The advertisements 9 клаcc

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The advertisements

The word "advertising" comes from the French word "reclame".

It is impossible to imagine our television, newspapers, radio, Internet and even streets without advertisements. Nowadays advertising plays an important role in modern life and in the life of every person. We can't imagine our life without advertising because every day we hear or see advertising, we try to find information we need in hundreds of advertisements. Even when we go for a walk or just shopping we see a lot of different advertisements in the streets. I think that "Advertising" is a very interesting because in the XXI century every minute of our life is connected with advertising.

The first one to mention is to inform. A lot of the information people have about cars, building materials, electronic equipment, cosmetics, food is largely derived from the advertisements they read. Advertisements introduce them to new products.

The second function is to sell. The products are shown from the best point of view and the buyer, on having entered the store, chooses the advertised products. One buys this washing powder or this chewing gum, because the colorful TV best way. Even cigarettes or sweets or alcohol are associated with the good values of human life.

Children are good example as they usually want different kinds of chocolate or toy or chewing-gum.

Thirdly, advertisements are printed in our press we pay less for newspapers and magazines, also TV in most countries in cheap. The public advertising seen on street boardings, railway stations and buildings makes people's life more joyful.

impossible to imagine -елестету мүмкін емес to sell - сату

an important role - маңызды роль connected - байланысты

without - сыз, -сіз introduce - таныстыру

to mention - еске түсіру joyful - қуанышты

The advertisements

The word "advertising" comes from the French word "reclame".

It is impossible to imagine our television, newspapers, radio, Internet and even streets without advertisements. Nowadays advertising plays an important role in modern life and in the life of every person. We can't imagine our life without advertising because every day we hear or see advertising, we try to find information we need in hundreds of advertisements. Even when we go for a walk or just shopping we see a lot of different advertisements in the streets. I think that "Advertising" is a very interesting because in the XXI century every minute of our life is connected with advertising.

The first one to mention is to inform. A lot of the information people have about cars, building materials, electronic equipment, cosmetics, detergents and food is largely derived from the advertisements they read. Advertisements introduce them to new products .

The second function is to sell. The products are shown from the best point of view and the buyer, on having entered the store, chooses the advertised products. One buys this washing powder or this chewing gum, because the colorful TV best way. Even cigarettes or sweets or alcohol are associated with the good values of human life.

Children are good example as they usually want different kinds of chocolate or toy or chewing-gum.

Thirdly, advertisements are printed in our press we pay less for newspapers and magazines, also TV in most countries in cheap. The public advertising seen on street boardings, railway stations and buildings makes people's life more joyful.

impossible to imagine -елестету мүмкін емес to sell - сату

an important role - маңызды роль connected - байланысты

without - сыз, -сіз introduce - таныстыру

to mention - еске түсіру joyful - қуанышты

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

« Advertisement»

Сыныбы, күні

Ағылшын тілі 9 сынып 17 ақпан

Пән мұғалімі

Сүндетова Г. С.

Жалпы мақсаты:

to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills;

to develop students' interest in research works.

to interest in learning English, in advertisements on TV, radio, press etc .

Оқыту нәтижесі:

They can answer the questions. They are remember the words of new

theme. Рupils learn to work in groups and say their own opinions, free

thinking, to say their own opinions and to respect other opinions.

Түйінді идеялар:

Оқушылар сөздік қорын байыта отырып, ауызекі сөйлеу қабілетін

дамытады. Сұрақтарға жауап беруді үйренеді және топта жұмыс

жасауға дағдыланады.


7 модуль

  1. Қалай оқу керектігін үйрену

  2. Сын тұрғысынан ойлау

3. Диалогтік оқыту

4. Оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау

5. Оқыту мен оқуда АКТ-ны пайдалану


1. Жаңа сөздермен жұмыс.

2. Суретке қарап отырып мәтін құрастыру.

3. Диалогтық жұмыс.

4. Грамматикалық


Қолданылатын құралдар:

интерактивті тақта, компьютерлер, дидактикалық материалдар, флипчарт, интернет.

