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- План урока по английскому языку на тему 'Travelling' 9 класс
План урока по английскому языку на тему 'Travelling' 9 класс
«Путешествие. Из истории путешествий»
Travelling. History of travelling
Класс 9, УМК - М.З. Биболетова . Учитель английского языка Ильясова Лилия Адиулловна, МБОУ «СОШ №27 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» Нижнекамского муниципального района РТ
Цель урока: Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в процессе развития иноязычной компетенции школьников.
Развитие умений и навыков коммуникации учащихся.
Воспитание уважительного отношения друг другу, умения работать в коллективе, потребности расширять свой кругозор.
Ход урока
1 Организационный момент:
T: Good morning children. What is the day today? What is the date today?
Слайд 1. Oh! What's this? Звук лодки - паром. Картина : лодка или корабль в море, стихи "Ferry-boats" Lets read the poem! Группа учащихся по очереди читают стихотворение по строчке: table № 1: partner №1, №2, №3, №4 ( Single Round Robin)
Over the river, over the bay
Ferry-boats travel every day.
Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends.
I'm always sorry when the trip ends.
Слайд 2. Звук поезда. Картина: едет поезд. Стихи "Trains" Группа учащихся по очереди читают стихотворение по строчке: table №3: partner №1, №2, №3, №4. По очереди могут читать и стол № 2, стол № 3 и т. Д.
Over the mountains, over the plains,
Over the rivers here come trains.
Carrying passengers, carrying mail,
Over the country here come trains.
Слайд 3. Шум, голоса…Люди на вокзале, аэропорт, багаж и т.д. Картины о путешествии. There are a lot of people!!!
T: What are we going to talk about? - table № 2 partner 3: We are going to talk about travelling. - OK! Thank you!
Слайд 4. "Why Do People Travel?"
Слайд 5. Why do you think people travel? Can you tell me? (Timed Round Robin)- по кругу каждый проговаривает ответ на вопрос.
I think people travel because they…
They want to change their life
They hope to make their fortune
They want to investigate the world
They want to discover new places, new species of animals or plants to become famous
They want to develop trade and economic relationships
They want to meet new people and to know their lifestyles and their traditions
They travel because of curiosity
They travel when they feel down or stressed out
They have a sense of adventure
Thank you!
Слайд 6-7 !!! Frayer Model - лист бумаги складывается на 4 части одним партнером. Уголок еще раз складывается. Лист раскрывается- получилось 4 поле и середина. В середине пишут слово "Travelling" каждый рисует предмет, с чем ассоциируется у них это слово. ( автобус, вокзал, самолет, багаж… солнце, море…) После этого они проговаривают друг другу : Travelling is a bus, we can travel by bus…Потом один партнер проговаривает для всех.
Слайд 8. How can people travel? Картина: транспорт. Ученики составляют предложения: They can travel by bus, by plane, by train… on foot, on horseback, on camelback, by hot air balloons… Can you guess what kind of means is it? Звуки разного транспорта ( самолет, машина, автобус, стук копыт лошади и т.д. Дети отгадывают вид транспорта.
Слайд 9. Картина : транспорт. Look at the pictures and explain how the means of travelling developed. Use some of the phrases from the box. Present your story to the other groups.
Many years ago people travelled on…(by)… It was… It took ages… They travelled across the…
Today people like travelling by… They enjoy… It makes travelling… People get to the opposite side…
To be dangerous exhausting
To take ages to get to…
To suffer from unknown diseases, hunger, thirst, and wild animals
To travel by sea/ by air/ by train/by car/
To travel across the desert
To sail across the ocean
To make travelling much easier and safer
To enjoy nice food while travelling
To get to the opposite side of the planet in hours
To enjoy luxury travel
Cлайд 10. What means of travelling do you like? Картины: Транспорт. На стене рисунки: разные виды транспорта или виды путешествий : по воде, по воздуху, на машине, автобусе, на поезде, …Ученики должны выбрать свой вид путешествия, записать на бумаге почему они это выбирают и подойти к этой картинке. У каждой картины собирается группа из нескольких учеников. Найти пару из другой группы и сказать почему они это им нравится. I like travelling by air because I can get to the opposite side of the planet in hours…
Cлайд 11 Fill in for, since, during
1 She has been dreaming about a round-the world sea voyage… the time when she became interested in the tourism business.
2 He studied Japanese …three years, but then, all of sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.
3 Do you remember going on any trips with your classmates …the academic year?
4 He hasn't flown … that unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.
5 Because of my parents' jobs, I travelled a lot …my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.
Слайд 12 1 - since 2- for 3- during 4 - since 5 - during
Слайд 13 Фонетическая зарядка: Class! - Listen and repeat. Which of these parts of the world do you know to be the most dangerous one?
