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  • План- конспект урока по теме Профессии

План- конспект урока по теме Профессии

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План - конспект урока в 8Б классе по теме «Профессии»

Данная разработка может быть использована для проведения урока по теме «Профессии» в 8 классе, если Вы работаете по программе углублённого изучения английского языка.

УМК «Английский язык для школ с углублённым изучением английского языка», 8 класс О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, М: Просвещение, 2010

Цели: Активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме, совершенствовать умения устной речи, отработать употребление условного наклонения, воспитывать уважительное отношение к различным профессиям.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, презентация Power Point, дидактический материал (карточки)

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

T: How are you? What is the weather like today? Do you like such weather?

P1: I am fine. P2: The weather is cold and nasty. I don't like such weather.

  1. T: Today we'll talk about different professions. There are about two thousand jobs and professions all over the world. How do you think what the most important jobs are?

Cl: The most important jobs are: doctors, teachers, lawyers, engineers, journalists...

  1. T: You know that a lot of people have hobbies, and they take up jobs according to their favourite activities. Listen to me and say what these persons are going to be.

T:Olga paints well

P:She is going to be an artist

T:Anna is good at English

P: She is going to be an interpreter

T:Dasha loves children

P: She is going to be a teacher

T:Oleg likes to cut men's hair

P: He is going to be a barber

T:Misha likes repairing cars

P: He is going to be a mechanic

T:Kate likes travelling and talking about sightseeing

P: She is going to be a travel agent

  1. T: Look at the slide, complete these sentences, let's work in pairs.( Слайд1)

  • A person who prepares food is... a cook

  • A person who takes photos is... a photographer

  • A person who teachers you is... a teacher

  • A person who makes men's clothes is... a tailor

  • A person who makes and sells medicines is... a chemist

  • A person who deals with people who stay in a hotel is... a receptionist

  1. T: Now, let's work with grammar, let's remember Conditionals. (Слайд2)

Would +V1 if Past Simple(to be-were)

T: Translate sentences from Russian into English in pairs - working with cards

A card:

1.Если бы я учил английский лучше, я бы бегло говорил на нём.

2.Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы поехал путешествовать.

3.Если бы у меня было время сейчас, я бы помыл посуду.

4.Мы бы пошли сейчас погулять, если бы была хорошая погода.

5.Если бы он серьёзно занимался спортом, он бы стал известным спортсменом.

6.Если бы я получил «5» по истории, мама была бы рада.

  1. T: Say whom you would contact if:(Слайд3)

T: you had a problem with one of your teeth

P:I would contact a dentist

T: you wanted to redecorate your room

P: I would contact an interior decorator

T: you needed new glasses

P: I would contact an optician

T: you wanted to go to a nice place for a holiday

P: I would contact a travel agent

T: you wanted to buy some goods

P: I would contact a shop assistant

  1. T: Let's work with our textbooks and do ex.63, p.37 in writing. Choose the correct adjectives to characterize the occupations.

  1. T: Say what qualities these jobs require (Слайд4)







police officer





good imagination



physical strength



ability to see the beautiful

ability to work together as a team

P1, P2, P3...The profession of a fireman requires courage and physical strength.

The job of a teacher requires kindness, patience, creativity. …

  1. T: Say what profession you would like to choose and why.

P1, P2, P3 ...I want to become a vet because I love animals, I am kind.

I am going to become a photographer, I like to take photos, this job requires creativity and good imagination. …..

  1. T: Let's play. Unscramble the words. (Слова на доске)

nesur (nurse)

corotd (doctor)

sroptnams (sportsman)

11. H/t: Tell about your parents' professions.

12.Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.


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