Сабақ кезеңдері:

Activities of teacher

Activities of pupils

Organization moment:

2 min.

Greeting; to ask about pupil's mood.

Good morning, pupils! How are you today?

b) Conversation with on duty.

Pupils greet the pupils and

share their minds about

their mood.

Warm-up 5 min.

Checking up the home tasks 5 min.

Explanation of the new materials 15 min.

Role play 5 min.

Doing exercises 5 min.

Work with poster 5 min.

Training 2 min.

Conclusion: 1 min

Teacher:You are welcome to our lesson by the theme Advertisement . And I'll divide class into two groups. Group A - will speak their advantage. Group B - will speak about disadvantage. The aim of our lesson is know about advertisement. I hope you'll find something interesting and new for yourselves. Let's start, please. Good Luck!I

To put the questions to other friends

New words:

  1. impossible to imagine -елестету мүмкін емес

  2. an important role - маңызды роль

  3. without - сыз, -сіз

  4. connected - байланысты

  5. to mention - еске түсіру

  6. introduce - таныстыру

  7. to sell - сату

The advertisements

The word "advertising" comes from the French word "reclame".

It is impossible to imagine our television, newspapers, radio, Internet and even streets without advertisements. Nowadays advertising plays an important role in modern life and in the life of every person.

We can't imagine our life without advertising because every day we hear or see advertising, we try to find information we need in hundreds of advertisements. Even when we go for a walk or just shopping we see a lot of different advertisements in the streets. I think that "Advertising" is a very interesting topic, because in the XXI century every minute of our life is connected with advertising.

Pupils write on the posters about advertisement

There is a journalist from Khabar. And she has

some questions to you.

Find the definitions:

1. A short informative film a weather forecast

describing some product.

2. A films about people's family an advertisement

especially love and friendship.

3. A TV program where people a talk show

discuss a problem.

4New information about sports sports news

in a short TV program.

5. A program about weather. a music program

6. A program which gives us a soap opera

information about the modern

trends of songs and singers lets us listen to it.

1.Advantage and disadvantage of Mass meadia

2.To do an advertisement

Musical training

1. Home work: to do an advertisement

2. Giving marks

The lesson is over. Good bye children. Thank you for the lesson.

Pupils take pictures, concerning to the theme and find the group.

Pupils listen and repeat after the teacher

Write down the words in their vocabulary notebooks

Pupil ask questions

Pupils read the text and new words and write it in their copybooks

They do posters

Pupils answer the questions of the journalist

The pupils write the advantages and disadvantages

Pupils do an advertisement

Pupils repeat

Есеп жазу

The word "advertising" comes from the French word "reclame".

It is impossible to imagine our television, newspapers, radio, Internet and even streets without advertisements. Nowadays advertising plays an important role in modern life and in the life of every person. We can't imagine our life without advertising because every day we hear or see advertising, we try to find information we need in hundreds of advertisements. Even when we go for a walk or just shopping we see a lot of different advertisements in the streets. I think that "Advertising" is a very interesting topic, because in the XXI century every minute of our life is connected with advertising.

The basic underlying advertising idea is the idea of human needs. Need is the feeling of shortage of something experienced by the person. If the need is not satisfied, the person feels like destitute and unfortunate. Unsatisfied person will do one of the following things: either will be engaged in search of the object, capable to satisfy his or her need, or will try to muffle it.

The second initial idea of advertising is the idea of human requirements. Requirement is the need which has accepted the specific form according to a cultural level and the personal features of the individual. Requirements of people are practically boundless,but resources for their satisfaction are limited. So the person will choose those goods which will give him or her the greatest satisfaction within the framework of his or her financial opportunities.

The inquiry is the requirement supported by purchasing capacity. So, for example, in Europe automobile " Volkswagen " personifies an elementary automobile, a low purchase price, and "Cadillac" - high comfort, luxury and prestige. Russian people choose "Zhiguli" as they have no opportunity to buy such expensive cars and "Zhiguli" gives them the greatest satisfaction for money available for them.

