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  • Конспект урока по теме 'Экскурсия по Лондону' (5 класс)

Конспект урока по теме 'Экскурсия по Лондону' (5 класс)

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Краткое описание: Конспект урока к учебнику "Английский язык нового тысячелетия" 5 класс, параграф 8, урок 2. Урок спланирован в соответствии с новыми федеральными образовательными стандартами. Урок получения новых знаний. В уроке применяется нестандартный подход к работе с текстом - в дви
предварительный просмотр материала

Class: 5 (fourth year of studying the language). Lesson - 40 minutes.

The aim: By the end of the lesson, the students will have practiced exchanging opinion about the sights of London in the form of a dialog. (communicative competence )


  1. To practice reading for specific information

  2. To practice listening for language development

  3. To practice reading for language development

  4. To practice reading for full understanding

  5. To practice speaking in the form of a dialog

  6. To practice speaking - giving personal opinion

  7. To develop skills of self-evaluating

  8. To develops skills of group work

  9. To practice using new lexis in different true to life situations

Type of the lesson: The lesson of getting new knowledge

Necessary equipment: Interactive whiteboard, a PC, audio to the textbook, textbooks, Power Point presentation with the sights of London and their names, a video about the sights of London.

Map of the lesson. According to New Federal Standards.

What a teacher does on the lesson

What students do on the lesson

Universal learning skills


  1. The beginning of the lesson (3min)

The teacher greets the students and elicits information they already know about London.

The teacher asks the students to get information from each other about London in the form of a dialog.

The students answer the teacher's questions.

Then they ask each other questions "Have you been to London? Would you like to visit London?"


asking questions,

ability to express thoughts in accordance with the objectives and conditions of communication

Cognitive: construction of verbal expression in speech.

"Hello, boys and girls, how are you doing? Have you ever been to London? Would you like to visit it? Do you know anything about this city? Ask each other questions about London."

2. Setting the aim and goals of the lesson, motivating the students. (3min)

The teacher says what the students are going to learn on the lesson and asks their opinion on the goals they need to achieve and with the help of what learning strategies.

The students answer the teacher's questions. Possible answers: "I think we need to learn the names of the sights of London, to revise how to ask questions, to listen to samples of dialogs, to know new English words, to be attentive and active on the lesson… etc.


purpose forming -establishing links between students' targeted training activities and their motivation;


Planning, forecasting, assessment - selection and awareness of what have been learnt and what has to be done, evaluating the quality and level of knowledge; self-regulation.

"Well, boys and girls, today we are going to see the sights of London and choose what sight you would like to visit. How do you think, what is necessary for you to revise and learn to be able to achieve our goal?"

3. Warm-up(7 min)

The teacher asks students to work in groups and make mind-maps.

Eliciting information.

Then the teacher scans the ready mind-maps and puts them on the screen of Interactive whiteboard so that the students could see each other's works and analyze them.

The students work in groups making mind-maps on lists of paper. Possible answers: "A tower, a bridge, a memorial, a monument, a house, a theater, a palace, a river, etc."


structuring of knowledge; construction of verbal expression in speech and writing;



determination of cause-effect relationships

"What is "a sight"? What can be "sights"?

"Work in groups and write on the lists of paper all the words that can denote sights. Do that in English, and if you don't know the English word you may write it in Russian"

After a while: "OK, let's see what you have done. Have you met any words that we need to look up in the dictionary? Write them down into your vocabularies."

4. Getting new knowledge. (7 min)

  1. The teacher acquaints the learners with the sights of London and shows how to pronounce the proper names correctly.

  2. Then he/she asks the students to read the small texts about the sights and answer the questions.

There are envelopes with the questions to the texts on the walls of the classroom.

The students look at the Presentation and pronounce the names of the sights in chorus after the teacher.

Then they work individually, reading the texts about the sights and putting them into correct envelopes. They need to match the text about the sight with the question on the envelope. (Find answers in the texts)


search and selection of necessary information;

semantic reading;

"Look at the whiteboard, here you can see the sights of London, let's say the names correctly."

"Now you can see multi -coloured envelopes on the walls of our classrooms. There is one question on each envelope. Read the texts that you see on your desks, printed on several sheets of paper, walk around the classroom, find the necessary envelope and put the text, which has the answer to the question on the envelope into it. Don't forget to write your name on the back of each stripe of paper with the text.

5. Checking of understanding new information (5 min)

The teacher asks the students to work in groups and stick the names of the sights on the same envelopes on the walls.

The students open the textbooks, read the same texts once again, discuss them in groups, check if they have done the previous task correctly and stick the names of the sights, printed in large letters on stripes of paper to the same envelopes on the walls.






ability to express thoughts in accordance with the objectives and conditions of communication,


search and selection of necessary information; semantic reading

"Work in groups, read the texts in the textbooks, see about what sights they are written, look at the sights once again and after that, match our envelopes with the names of the sights. You have the stripes of paper on your desks."

6. Fixing of new knowledge (10 min)

  1. Information gap exercise.

The teacher divides the class into two big groups and asks the first group of students to watch a movie about the sights of London. He/she tells the second group of students to turn away from the screen.

Then he/she tells the second group of learners to find out what sights of London the students of the first group have seen and what they liked about them.

  1. The teacher asks the students to listen to the conversation of two girls who choose the place for their visit in London.

  2. The teacher asks the students to imagine that they are going to London as tourists and choose the place they would like to see.

  1. The first group of students watches the movie; the second group sits with their backs to the screen.

Then the students work in pairs eliciting/giving the necessary information.

Possible questions/answers: "Have you seen the Tower? Yes, it's very big and old."

2. The students listen to the dialog and read it in their textbooks.

3. The students work in pairs choosing the sights they would like to see in London.

Cognitive: construction of verbal expression in speech; semantic reading


asking questions,

ability to express thoughts in accordance with the objectives and conditions of communication.



1."You are going to watch a short three minute movie about the sights of London, half of you will watch, the other half will turn away from the screen. (after the end of the movie) Now work in pairs and try to guess what sights the first group has seen. Also ask what they liked about the sights they have seen."

2. "Listen to the girls choosing the place they will visit in London, follow the dialog in your textbooks."

3. "Imagine that you are going to London on a trip. You have to choose the sights you are going to visit. Agree/disagree with each other, giving the reasons. Use the previous dialog as a sample."

7. Home task and instructions how to do it. (2 min)

The teacher explains the home task to the students.

The students make notes about the home task.



"At home I'd like you to write down where you agreed to go and what sights you agreed to see and why. You can see the sample on page 98 in your textbooks."

8. Reflection on the results of the lesson. (5 min)

The teacher asks the students if they achieved the goal of the lesson and about their opinions of the lesson.

The students go to the interactive whiteboard and put the capsules of the London Eye on its wheel according to their opinion on the job they have done on the lesson.

The possible comments: I have put my capsule to the top of the wheel because I think that I have done the great job on the lesson. I was active and attentive; my classmate and I chose the place we are going to visit in London/ I have put my capsule in the middle of the wheel because I need more time to learn the new words from the lesson, I didn't understand everything from the texts about the sights of London."

Logic: Analyses;

Understanding of connection of Reasons with outcome

There is a picture of the London Eye on the whiteboard, and the student's faces in the capsules from the wheel. "What do you think of our lesson today? Did you like your job on the lesson? Do you think you have achieved the goal of the lesson? Were you active? Were you attentive? Come to the whiteboard in turns, put your capsule to the top, middle or bottom of the wheel and say the reason of your choice. How do you think, what could be done to achieve better results?"


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