessary information in the text

use linking words

speak about UFOs

Who has got 6 ticks? 5 ticks? What is still difficult for you? Let me say some words about your work today. (выставление и комментирование оценок)

Do you like our today's lesson? What emotions do you feel after the lesson?

-Positive emotions: satisfaction, happiness, joy, proud, surprise, admiration, success

-Negative emotions: boredom, sadness, dissatisfaction, irritation.

Why? - Because I was not bored, worked hard, didn't relax, answered properly, was active, was emotional, fulfilled the task, received a reward (a good mark).

Now let me comment on your work. You worked hard, were very active and interested in the lesson. Your marks are … Thanks for your work. Have a nice day!

№1. Listen to a man's opinion about UFOs.

Answer the questions: - Does he believe in UFOs?

- What are his arguments?

№2. Read the linking words and match them in the right table: making a list or showing contrast. Work individually. Then exchange your works and check them

Making a list

Showing contrast

Linking words:

also, although , and, as well as, but, however,

in addition, plus, too,

On the one hand/On the other hand.

№3. Express your opinions in groups (use linking words and arguments!).

First, you tell your opinion to the "face" partner, then to the "shoulder" partner, then tell your "face" partner about your "shoulder" partner . In the end, tell about your partners' opinions to the class.

№4. Making a speech on the topic "UFOs: do they exist or not?"

Make a poster in groups and discuss the most important items. You have 3 minutes to get ready to make a speech on the topic. One of you will speak in front of the class. We'll also have a jury that will comment on your answer.

Homework: prepare a speech on the topic "UFOs: do they exist or not?". Add your arguments to make it better and pay attention to the plan.

№5. Tick (v) the answers that are true for you.

use the words on the topic "UFOs"

Now I can give arguments for and against

express my opinion

find important information in the text

use linking words

speak about UFOs

№6. Do you like our today's lesson? What emotions do you feel after the lesson? Why?

I feel








I have done a lot in the lesson and made progress

I have learnt many new things

the lesson was interesting and I liked everything

I have made all the tasks very well

I enjoy working with my friends

I have been active and worked hard


1. Alien

  1. a person or an animal from outer space

2.meteor ['miːtɪə]

  1. a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the earth's atmosphere from space


  1. a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer; it is used as a toy or decoration


  1. a small animal that has six legs


  1. stories and books about imagined characters and events


  1. a small amount of smth that you can use to find out what all of it is like a

7.radar ['reɪdɑː]

  1. a way of discovering the position of objects when they cannot be seen, by using radio signals


  1. person who is studying or has expert knowledge of physics, biology or chemistry


  1. special transport that carries people through space

10.comet ['kɔmɪt]

  1. a bright object with a long tail that travels around the sun

1. Alien

  1. a person or an animal from outer space

2.meteor ['miːtɪə]

  1. a piece of rock or metal that burns very brightly when it enters the earth's atmosphere from space


  1. a small, thin, rubber bag that you blow air into so that it becomes larger and rounder or longer; it is used as a toy or decoration


  1. a small animal that has six legs


  1. stories and books about imagined characters and events


  1. a small amount of smth that you can use to find out what all of it is like a

7.radar ['reɪdɑː]

  1. a way of discovering the position of objects when they cannot be seen, by using radio signals


  1. person who is studying or has expert knowledge of physics, biology or chemistry


  1. special transport that carries people through space

10.comet ['kɔmɪt]

  1. a bright object with a long tail that travels around the sun

Comment on the speech:

1.The structure - 3 points

2. different opinions and arguments - 3 points

3. linking words - 2 points

4. poster - 3 points

Total: ___________

Comment on the speech:

1.The structure - 3 points

2. different opinions and arguments - 3 points

3. linking words - 2 points

4. poster - 3 points

Total: ___________

Comment on the speech:

1.The structure - 3 points

2. different opinions and arguments - 3 points

3. linking words - 2 points

4. poster - 3 points

Total: ___________

Comment on the speech:

1.The structure - 3 points

2. different opinions and arguments - 3 points

3. linking words - 2 points

4. poster - 3 points

Total: ___________


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