And, at last, human needs and requirements and inquiries suggest about the existence of the goods for their satisfaction. The goods are everything, that can satisfy requirements or needs and they are offered to the market with the purpose of gaining the attention of the consumers, purchasing, using or consuming.


  • Формирование навыков говорения с использованием новых лексических единиц.

  • Развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся.

  • Способствовать развитию умения действовать в сотрудничестве.

Задачи: Создание условий для обогащения словарного запаса и развития умения высказывать свою точку зрения по теме.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная презентация (см. приложение 3), магнитофон, компьютер, наглядные пособия, раздаточный материал.

Тип урока: Изучение и первичное закрепление материала.

На доске - тема урока: "Is advertisement good or bad for people?"

advertisement реклама

I think……At my opinion……

На доске плакат, изображающий окно, заклеенное рекламой из газет и журналов, сбоку прикреплена штора.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

T: "Hello! My name is Vladislava Georgievna .I'm your English teacher for today's lesson. So, try to work hard and don't worry. Are you ready?"

CL: "Yes".

2. Введение в тему урока. Постановка задач

Учитель беседует с учащимися по рекламным картинкам, вводит слово "реклама".

T: "Look at the screen .What will we speak about?

P1: "I think it's advertisement"

P2: "I'm sure we'll speak about commercial"

T: You are right. The word "реклама" we can translate in different ways:



T: "Please, repeat after me"


T: "Where can you find advertisement?"

P1: "In newspapers and magazines"

P2: "On TV"

P3: "On radio"

P4: "In the Internet"

(На экране - схема.)

T: "You can also find outdoor advertising and ads in magazines.

- Do you like advertisement?"

P1: "Yes"

P2: "No"

T: "Some people don't like advertisement, others like it very much. Why?"

P1: "The ad is good "

P2: "The ad is bad"

T: "What will be the theme of our lesson?

P1: "Is the ad good?"

T: "So, the theme of our lesson will be "What are good and points of advertisement?"

T: "You'll work in groups. The group number 1 will be managers. Please, choose the leader; he will be the top manager. The group number2 will be critics. Please, choose the leader, too. Leaders will organize the work of the groups. Managers will find good points of advertisement and critics will find bad points.

3. Введение и первичная отработка новых слов

T: "Each group will prove it's point of view. You'll explain why you think so and give reasons. What do you need to do it? (P1 - to learn new words…)

You are right, you have to learn new words and phrases and I offer you to make a project, an advertising of different opinions.

Look at the screen. ( На экране новые слова с переводом )

An advertising (good, TV)

A customer (an average, clever)

To interrupt (a lesson, a programme)

To convince (a pupil, a son)

To argue (with friends)

An influence (bad, harmful)

1. Введение новых слов.

T-CL, потом перевод с известными словами перевод с русского на английский.T- P1P2P3

T: "Please, translate into English"

2) Групповое аудирование.

Учитель читает словосочетания с новыми словами, а ученики всей группой должны на слух записать как можно больше новых слов. Чем больше группа запишет слов, тем лучший проект они составят.

T: "I'll read you some words, you'll try to write them in the way you need in your project. After work, you'll read the phrases:

a misleading advertisement
a good advertisement
an annoying advertisement
to put pressure on customer
a customer culture
a happy customer
to interrupt a film
to interrupt an interesting programme
to convince customers
to convince people to buy
a harmful influence
to influence on the news
harmful products
harmful pressure
some critics argue
to argue about good and bad points

T: "Please, read your word combinations. Managers, begin, please".

3) Задание по группам. Работа по карточкам. (см. ) Нужно вставить новые слова в предложения.

T: "Please, take green pieces of paper. Each group has the same exercise now. You'll fill the necessary words in the sentences bellow and then read them. You have 1 minute.

4) Работа по группам.

Группа за 2 минуты должна выбрать как можно больше фраз, содержащих новые слова из предложенных на разноцветных карточках (см. )

T: "You have many sentences on your tables. Take the multicolor cards. Please, choose the necessary phrases for your project. You have 2 minutes.

