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- Урок по английскому языку 'Средства массовой информации'
Урок по английскому языку 'Средства массовой информации'
English lesson on the topic of "Mass media" 9th class.
Урок английского языка на тему"Средства массовой инсформации" 9-й класс
УМК М.З. Бибалетовой «Enjoy English». (3 quarter)
Цели: развитие языковой компетенции учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме «Mass media»
Образовательные: совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки учащихся по теме; практиковать учащихся в устной речи и выполнении заданий в формате ЕНТ;
Развивающие: формировать системное представление учащихся о СМИ; совершенствовать навыки работы с текстом;
Воспитательные: воспитывать в учащихся умение слушать друг друга; высказывать своё мнение.
Проблема урока: Роль СМИ в жизни человека: Играют ли средства массовых информаций важную роль в нашей жизни? Есть ли потреность в СМИ?
Методы: Системный анализ, объяснительно-иллюстративные, словесный, проблемный метод, дискуссия, метод классификации, методы описания.
Раздаточный материал для учащихся по теме;
Картинки с изображением СМИ
Мультимедийный проектор, презентация урока, выполненная в Power Point.
Листки-карточки для заполнения ответов.
Указатели «Хорошо-плохо»
Аудиозапись вальса из мультфильма «Анастасия»
Ватман и маркеры для подведения итогов.
План урока
План урока
Этап урока
Длительность урока
Основной вид деятельности учащихся
Метод обучения
Organizing time.
5 мин.
Психологический настрой.
Определание темы урока.
Устный опрос
Revision of the previous material.
3 мин
Работа с карточками, индивидуальный диктант.
Наглядный пример, диалог.
Formulation of the topic and formulating the learning and cognitive tasks.
Просмотр слайдов, работа с учебником.
Устный опрос.
Generalization and systematization of knowledge.
3 мин
Работа у доски, индивидуальная работа с карточками.
Чтение, запись,
2 мин
Прослушивание и пение песни
Сase problem.
Работа с новыми, работа с кластером, практическая работа, разрешение проблемы, творческая работа.
моделирование, проблемный метод, дискуссия, метод классификации, методы описания, системный анализ.
Reflection. The results of the lesson.
3 мин
Анализ урочной деятельности, запись домашнего задания, выставление оценок.
Самоконтроль, объяснение, диалог.
Ход урока
I Начало урока
1. Организационный момент
T: Good morning boys and girls! Glad to see you. I hope everybody is all right. Let's make our lesson interesting and useful. I`ll give you marks for your work today, so I want you to be active. The theme of our lesson is «Mass media». Today we are going to speak about some means of communication. They are traditionally called the media. The mass media actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives.
And now tell me what types of mass media do you know?
(TV, the Internet, newspapers and radio)
2. Речевая зарядка
So pupils, I see you know the main media. But what are their definitions? Your task is to match the words and their definitions. (слайд )
The Internet
a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;
the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;
broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;
a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;
a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).
You know that newspapers are very popular among people, don't you? Do you like reading newspapers?
P: Yes, I do.
T: What newspapers do the members of your family prefer reading? F.eg. your mother?
P: My mother likes reading …
T: What are the main types of newspapers in Britain?
P: The main types of British newspapers are quality newspapers and tabloids.
T: What do people read newspapers for?
P: They want to learn some news (TV programme, horoscopes, weather forecast, etc.)
II. Основная часть урока
1. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков
Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (слайд 3)
In Britain there are 12 national (1) ____________ newspapers DAY
and most people read one of (2) ____________ every day. THEY
Daily newspapers are (3) ________________ on every day PUBLISH
of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are
(4) ___________ than daily newspapers. All the Sunday LARGE
newspapers are (5) ______________ . Most national news- NATION
papers in Britain express a (6) ________________ opinion, POLITICS
and people (7) _____________ the newspaper that they CHOICE
read according to (8) ___________ own political THEY
(9) _____________. BELIEVE
2. Совершенствование навыков разговорной речи
You know, when television arrived, many people predicted that radio would disappear. They were wrong. Since the arrival of television, radio audiences have increased, and radio now has more listeners than ever before. I think that radio has become the most important media for music.
What do you think, when do people listen to the radio nowadays?
Do you often listen to the radio?
When do you use the Internet?
What do you use it for?
3. Релаксация
Now, it`s time to relax. Do nothing, just sing and please, just relax.
Текст песни
Венский Вальс - Из М / Ф "Анастасия" (На Английском)
Dancing bears.
Painted wings.
Things I almost remember.
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...
Far away, long ago.
Glowing dimm as an amber.
Things my heart
Used to know.
Once upon a December
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figure dancing gracefully
Across my memory...
Far away, long ago.
Glowing dimm as an amber.
Things my heart
Used to know.
Once upon a December
And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a December
4. Работа с текстом (раздаточный материал)
Of course, we can hardly imagine our life without TV. Read the text. Match each paragraph with one of the headings A-F below. There is only one paragraph to one of the headings. One heading is extra.
