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- Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе на тему 'Среда обитания'
Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе на тему 'Среда обитания'
8 класс ( Биболетова)
Урок 31. Среда обитания
Цели: формирование навыков просмотрового чтения;
развитие навыков монологической речи на основе текста.
Оборудование: записи на доске, карточки для учащихся, презентация
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент
Today you will read and discuss the text about environmental problems.
2.Фонетическая разминка
But first let's repeat the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Read the tongue twister all together. I will read one line of the tongue twister; you will recite another by heart. Then we'll change the lines.
Ha доске записана разучиваемая скороговорка.
Now recite the tongue twister by heart as quickly as you can.
Bill had a billboard and also a board bill,
But the board bill bored Bill so
That he sold the billboard to pay the board bill.
Речевая разминка
Ha карточках:
protect clothing
air waste
protective water
environmental environment
pollute paper
waste problems
chemical pollution
Keys: protect environment, air pollution, protective clothing, environmental problems, pollute water, waste paper, chemical waste.
3.Обучение чтению
Compare the words on the blackboard with those in ex. 11, p. 43. Do they coincide? Which of the words from ex. 11 do you think are in the text?
Now read the text in ex. 12, p. 43 and say if you were right. Give a title to the text.
Варианты заголовков:
Stop Polluting Our Home!
Protect Our Fragile(хрупкий) Planet.
It Is Time to Protect the Earth.
Are there any words that you don't understand? Then try to guess their meanings using the plan from ex. 13, p. 44. So, your task is to write down three meanings of the words that you think are possible.
Sit in groups and discuss what meanings are more suitable. Use the vocabulary at the end of your book. Check your guesses.
Look at the pictures in ex. 14, p. 44. What do they show?
(Picture 1 shows air pollution.
Picture 2 shows cutting the trees.
Picture 3 shows water pollution.
Picture 4 shows pollution of the environment.)
Use the text and write captions for the pictures.
Варианты заголовков:
The Air Is Polluted by Power Stations and Factories.
Forests the Size of Belgium Are Destroyed Every Year.
There Is a Lot of Litter in the Water.
We Live among Litter and Wastes.
I think you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, class.
4. Физкультминутка
Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind you
If you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
5. Работа с текстом
Work in pairs and find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the words from ex. 15, p. 44.
amazing - wonderful; people - human beings; to die out - to disappear; nature around us - environment; to make - to create;
vital problems - environmental problems; forecast - predict; frightening - alarming; unhealthy food-junk food; rubbish - litter;
everywhere - around you; to damage - pollute; gases - fumes.
Read out the sentences paraphrasing them using the synonyms of the words.
How well do you understand the text?
Ask questions (ex. 16, p. 44) and answer them with the help of the text.
Many species of birds and animals have disappeared because man has polluted their natural homes.
The air is polluted by power stations, factories and cars.
Yes, they are. Rivers are polluted too. They are empty offish.
Forests are disappearing all over the world because people cut them to have wood and paper.
Yes, we can. We can see pollution at the seaside.
Yes, they are. People are in danger.
The most serious environmental problems now are disappearing animals and birds, air pollution, water pollution, litter and wastes, unhealthy food.
То solve the problems people must stop throwing litter into the water or on the ground. They must stop polluting the air. People must stop cutting the trees. The first step to it is to make people think about the problems, to show them on TV or write about them in newspapers.
I agree with you. That's why you will try to do it now. Make a poster warning people about environmental problems. You may use the text and slogans from ex. 1, p. 40.
You have done a lot today. We will see and discuss your posters at the next lesson. At home continue your work with the text and do some tasks in writing.
6. Подведение итогов урока
What new words have you learnt from the text? Which of the environmental problems do you think are the most dangerous? Which of the problems have we got at our place? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
7. Домашнее задание упр 6,7,8 с 56