- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Семейные ценности
Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Семейные ценности
Учитель: Тараторкина Ю.А.
Тип урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков и формирования речевых умений.
Тема урока: «Family Relations»
Цели урока:
Дидактическая: активизировать употребление лексики по теме урока, совершенствовать навыки устной речи.
Развивающая: формировать умение находить необходимую информацию в предъявленном тексте, умение высказывать своё мнение по обсуждаемым вопросам.
Воспитывающая: повысить интерес к этическим ценностям, способствовать становлению чувства ответственности за близких и родных.
Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, презентация учителя, раздаточный материал.
«Family Relations»
Lesson stage
Teacher's activity
Student's activity
Beginning of the lesson
- Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?
- Well, we are all fine, so we can work hard.
S1. Fine, thanks.
S2. I'm fine, thanks.
Presentation of the theme
Look at the screen and read the thought by Joyce Brothers "When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses".
What are we going to speak about? You are right.
Students formulate the topic of the lesson and give their opinions.
Warming up
Teacher asks the following questions:
Is your family important to you?
Do you live in full family or single parent one?
Are you an only child in the family?
Do you have siblings?
Do you get on well or badly with your relatives?
Do your parents support you when you have problems?
Do you regard your parents?
Students answer the questions.
(Slide 2)
Listen to some speakers and fill in the table.
- Look at the screen and compare your answers.
Students listen to the teenagers' stories and work with cards.
(Supplement 1) (Slide 3)
Students check their works.
(Slide 4)
Free practice
You have listened to some teenagers' stories about different families. What do you think about relations in such families? Look at the cards and give your opinion using the table.
Students give their opinions.
(Supplement 2)
Group work
Read the text about a modern family. Discuss in groups the questions below the text and formulate your answers.
Students exchange of opinions.
(Supplements 3)
(Slide 5)
The end of the lesson
Today we have spoken much about families. So, your home task is to write a composition "An Ideal Family As I See It.
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.
A Modern Family
Family is very important in our life. Families give us a sense of belonging and a sense of tradition, families give us strength and purpose. The things we need most deeply in our lives - love, communication, respect and good relations - have their beginnings in the family.
Many single adult men and women today are waiting longer to get married. Some men and women marry and start their family life later because they want to graduate from a university or college, others want to become more established in their chosen profession.
Couples are also waiting longer before they have children. Today an average household contains only two or three people. In many families both parents work outside the home. Most families include members of just two generations: parents and their children. Nowadays people very often talk about a "generation gap'.
But there are a lot of stable and happy families. They spend a lot of time together. When problems arise, such families work together to solve them. Men and women work hard to make their families successful.
What is more important for young people to have a good career or to start family life?
How do husbands and wives share their domestic (household) chores?
What makes families stable and happy?