Promoting hate
A pleasant way to relax and spend our free time
Not only entertainment
Time is money
Guidelines about watching
Mass media is more real than reality
The press, television and radio (mass media) play an important part in the life of the society. They influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Some people say "News is not what happens - it is what you see or read in mass media." In other words, mass media shapes public opinion. (Sometimes it is good, but sometimes terribly bad. It depends.)
Millions of people in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers and magazines. Television dominates one`s life if the family watches it most of the time. Television informs, educates, and entertains people. Various TV games, such as quiz shows, and music programmes attract a large audience. During TV quiz programmes the questions are answered by the viewers. Then there are daily TV serials known as soap operas. Some people find them boring, others consider them to be good entertainment and relaxation.
There is also a lot of advertising on TV. A lot of commercial firms buy the time to advertise their goods. Advertising often annoys the public. A film, a good basketball or football match may be interrupted several times with advertisements for the soap powder or new perfume. To convince the viewers that a certain product is the best and to persuade them to buy it takes not only a lot of imagination but also a lot of time. The same advertisements are repeated dozens of time every day, which bores the viewers.
Some people say there is too much violence on television, which has a bad influence on viewers, especially young people. Television often shows scenes of violence.
But it is hardly fair to say that TV doesn`t try to raise the cultural level of the people or develop their artistic taste. Many of TV programmes are excellent: they are made in good taste and with great professional skill. Television brings into millions of homes not only news and entertainment, but also cultural and educational programmes. Good or bad, television brings the world into our home and makes us closer to other people. Besides, it is a good company for people who live alone.
Let`s check up your task. What can you say about the first text? the second?...(проверям задание)
There were some new words in the text. Look at them: (слайд 7 )
views - взгляды
spare - свободный
entertains - развлекает
annoys - раздражает
to interrupt - прерывать
to convince, to persuade - убеждать
scenes - сцены
fair - справедливо
Now let`s read and translate the text. (читаем тексты и разбираем)
5. Активизация лексики
You have a lot of favourite programmes. So the next task is to match each type of programme on the left with the correct item on the right. (слайд 5)(находим соответствия)
a) nature films
1) football, boxing, swimming
b) quiz shows
2) life of different countries
c) news
3) people try to win prizes by answering questions
d) soap operas
4) advertisements for products
e) commercials
5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers
f) travel films
6) information about what's happening in the world
g) comedies
7) jokes and funny situations
h) sport
8) story of the daily life of a family
7.Развитие навыков чтения с общим пониманием содержания.
1)What is the Article about? (находим соотвествия)
Current affairs (текущие события)
Celebrity (знаменитость)
Fairy tale
There lived a king. And he had 3 sons. But the last was a fool.
Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21April 1926. She is the Head of the Commonwealth.
The final of this competition takes place every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London.
Britney Spears is one of the world's pop princesses. She has a big house in Beverly Hills and recorded her third album.
The international community has banned together to condemn a terrorist attack as 35 people were killed in a bombing inside Moscow's Domodedovo airport
You know there are many broadcasting companies in different countries. Listen to the information about them. Match the countries, the names of broadcasting companies and the broadcasting programmes.
2) Нахаодим соответствия. Результат записываем в тетрадь.
Russia BBC News
The USA CBC cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, classical
Britain CNN concerts
Canada Kultura news, sports programmes, shows, soaps, TV plays,
classical concerts, foreign films
Nowadays broadcasting companies have become symbols of their countries.
Over 99 per cent of British homes have a TV and the average British watches the "box" 26 hours a week. BBC (or the British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state company. Its two channels BBC1 and BBC2 do not show adverts. BBCI broadcasts popular programmes (the news, sports programmes, shows, children's programmes and soaps). BBC2 shows TV plays, classical concerts, foreign fIlms.
Americans also love watching TV. American CNN (or Cable News Network) broadcasts only news but is popular all over the world.
CBC (or Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) can be seen or heard almost anywhere in the country. Thе company broadcasts in English and in French. It broadcasts the news, shows, films and other popular programmes.
At the moment there are two state channels on Russian TV: ОRT and RTR. They broadcast different programmes ( the news and shows, soap and children's programmes, recent and foreign films, sports program mes). They can be seen anywhere in the country. There are several other channels on Russian TV. One of them is KULTURA. It shows special programmes: cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, the best performances, classical concerts, talk shows on culture and education. This channel is getting more and more popular.
Canada CBC
The USA CNN News
Britain BBC news, sports programmes, shows, soaps, TV plays,
classical concerts, foreign films
Russia Kultura cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, classical
III. Окончание урока (10 мин)
Подведение итогов урока
Did you like our lesson today? Mass Media is important in our life, isn't it? What exercise was the most interesting? the most useful for you? I liked your work very much, you were very active and I`ve seen that you know the topic. (Ватман).
I want you to write down your hometask. It`s not the end of our lesson yet, but I want to explain it to you.
I give you the front pages of different newspapers. At home you will answer 5 questions.
What is the title of the newspaper?
What is the number of the issue (номер газеты)?
Where does it published?
What articles does it contain?
What article is worth reading (стоит прочитать) in your opinion?
(учащиеся записывают домашнее задание)
Выставление оценок за урок
Our lesson is over. Goodbye.
Literature and e- resouces:
5) Enjoy English 9 класс Биболетова М.З