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  • План-конспект урока на тему: «The English year» (3 класс)

План-конспект урока на тему: «The English year» (3 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

Lesson 83

Тема: «The English year»

Цели и задачи урока:

  • Развитие навыков монологической речи (Spring Holidays).

  • Обучение грамматике: употребление неопределенных местоиме

    ний something, anything, nothing в утверждениях, отрицаниях, вопросах

  • Контроль орфографических навыков.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент и приветствие

- Good morning, pupils! I'm glad to see you. (Good morning,

teacher! We are glad to see you too.)

II. Объявление цели урока

- Today we'll listen to your stories about holidays that people in

Great Britain celebrate in spring. We shall learn to use the words

"something", "anything", "nothing" correctly. We'll write a dictation

to check up how you've learnt the words on the topic"Months".

III. Речевая разминка

Ex. 4, p. 113.

IV. Лексический диктант

- Before the dictation let's write a little bit. Look at the blackboard.

You see the words with missing letters. Can you put the missing

letters into the words?

1. Nov_mber

  1. D_cember

  2. Jan __ ry

  3. F_br_ry

  4. Ma__h

  5. Apr_l

  6. Ma_

  7. J_n_

  8. JuL

Now pupils, let's make up the sentences with these words. Let's start with the word November. (November is the third autumn month in Russia. It is cold in November, u m. д.)

OK. I see that you know the words and you can use them in your sentences. Are you ready for our dictation?

V. Диктант

Translate from Russian into English.

  1. В Великобритании ноябрь, декабрь, январь и февраль- это зимние месяцы.

  2. В январе часто идёт снег.

  3. 25 декабря люди празднуют Рождество.

  4. Март - это первый весенний месяц.

  5. В июне 30 дней.

  6. Апрель следует за мартом.

  7. В мае тепло?

  8. В июле теплее, чем в июне?

  9. Весной листья и трава зелёные, потому что тепло.

  10. Есть ли на столе конфеты? Да, на столе есть немного конфет, но нет чая в стакане.

VI. Физкультминутка

VII. Развитие речи по теме: "Spring Holidays"

Ex. 11. p. 111.

  1. We have already heard your stories about winter holidays. Today

    we'll listen to your stories about spring holidays. Before you speak

    let's make up a story about spring. Ex. 11 helps us to describe

    spring. At first read the story about winter and then change the

    words to describe spring.

  1. Now answer my questions, try not to look into your books.

  1. What spring months are there in Russia? (in Great Britain)

  2. When do people in Ireland celebrate their national holiday?

    What is it?

  3. What do people wear on this day and why?

. 4) How do people congratulate each other on St.Patrick's Day?

  1. How do people celebrate Mother's Day?.

  2. Do you usually give a present to your mother on this day? What

    presents do you usually give to your mother?

  1. So, let's listen to your story about holidays that people in Britain

    celebrate in March.

  1. Now look at the blackboard. Here are the questions to the second part of your story. Let's answer them, then you will speak about Easter and April Fool's Day.

  1. How many days are there in April?

  2. When do English people celebrate Easter?

  3. What is Easter for people? Why do people celebrate it?

  4. What do children get on Easter Sunday?

  5. Where can people buy chocolate Easter Eggs or rabbits?

  6. When do pupils have Easter holidays?

  7. When do people celebrate a day for fun - April Fool's Day?

  8. What do children usually do on this day?

  9. Can you give an example of a joke?

  10. Do you like April Fool's Day? Do you celebrate it at school? How do you do it?

5. Let's listen to your story. One pupil will begin the story, then I will

ask another pupil to continue. So be attentive, be ready to ask addi

tional questions.

VIII. Введение нового грамматического материала.

- Now, pupil, look at my bag. Try to understand the words some

thing, anything, nothing in my story.

Ha доске:

something, anything, nothing.

- I. found the bag some minutes ago. My bag is very big. There is

something in it. But what is it? I ask: "7s there anything in the

bag?' Nobody answers me, so let's open the bag? Oh, there is not

anything in the bag. There is nothing in the bag. It was just a

joke. Let's translate the words "something", "anything", "nothing".

The table on p. 112 will help us.

Ex.l,p. 112.

  • Now let's train to use these words in your speech.

    Ex. 2, p. 113.

  • Ex. 2 we'll do in written form.

IX. Итоги урока

X. Домашнее задание

Ex. 6, p.114 to read

Ex. 2, p.113 to write


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