The North Pole,
The jungle,
The Gulf Stream
The Sahara Desert
The Bermuda Triangle
The Challenger Deep
The taiga
The Pacific Ocean
Слайд 14 фильм Бермудский треугольник
Слайд 15 Конец. Финальный слайд
Over the river, over the bay
Ferry-boats travel every day.
Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends.
I'm always sorry when the trip ends.
Over the mountains, over the plains,
Over the rivers here come trains.
Carrying passengers, carrying mail,
Over the country here come trains.
Over the river, over the bay
Ferry-boats travel every day.
Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends.
I'm always sorry when the trip ends.
Over the mountains, over the plains,
Over the rivers here come trains.
Carrying passengers, carrying mail,
Over the country here come trains.
Over the river, over the bay
Ferry-boats travel every day.
Watching the seagulls, laughing with friends.
I'm always sorry when the trip ends.
Over the mountains, over the plains,
Over the rivers here come trains.
Carrying passengers, carrying mail,
Over the country here come trains.
Слайд 5 I think people travel because they…
They want to change their life
They hope to make their fortune
They want to investigate the world
They want to discover new places, new species of animals or plants to become famous
They want to develop trade and economic relationships
They want to meet new people and to know their lifestyles and their traditions
They travel because of curiosity
They travel when they feel down or stressed out
They have a sense of adventure
Thank you!
Слайд 5 I think people travel because they…
They want to change their life
They hope to make their fortune
They want to investigate the world
They want to discover new places, new species of animals or plants to become famous
They want to develop trade and economic relationships
They want to meet new people and to know their lifestyles and their traditions
They travel because of curiosity
They travel when they feel down or stressed out
They have a sense of adventure
Thank you!
Слайд 5 I think people travel because they…
They want to change their life
They hope to make their fortune
They want to investigate the world
They want to discover new places, new species of animals or plants to become famous
They want to develop trade and economic relationships
They want to meet new people and to know their lifestyles and their traditions
They travel because of curiosity
They travel when they feel down or stressed out
They have a sense of adventure
Thank you!
Слайд 9
Many years ago people travelled on…(by)… It was… It took ages… They travelled across the…
Today people like travelling by… They enjoy… It makes travelling… People get to the opposite side…
To be dangerous exhausting
To take ages to get to…
To suffer from unknown diseases, hunger, thirst, and wild animals
To travel by sea/ by air/ by train/by car/
To travel across the desert
To sail across the ocean
To make travelling much easier and safer
To enjoy nice food while travelling
To get to the opposite side of the planet in hours
To enjoy luxury travel
Слайд 10
I like travelling by air because I can get to the opposite side of the planet in hours…
What means of travelling do you like?
Слайд 9
Many years ago people travelled on…(by)… It was… It took ages… They travelled across the…
Today people like travelling by… They enjoy… It makes travelling… People get to the opposite side…
To be dangerous exhausting
To take ages to get to…
To suffer from unknown diseases, hunger, thirst, and wild animals
To travel by sea/ by air/ by train/by car/
To travel across the desert
To sail across the ocean
To make travelling much easier and safer
To enjoy nice food while travelling
To get to the opposite side of the planet in hour
To enjoy luxury travel
Слайд 10
I like travelling by air because I can get to the opposite side of the planet in hours…
What means of travelling do you like?
Cлайд 11 Fill in for, since, during
1 She has been dreaming about a round-the world sea voyage… the time when she became interested in the tourism business.
2 He studied Japanese …three years, but then, all of sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.
3 Do you remember going on any trips with your classmates …the academic year?
4 He hasn't flown … that unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.
5 Because of my parents' jobs, I travelled a lot …my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.
Cлайд 11 Fill in for, since, during
1 She has been dreaming about a round-the world sea voyage… the time when she became interested in the tourism business.
2 He studied Japanese …three years, but then, all of sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.
3 Do you remember going on any trips with your classmates …the academic year?
4 He hasn't flown … that unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.
5 Because of my parents' jobs, I travelled a lot …my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.
Cлайд 11 Fill in for, since, during
1 She has been dreaming about a round-the world sea voyage… the time when she became interested in the tourism business.
2 He studied Japanese …three years, but then, all of sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.
3 Do you remember going on any trips with your classmates …the academic year?
4 He hasn't flown … that unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.
5 Because of my parents' jobs, I travelled a lot …my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.
Cлайд 11 Fill in for, since, during
1 She has been dreaming about a round-the world sea voyage… the time when she became interested in the tourism business.
2 He studied Japanese …three years, but then, all of sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.
3 Do you remember going on any trips with your classmates …the academic year?
4 He hasn't flown … that unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.
5 Because of my parents' jobs, I travelled a lot …my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.
Cлайд 11 Fill in for, since, during
1 She has been dreaming about a round-the world sea voyage… the time when she became interested in the tourism business.
2 He studied Japanese …three years, but then, all of sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.
3 Do you remember going on any trips with your classmates …the academic year?
4 He hasn't flown … that unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.
5 Because of my parents' jobs, I travelled a lot …my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.