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  • Конспект урока 8 класс Good and bad habits

Конспект урока 8 класс Good and bad habits

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Конспект урока

английского языка


Тема: "Good and bad habits"


Салина Елена




Тип урока: Изучение нового материала.

Оборудование: компьютер, ноутбук, мультимедийная доска, проектор, аудиозапись, презентация, раздаточный материал.

Цель: Знакомство с хорошими и плохими привычками. Отработка материала в разных видах речевой деятельности.


  1. Вид речевой деятельности: чтение

Развивать умение читать с извлечением нужной информации; уметь анализировать отдельные места текста и делать перевод.

  1. Вид речевой деятельности: аудирование

Воспринимать на слух и понимать речь, предъявляемую учителем, одноклассником, диктором.

  1. Вид речевой деятельности: письмо

Уметь писать лексические единицы по изучаемой теме.

  1. Вид речевой деятельности: говорение

Развивать у учащихся умения высказывать свою точку зрения, свое отношение к обсуждаемым проблемам.

  1. Воспитательная задача

Способствовать воспитанию здорового образа жизни;

Способствовать привитию полезных привычек и знанию последствий влияния вредных привычек на организм человека.

Ход урока

  1. Орг. момент

  • Good morning, dear boys and girls. I glad to see you.

- Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

  • What day of week today?

  • What date is it today?

  1. Постановка темы и цели урока

  • Some people care about their health, other don't: they have bad health habits.

  • Today we are going to talk about our good and bad habits. Because the unit is called "Healthy Living Guide"

  • The topic of our lesson is "Good and bad habits"

  • Today we start learn and train new words, read the text and try to speak.

  1. Речевая разминка

- So answer the question.

  • When do you usually get up?

  • Is it easy or difficult for you to get up early?

  • Is your lifestyle regular or not?

  • What is you favourite food?

  • Do you do morning exercises?

  1. Основная часть

1. Снятие трудностей (знакомство с НЛЕ)

- Some people care about their health, other don't. Some people live a healthy lifestyle and some people live an unhealthy lifestyle.

- Now, open your book at page number 122. Here you can see the article about good and bad lifestyle.

- But before we will read it, look at the blackboard. Let's read and translate the words. But you see some words without translation. Try to guess.

Obesity [əυ'bi:səti] -чрезмерная полнота

Overweight - ?

Inactivity -?

A habit - привычка

To skip - пропускать

To lead (to) - вести (к)

A disease [di'zi:z] - болезнь

To snack - перекусывать на ходу

A lifestyle -?

Regularity - ?

To promote - способствовать

A diet - ?

Variety [və'raiəti] -разнообразие

A way to live образ жизни

Used to - обычно/бывало (начинали)

Smoking -?

Alcohol - ?

2. Слушание текста

- Now, listen to the text.

3. Чтение по цепочке

- Let's read the text one by one and then you should answer my question:

"Which of habits are good and which are bad?"

4. Запись слов в тетрадь (Ответы детей)

Good habits: sleeping 7 or 8 hours, getting up early, having a healthy diet, eating a variety of food, taking regular exercise.

  • Write down good habits in your exercise book.

Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, sleeping to much or to little, watching TV o lot, eating between meals and skipping meals.

  • Write down bad habits in your exercise book.

5. Работа по картине

- You health habits influence your appearance greatly. Look at this picture of a boy. Why does he look so unhealthy?

(Ответы детей)

  • I think the boy smoking.

  • To my mind the boy drinks alcohol. Drinking alcohol is so dangerous.

  • The boy watching TV a lot and he want to sleep.

  • The boy watching TV a lot and he has a headache

  • Children may be the boy takes drugs. You agree with me?

6. Советы учеников

- Girls, which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends not to smoke or drink too much alcohol?

  1. Dear classmates! Never smoke, because smoking is bad for your health.

  2. Dear boys! Don't smoke, because it is smell affects the whole class.

  3. Dear friend! Never take drugs; it's dangerous for your life.

  4. I'm sure that drinking alcohol causes heart and brain diseases, slow reactions and leads to degradation.

  • Now, girls please, look at this picture of a man and say:

"Would you like to have such husband?" (ответ "No")

-Now, boys, look at this picture of a woman and say:

"Would you like to have such wife?"

7. Работа в парах сменного состава

- Now, I think it will be interesting to ask each other about health habits.

- Look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see some questions about good and bad habits.

- Read it please. (чтение вопросов)

  1. Do you smoke?

  2. Do you drink alcohol?

  3. How often do you brush your teeth?

  4. Do you go in for sports?

  5. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

  • Stand up, make 2 circuses, choose a question and interview your class-mates, after that combine the facts and make a report.

  • Listen to the music. When music is stop, you ask and answer the question.

8. Отчет ребят о проделанной работе в парах сменного состава

- The time is over. Let's begin to present your information. Please, give your advice to your classmates.

(Ответы учеников)

  1. Question. Do you smoke?

One of my classmates smoke. It's too awful. I think it's a bad habit and they must give up smoking as soon as possible.

2. Question. Do you drink alcohol?

I'm glad to inform you that nobody in our class drinks alcohol. It's nice, because drinking alcohol is very dangerous.

  1. Question. How often do you brush your teeth?

Five of my classmates brush their teeth twice a day. Five student brushes his teeth one a day.

  1. Question. Do you go in for sports?

Three students go in for sport regularly. Seven students only attend Physical Training lessons and take part in sports competitions.

Children, it's very important to go in for sport. Sport makes us healthy and strong.

  1. Question. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

All children eat fruit and vegetables not very often.

I think to be healthy you need vitamins. You should eat more fruit and vegetable.

9. Игра «Больше-меньше»

-Look at the blackboard. Let's read some advices using more or less and translate them into Russian.

1. You should … fat food.

2. You should walk … to be healthy.

3. You should eat … fruit and vegetables. They are useful for your health.

4. Doctor advise to smoke … and do exercise … .

5. You should eat … sugar-rich foods.

10. Игра «Да. Нет. »

- Dear, children. On your desk you have cards. Now I'll call healthy and unhealthy habits and you please, show your cards say "Yes" or "No" to the habits.

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Eat too much.

3. Smoking.

4. Drinking alcohol.

5. Exercising

6. Taking drugs.

7. Sleeping too much.

8. Physical inactivity.

9. Eating sweets.

10. Eating breakfast.

11. Watching TV a lot.

12. Getting up early.

13. Eating a variety of foods.

14. Dieting to much.

  1. Итог урока.

- Now, answer my question.

- Have you got new information today? (Yes, we have)

- Was the information important? (Yes) Why? (The information was important, because it is about our health.)

- Why is it important to be healthy? ( To be healthy is important, because you can work well, learn well and have fun only if you are healthy.)


IV. Домашнее задание

-Learn by heart new word.

- Tell about bad and good habits.


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