4. Работа над мини-проектами по теме

T: "Now, make your projects, please. One group will write good points of advert, other one- disadvantages. Use all the things on your tables, draw, stick cards, write if you want. You have only 5 minutes, then, you'll say your opinion. Try to work together.

5. Защита проектов

Группа выступает с защитой проекта.

T: Listen carefully and find one main reason that will convince you to change your point of view.

GR.1 (P1, P2, P3), GR.2(P1, P2, P3)

6. Обсуждение проектов

T: "What reason convinced you? Have you changed your point of view? (P1, P2) I like ad, it is funny, full of humor and helps me to buy good products. And you? Please, use these words. (На экране вежливые фразы.)

P1, P2, P3

T: "Ad helps us to improve our taste and choose good products, but sometimes it is annoying and silly. So, you haven't to take it too seriously and to buy things you don't need.

7. Рефлексия

1) Интеллектуальная рефлексия (осознали ли ученики свое отношение к рекламе)

Ученики получают листочки-стикеры, которые должны наклеить на висящее на доске окно, если они за рекламу и на оконную штору, если нет.

T: "Advertisement enters our life. Where are you in our world, full of ads? If you are for advertisement, please, stick your card on the window, if not on the curtain)

2) Кооперативная рефлексия (оценка продуктивности своей работы в команде.)

Возьмите квадратный листочек бумаги и закрасьте его настолько, насколько хорошо вы работали в команде.

T: "Let's check how well did you work in your group? Take a pink card and point so much, that you worked in the group.

8. Конец урока. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание

T: "You worked hard at the lesson, thank you. Managers were good at listening and critics made the best project. Your home task is to find an advertisement you like or don't like and describe it. He lesson is over, good bye!"


(английский язык) в 9 классе

Тема: An Advertisement: Pros and Cons

Цель: развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи


  1. Развивать лексические навыки, речевые умения (монологическая и диалогическая речь), навыки аудирования, чтения с извлечением информации.

  2. Создавать благоприятный психологический климат, способствующий формированию личности учащегося.

  3. Развивать умение работать в группе.

Учебные пособия: аудиокассета, рекламные объявления из журналов, карточки с заданиями, на доске высказывания:

"The customer is always right" H. Gordon Selfridge, department store owner

"The best advertisement is a good product" Alan H. Meyer, American advertising executive

"Advertisement is the mover of the trade" folk wisdom

"Advertising is the tool of the seller, that help him to affect you and make buy his goods", "Any advertisement won't help to sell the thing that is impossible to sell" (from the Parkinson's laws)

  1. Оргмомент. Прослушивание песни "Money, money, money" (ABBA)

  2. Вступительная беседа и слово учителя, объяснение задач урока:

- This is the well-known song, isn't it? Do you know it? What is this song about? (The girl sings she needs money to pay the bills) What are other reasons and aims to earn money? (Учащиеся высказывают предположения:

- to live;

-to buy different things;

- to educate;

- to travel…)

- Among the reasons and aims you called "to buy different things". Do you buy something new that has been advertised or if a friend recommends it? (Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение)

(Звучат звуки из знакомых рекламных роликов) Do you recognize these tunes? - You are right. This is advertisement. Look at the blackboard. You can see some quotes. Read them and think of what they are about and what the subject of our lesson is. (Учащиеся читают высказывания вслух и предполагают, что они о рекламе и тема урока - реклама)

- Well, you are right. Today we'll discuss the problems of advertisement, its advantages and disadvantages. Is it annoying factor for you or, may be, you like it very much? You'll have an opportunity to use your lexical and grammatical knowledge in new situation. I hope our lesson will help you to improve your English and to learn it in future. I'm far from the idea that all of you will become businessmen, but you learn Economy. I believe the knowledge of advertising vocabulary will be of some use in your future occupation and everyday life.

Our lesson is unusual. It is the business game. (Объяснение правил)

We'll divide ourselves into three groups. The first group will protect ads. The participants of the second group are their opponents; their task is to give bad points of advertising. The third group's members are experts; their purpose is to give their opinion about groups' working and sum up the business game. You must make up the tasks for definite time. Good luck!

  1. Выполнение заданий по карточкам.

1 задание: "The stories about advertisement". Монологическое высказывание.

Расскажите о своей а) любимой рекламе (1 группа)

б) рекламе, вызывающей раздражение (2 группа)

Вопросы к заданию:

  • What is your favorite (annoying) advertisement at the moment?

  • Is it on TV or the radio?

  • What's the advert for?

  • What's the story?

  • Why do you like (dislike) it?

2 задание: "I know new words". Активизация изученной лексики.

Разделите данные слова на две категории:

1 группа - преимущества рекламы;

2 группа - недостатки.

Список слов

Give true information; do not talk about the products' defects; make you buy one thing instead of another; (are) misleading; show life unrealistically; put pressure on consumers; famous people endorse products; teach you how to get the best value for your money; (are) truthful; help you choose best products; help to improve your taste; (are) impossible to check; people seem to be happy consumers; (are) creative/ informative/ silly/ annoying/ clever/ funny; full of humour/ fantasy; convince people to buy things they do not need; present an honest; realistic image of a product

3 задание: "I can listen and hear". Аудирование

Прослушайте две рекламы на радио и выполните задание:

  1. Ответьте на вопрос:

- Which advert…

…is selling soup powder?

…is threatening punishment?

  1. Назовите:

1 группа - положительные стороны;

2 группа - отрицательные стороны данной рекламы.

Before listening you must know one interesting fact. In order to watch TV in Britain, people need to buy an annual license. It costs about ₤80.

4 задание: "I can read". Чтение

Просмотрите данные рекламные объявления в журнале, прочитайте информацию о них.

  1. Подумайте, какие из данных приспособлений реально существуют, а каких не существует в природе?

  2. Заполните таблицу прочитанной информацией о приборах:

What is it called?

What can you used it for?

Where can you use it?

What is it made of?

What are its advantages?

How much does it cost?

Where can you get it?

3. Ссылаясь на прослушанные и прочитанные рекламные объявления, укажите главные принципы, на которых строится реклама.


Let's have a rest. Relax, please. You should stand up. Move your fingers, arms, toes, legs. Stretch yourselves. Yawn if you want. Move your head, shoulders. Sit down, please.

5 задание: Projects "My advertisement". Проверка домашнего задания. Диалогическая речь.

Учащиеся по группам должны придумать рекламу:

1 группа - реально существующего полезного приспособления;

2 группа - несуществующего и бесполезного приспособления.

Каждая группа должна с помощью рекламы продать свое приспособление оппонентам. Участники второй группы задают вопросы, чтобы выяснить, как оно работает, с какой целью используется, какова его стоимость и т.д.

6 задание: "I can use my knowledge". Письмо. Посмотреть на приспособление и написать:

1 группа - рекламу;

2 группа - антирекламу.

7 задание: "The captains competition"

Капитаны команд в заключительном слове:

1) защищает (1 команда);

2) осуждает (2 команда) рекламу.

IV. Подведение итогов работы групп экспертами.

Группа экспертов дает заключение о том, какая группа была активнее и убедительнее, подводит итог работы, суммирует результаты.

V. Подведение итогов урока учителем.

Dear students! I'd like to thank you for your work. You were really great! May be, we haven't answered the main question of our lesson: advertisement - is it good or bad? But I think advertising is a part of our life. We must admit the fact that sometimes ads help us to choose something. Because of advertisement we have free television. I hope you have learnt much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future.

Now I want you to draw up your feelings and impression. What do you think of our lesson? (учащиеся с помощью символических значков рисуют «впечатления» об уроке)

VI. Домашнее задание:

Придумать рекламу на школьную тематику (школьная форма, школьные предметы (даже несуществующие), элективные курсы и т.д.).


Чтобы скачать данный файл, порекомендуйте его своим друзьям в любой соц. сети.

После этого кнопка ЗАГРУЗКИ станет активной!

Кнопки рекомендации:

загрузить материал